
Drawing Location is an intensive drawing course in HDK Steneby in Dalsland, Sweden.

PLACES AVAILABLE: 4 students from CIRRUS Schools except Aalto University, Oslo National Academy of the Arts or University of Gothenburg. Those three schools have their own internal application process.

Who can apply?

Students from other disciplines than fine arts or visual communication (graphic design/illustration) – this course is aimed for those students, who don’t specialize in drawing.

How to apply?

Send a motivation letter and 5 drawings to Kaisaleena Halinen by 15th of March., The selection is made in two weeks’ time and all students will get a notification by 1st of April.

Travel and accommodation will be paid for the students accepted.
More information about CIRRUS course_Drawing Location here.


CIRRUS intensive course Traditions and Innovation II in Tallinn

CIRRUS intensive course
“Traditions and Innovations II”

#Sustainable use of rawhide
#Parchment making
#Looking for
possibilities to use it in design

CIRRUS seats: 6
Tallinn, Estonia
May 2 – 8, 2016 (arrival May 1, departure May 8)

The Faculty of Design of EAA, Product Design + Leather Art departments in Estonian Academy of Arts are  hosting joint Cirrus workshop on sustainable use of rawhide and working with parchment. The workshop introduces parchment, the material that was widely used in medieval times and has high potential to be re-discovered and re-evaluated in the context of modern design.

During this hands-on workshop we will create material from rawhide and work with it, in order to understand better its different qualities and possibilities to use today.

The workshop consists of joint lectures and visits as well as of group work with final presentations. All participants can also put hands on parchment making process.  The course participants will be devided into groups:

–      parchment and light
–      parchment and sound
–      parchment and innovation

6 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools in addition to organizing schools’ 12 students.

Joint accommodation for students is organized in a hostel (shared rooms).
Travel grant in Nordplus amount 330 EUR is provided.

Level: BA and MA students
The teachers of the workshop are:

Prof. Lennart Mänd, Estonian Academy of Arts
Prof. Aivar Habakukk, Estonian Academy of Arts
Ass. Prof. Gardar Eyjolfsson, Iceland Academy of the Arts
Lector Valgerdur Tinna Gunnarsdóttir, Iceland Academy of the Arts
University Teacher Pertti Aula, University of Lapland

Application process:  fill application due March 14, 2016 (NB! this call is not open to EAA’s, Lapland University and LHI’s students)
Decisions on selection are announced by April 1, 2016

CIRRUS express: Garage48 Hardware & Arts 2016, apply due January 7, 2016

CIRRUS express Garage 48 Hardware & Arts 2016
Organiser: Estonian Academy of Arts (the course will take place in Tartu)
Seats: 2
Deadline: January 7, 2016
Apply here
There is a registration fee 25 EUR to every student taking part in this event (not only CIRRUS students) that must be covered by the CIRRUS students as well.
Two seats have been reserved for CIRRUS students exclusively, so you don’t need to register at the web site of the event now, but after you have been granted a scholarship through CIRRUS.
Everyone, who wants to join the event anyway (with or without grant) is welcome to register already now here.
Grant available: 70 EUR for living costs + 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR)

Garage48 Hardware & Arts is a one of a kind hackathon bringing together the creative communities of electronics, mechatronics, software engineers, artists, product designers and marketeers at University of Tartu, Institute of Physics on February 5-7, 2016. This will be a truly amazing hackathon, where we expect people to work on crazy ideas with the aim to have fun while developing something cool and REAL – something you can hold in your hands. No matter what skills you possess – everybody who wants to build something is welcome! We want to engage people from different levels of experience: from students to experienced electronics engineers and start-up entrepreneurs.

Hardware products require more than just a laptop; this time we are putting together a massive stuff of tech to do hardware prototyping. When you register please describe your idea as specific as possible so we can get most of materials/technologies on the venue.

All available equipment and materials during the hackathon are listed in our blog


We will arrange buses leaving from Friday en route Tallinn-Tartu and back on Sunday evening straight after the event. The rest of the trip should be organised by the student him/herself.

CIRRUS meeting University of Lapland: February 24 – 26, 2016 rectors, coordinators, teachers

CIRRUS meeting University of Lapland: February 24 – 26, 2016 rectors, coordinators, teachers

scroll down for teachers meeting programme and accommodation information
CIRRUS_programme_printer-friendly version

Tuesday, 23.02.2016
19.00 Informal get-together for those who arrive in the evening, meeting point Cityhotel lobby, Pekankatu 9

Wednesday, 24.02.2016
10.30 – 13.00 Board meeting
10.00 – 12.00 Sightseeing programme
Visit to the Arctic Centre and Arktikum
Pohjoisranta 4 and

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch at the University of Lapland, Restaurant Petronella
13.00 – 13.30 Welcoming words by Rector Mauri Ylä-Kotola. Castren Hall LS11

13.30 – 15.00 Tour in the faculty / visiting labs, workshops and the degree programs
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00 Joint session. Final thesis presentations: example from 3 different institutions & discussion. Chair Marjatta Heikkilä-Rastas
17.00 Transfer from university to hotels
18.00 Transfer from Cityhotel to the Arctic Circle
Dinner in Santamus
21.30 Transfer back to hotels

Thursday, 25.02.2016
8.45 Transfer from Cityhotel to university
Separate meetings:
9.00 – 11.30 Rectors’ / Deans’ meeting
introductory round, updates, election of board
Castren LS11
9.15 – 11.30 Coordinators meeting
11.30 – 12.00 Joint network meeting: board election
1) Cirrus Manual
Last time there was a suggestion to create a manual for Cirrus network
activities. In which form and how to design it, so it would be useful for
different target groups?
2) How to run a career service office – Anette from Kolding will give info about their services
3) Student reports (Stina-Lena Hellgren)
How do we use them, do we require reports, where do we publish them?
4) Selection of incoming students (Stina-Lena Hellgren)
Is it just politics? Do we select the best student even if he/she comes from a university that is not that attractive to our students?

