CIRRUS network meeting. March 17, 18, 2021. Hosted online by EKA & CIRRUS board

It was a great meeting and it was good to see such high attendance!

March 17–18. (ALL TIMES IN CET)

Wednesday, March 17

13:00–14.45 GENERAL ASSEMBLY NO. 1
13:00–13:05  Welcome! – Rector Mart Kalm, EKA
13:05–13:15   Agenda & Practical info, intro of the board 
13:15–13:20  Hello, everyone! Breakout-room testing
13:20–13:40  Presentation of EKA – Kristjan Mändmaa, EKA

13:40–13:55 Break

13:55–14.35  Keynote “Uncertainty/Complexity”  Johan Redström, UID
14.35–14:45 Q&A/Discussions

14:45–15:00 Break

15:00–16:20 WORKSHOPS
15:00–16:00 Leadership workshop 1
15:00–16:00 Coordinators’ workshop 1
15:00–16:00 Teachers’ workshops 1:
15:00–16:00 New cooperations and joint projects – Maarja Mõtus & Nesli Hazal Akbulut, EKA
15:00–16:00 Preparing our students for life after graduation – Stella Runnel, EKA & Triin Amur, EKA
16:00–16:20 Sum-up of workshops with everyone together

16:20–17:00 Spatial Chat
17:00–18:00 Break

18:00–19:00 Online-concert by Puuluup
19:20–… Spatial Chat continues

Thursday, March 18

09:00–09:30 Welcome back everyone!
09:00–09:30 Energy session by OMAklubi
09:30–10:30 Leadership workshop 2
09:30–10:30 Coordinator’ workshop 2

09:30–10:30 Artistic vs Design Research? – Ruth-Helene Melioranski, EKA & Oliver Laas, EKA
09:30–10:30 New pedagogical formats – Kristiina Krabi-Klanberg, EKA

10:45–11:45 PARALLEL SESSIONS (for everyone)
10: 45-11: 45 The 17 Sustainable Development Goals in practice – Mathilde Aggebo, Anna Bascuñan Skaarup, Royal Danish Academy
10:45-11:45 Future of design education – Garðar Eyjólfsson, Iceland University of the Arts

11:45–11:50 Break

11.50–12:10 Sum-up of workshops
12:10–13:15 Lunch

13:15–14:30 GENERAL ASSEMBLY NO. 2
Network activities since last meeting
The budget and the finance situation
Applications to Nordplus 2021

New CIRRUS website
Mapping CIRRUS schools

Changes in CIRRUS board
Next CIRRUS meeting Latvian Academy of the Arts, March 23-25, 2022
14:25–14:30  Thank you and goodbye!

14:30–… Spatial Chat. For those who can’t leave…

Contacts throughout the meeting:
Tech support:
+372 5330 0015
General info:
+372 521 9187
Organiser: Sandra Mell

CIRRUS TALK vol 2. Online Admission

The second 2 hour conversation:
hosted by Design School Kolding  
Lone Dalsgaard André, Vice Rector and Head of Cirrus Board

Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 14.00 CET (15 EET / 13 GMT)
Check your local time here.

Many of us transformed our admission process for 2020 to include digital functions or to be conducted completely online.

During this Cirrus talk we will share our experiences with this new format and discuss questions such as:

  • How can we secure the well-being of the applicants during the online application process?
  • How can we support the applicants to do experiments on their own but with help?
  • How can we help the applicants to be the best version of them selves and do their best? 
  • How far can we take online admission process?

Lone Dalsgaard André will share the experiences from Kolding and we will have group discussions and work on some tasks.

Please sign up here due October 23.
Seats: 20
The talk will take place on Zoom.
Link will be sent to those who registered on October 26.

Further information: Sandra Mell
CIRRUS network coordinator


From Autumn 2020, CIRRUS launches a series of digital conversations, held once a month. The idea is to come together around a topic of interest for the members in the network, and share experiences and insights. We envision this as a 1- to 2-hour low-key session, over zoom or a similar platform, where the inviting school or person opens the conversation with an introduction, and sets the format for how they would like the joint conversation to happen.

The first 2 hour conversation:
hosted by Estonian Academy of Arts
Indrek Sirkel, professor, head of Graphic Design

Sean Yendrys, associate professor, head of MA Graphic Design
Tuesday, September 29, 2020, 14.00 EET:
(11.00 Iceland / 13 Scandinavian / 14 Finnish/Baltic time)

How do we retain some of the vital circumstances afforded by in-person teaching and learning? How to keep a sense of community, opportunities for spontaneous & intimate discussions, and an environment for making. In contrast, what new teaching practices, exchanging of resources, and forms of communication might emerge from these conditions that should integrate themselves into future curriculums?

Please sign up here due September 24.
Seats: 20

Further information: Sandra Mell
CIRRUS network coordinator

We are looking for your help in developing this series further. If you have a topic that you would like to share with us all by discussing it with other members of our network, please let us know, suggest a date, and we’ll collectively make it happen.

CIRRUS Leadership meeting May 27, 2020

CIRRUS meeting in UIB, Norway, 2019

We invite you to participate at the CIRRUS Leadership meeting online 

May 27, 2020

12 Icelandic
14 Danish/Swedish/Norwegian
15 Lithuanian/Latvian/Estonian/Finnish time.


– ”Tour de school”: A brief round of the 18 member schools – 3 minutes each

Small group discussions: 
– Academic study year 2020/21 and how to restart
– Situation with the foreign students

General re-cap: 
– What we want to take with us from the current experience as institutions and as a network

register due May 20, 2020. 
We will send a Zoom link to everyone who has signed up. 

(Registration form link

Organising team:

CIRRUS board:
Lone Dalsgaard Andre,,
Kolding School of Design

Maria Göransdotter,
Umea University, Umea Institute of Design
Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir,
Iceland University of the Arts
Martin Sønderlev Christensen,
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design, and Conservation
Kristjan Mändmaa,

POSTPONED: CIRRUS annual network meeting and Teachers seminar. March 18 – 20, 2020

CIRRUS annual Teachers seminar and network meeting.
Tallinn, March 18–20, 2020
Estonian Academy of Arts
Põhja pst 7, Tallinn 10412

NEW SKILLS. Preparing for Uncertainty


Programmes of Individual Working Groups
1. Leadership meeting (Thu, March 19, 14.00 – 18.00)


Preparing for Uncertainty

Design education is constantly evolving. From local craft schools of early 20th century to current international and trans-disciplinary academies, the speed of change has picked up pace. What constitutes a design curriculum in these uncertain times? What skills do our students really need in the future?

Next to traditional studies on form and aesthetics, new topics emerge from collaborations with other fields such as natural and social sciences, business, law, etc. Joint projects bind together very different kind of knowledge. Cultural variety of our schools has dramatically increased. Changes in environment and politics bring new responsibilities. Designers’ skill-set are endlessly expanding. We are expected to be makers, artists, scientists, managers, facilitators, advisers, engineers, marketers, builders, visionaries, psychologists, leaders, custodians, technologists, philosophers… in a word, experts in everything. Brand new programs and schools are emerging, new avenues of research opening up everywhere. 

In Tallinn, we invite everyone to celebrate and to exchange experiences about new pedagogical formats and discourses, about skills taught in your schools.

We also encourage a discussion: what’s the relationship of traditional and new design skills in current design education? Is the identity of a designer dissolving or emerging?

Who’s welcome to join the discussion? Everyone who values skills and values combining them; teachers of exciting multi-. cross-, inter- and transdisciplinary courses; everyone involved in curriculum development and pushing boundaries of design; heads of programs and study modules.

Keywords: preparing students for uncertainty, life after graduation, teaching and assessment in the future, what’s important for teachers/students, new identities, communication of cultures, cooperation, engagement with society, social responsibility, sustainable development.

General timeframe:

REGISTRATION FORM (the registration has been completed)
Please register due February 13, 2020.
Participation fee to cover coffee-breaks, lunches and dinners is 100 EUR per person. Excursion fee for extra fee 50 EUR.

Hotel information:
We have prebooked Swissotel Tallinn at a discount rate. When booking, please refer to “CIRRUS”.
Reservations should be made by e-mailing to or by calling: +372 624 0000.
Discount rates:
March 17 – 19 = 105 EUR a night
March 20 = 110 EUR a night
Hotel reservations will be held until February 13, 2020.

Getting around:
Tram No 4 connects the airport (direction Tondi) to the hotel, station “Paberi”. Ticket purchased from the driver costs 2 EUR, green SMART card may be purchased from the R-Kiosk at the airport or port for 2 EUR, which enables you to buy e.g a 5-EUR three-day ticket for public transport in Tallinn. The green card may be returned to the R-Kiosk at departure in the port or airport.
Taxi between 7-10 EUR.
Commuting to EKA, Põhja pst 1 from Swissotel:
Walking route, 30 minutes
Tram no 2 (direction Kopli) from “Paberi” to “Põhja puiestee” stop, 15 minutes. Tram departs in every 7 minutes.
Taxi (5-7 EUR), 10 minutes

Support to participation:
CIRRUS will support from mobility funds the participation of two teachers per institution at the seminar, covering the travel / hotel up to the following rates: Iceland 600 EUR per person, the other members 300 EUR per person. These sums can be applied for by filling in and sending the teacher mobility form to the CIRRUS coordinator by the sending institutions’ CIRRUS coordinator. The sums will be paid to the sending institutions’ account.