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch at the University of Lapland, Restaurant Petronella
13.00 – 14.45 Joint session Design in Context (Lone Dalsgaard André)
14.45 – 15.15 Coffee break
15.15 – 17.00 Separate workshops:
b. Coordinators workshop (Virpi, Maria, Anette)
17.00 – 17.30 Conclusions
17.30 Transfer from university to Cityhotel
18.30 Departure to Arctic Snow Hotel, Lehtojärvi, Rovaniemi
19.00 – … Arctic Design Week: Arctic Speed Design Pitching, networking and dinner
Warm clothing required!
21.30 / 22.30 Bus transfers back to city center

Friday, 26.02.2016
9.00 – 11.00 Board meeting in the hotel
10.30 Transfer from Cityhotel to university
11.00 -12.00 Joint session on quality / Prof. Jaana Erkkilä F2060
12.00 – 13.00 Farewell & lunch in the Restaurant Petronella
13.00 Transfer from university to Cityhotel
Optional program starts
14.00 – 16.00 Snowmobile safari 2 hours
Price: 99€ “The best way to get to the heart of nature – and back. During this fun safari, you’ll learn how to snowmobile along frozen rivers and through forests covered with snow. Enjoy the beautiful views of the river valley from the hilltops. A break with hot beverages will keep your motor running. Two persons on one snowmobile. “
18.00 – 20.30 Fine dine design dinner with chef Tero Mäntykangas in Korundi, Rovaniemi Art Museum in the STILL/LIFE Tapio Wirkkala exhibition (Wirkkala’s 100th anniversary). See and
Lapinkävijäntie 4
Dinner with wine program 124€
Dinner with juice(s) 104€

Saturday, 27.09
18.00 Arctic Design Week Fashion show at the University of Lapland, F-Wing Agora.
Cirrus participants are invited guests to the show.


The teachers’s program at CIRRUS Rovaniemi meeting provides an overview to different aspects of current trends of design education and Arctic Design. The program is a versatile mix of practicum, demonstration and seminar type content and introduces several design prototyping techniques in hands-on workshops.
Wednesday, 24.02.2016

Same program with rectors/deans and coordinators

Thursday, 25.02.2016
9.00 – 11.30 ADW session on User experience
11.30 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 17.00 Rapid prototyping workshop
Evening program same with rectors/deans and coordinators

Friday, 26.02.2016
9.00 – 11.00 Rapid prototyping continues
11.00 -12.00 Joint session on quality / Prof. Jaana Erkkilä
12.00 – 13.00 Farewell & lunch

Optional program
Snowmobile tour and dinner

Participation fee to meeting 150€
Optional program, snowmobile 99€
Fine Dine Arctic Design Dinner
Dinner with wine program 124€
Dinner with juice(s) 104€

Please pay the fee to the following account
Bank: Pohjolan Osuuspankki
Receiver: University of Lapland
ACCOUNT: FI90 5640 0220 2453 23

Please book your room directly from the hotel with code CIRRUS latest by 10th January, 2016. Hotels in Rovaniemi are fully booked for the next 3 months.

Cityhotel (***)
www.cityhotel.fi105 €/1 person Comfort room/night/netto
125 €/2 person Comfort room/night/netto
118 €/1 person Lux room/ night /netto
138 €/2 person Lux room/night/netto

Tel +358 (0)16 33 00 111
Fax: +385 (0)16 311 304
Reservations to Code: Cirrus
tel + (358) 40 1807 608

Arctic Light Hotel **** (5 rooms only)
179€ /night/ single room
202€/night/ double room

Valtakatu 18, 96200 Rovaniemi
Arctic Circle – Finland
Phone +358 20 1710 100

How to get here and what to do in Rovaniemi

Front page

CIRRUS BOARD: Jeff Kaller (HDK), University of Lapland: (Marjatta Heikkilä Rästas, Jonna Häkkila, Virpi Nurmela), CIRRUS secretariat

New! CIRRUS express course DIGITAL WEAVING in Bergen

When:  18 January-26 February (weeks 3-8).
Teaching staff: Jon Pettersen and Signe Halle
Where: KHIB

Aim: To introduce methods in weaving with a range of tools on different technological levels, and to challenge the students to find new approaches to construction and building of 2D and 3D art objects and design.


  • Introduction to the art of weaving for different application and context
  • Theory for weaving constructions by using one or more thread systems in warp and weft
  • Experiments by using mechanical and digital looms (TC-1, TC-2 and the old jacquard loom with a new digital system)
  • Methods for developing motives and patterns by using Photoshop in combination with Nedgraphics software
  • Preparing files for hand weaving and/or industrial production

One day seminar:

As part of the program there will be an open seminar on Friday 12 February. International and domestic artists, research fellows and teachers will give presentations.

Study trip:

As a final part of the project it will be possible to visit the factory Innvik Sellgren AS to experience the process of industrial weaving. The location is about 6 hours by bus north of Bergen and the participants must cover the expenses for travel and hotel. The weaving of students work at the factory will be subsidized, but not free.

Cirrus students: 2
CIRRUS scholarship: 330 travel (660 Iceland) + 420 EUR for living costs

Level: BA and MA
Credits: 9 ECTS

Please write a brief letter of motivation explaining why you wish to participate in the course and send it to
Application deadline: 30 November, 2015