Optional tour on Friday night:
Rright after General Assembly 2, the ones who have signed up to Friday night excusion, will depart from the academy to Arvo Pärt Centre guided tour and dinner at Laulasmaa Spa. (appr 15.30 – 21.00)
Note: excursion for extra cost of 50 EUR.

Overprint II

Foil printing workshop “Overprint II”

Dates: 20 – 24. January 2020 in EKA

Short course description

The aim of workshop is to explore the possibilities of foil-print and foil-tooling technologies, as well re-using printed matter in creating an artist book. In the course students will be introduced to techniques as hand tooling, cliché print, foil drawing, digital foil-print and other foil transferee possibilities. 

Organization of the cours

  • Presentation of techniques and materials 
  • Practical tasks, experimenting, idea sketching 
  • Making micro edition of artist-book in group work

Techers: prof. Lennart Mänd (department of Accessory design and bookbinding EKA), prof. Liina Siib (department of Graphic Art EKA)

Number of available places for Cirrus students: 2

Requirements: course is opened to BA and MA students but applicants should have finished at least 1 year at the bachelor level in design or art.

Application deadline: 10th December, 2019

How to apply: Send your full name, name of home school and name of the program you study in and a motivation letter (max 1 page), digital portfolio or homepage or some samples of you previous work to

Upon successful application, grant can be applied for like described here.

Open Call: TEACHERS SEMINAR 2016/17

CIRRUS board invites network members to apply for hosting a CIRRUS Teachers seminar in academic year 2016/17.
Application deadline: June 26, 2016
Please send your short brief/motivation to:

The Teachers seminar usually gathers teachers of design fields preferably under one umbrella with a certain topic/discussion point of interest.
The seminar should ideally last for two days and offer the teachers in CIRRUS a possibility to share ideas and knowledge about pedagogical and didactic approaches of teaching design and crafts today, gain knowledge regarding subject field in partner academy and have a good time together with other Nordic and Baltic colleagues. Ideally Teachers seminar bonds can also lead to intensive courses and curriculum development (but this is not a must).
The Teachers seminar may take place in line with one of the CIRRUS intensive courses or the network meeting.
The CIRRUS network will support related costs of the host in lump sum of 3000 EUR. This is meant for covering coffee breaks and lunches and any material costs related to the seminar.
Information about previous teachers seminars: (hosted by AHO and KHIO in 2014/2015) (hosted by University of Lapland in 2015/2016)


CIRRUS meeting University of Lapland: February 24 – 26, 2016 rectors, coordinators, teachers

CIRRUS meeting University of Lapland: February 24 – 26, 2016 rectors, coordinators, teachers

scroll down for teachers meeting programme and accommodation information
CIRRUS_programme_printer-friendly version

Tuesday, 23.02.2016
19.00 Informal get-together for those who arrive in the evening, meeting point Cityhotel lobby, Pekankatu 9

Wednesday, 24.02.2016
10.30 – 13.00 Board meeting
10.00 – 12.00 Sightseeing programme
Visit to the Arctic Centre and Arktikum
Pohjoisranta 4 and

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch at the University of Lapland, Restaurant Petronella
13.00 – 13.30 Welcoming words by Rector Mauri Ylä-Kotola. Castren Hall LS11

13.30 – 15.00 Tour in the faculty / visiting labs, workshops and the degree programs
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00 Joint session. Final thesis presentations: example from 3 different institutions & discussion. Chair Marjatta Heikkilä-Rastas
17.00 Transfer from university to hotels
18.00 Transfer from Cityhotel to the Arctic Circle
Dinner in Santamus
21.30 Transfer back to hotels

Thursday, 25.02.2016
8.45 Transfer from Cityhotel to university
Separate meetings:
9.00 – 11.30 Rectors’ / Deans’ meeting
introductory round, updates, election of board
Castren LS11
9.15 – 11.30 Coordinators meeting
11.30 – 12.00 Joint network meeting: board election
1) Cirrus Manual
Last time there was a suggestion to create a manual for Cirrus network
activities. In which form and how to design it, so it would be useful for
different target groups?
2) How to run a career service office – Anette from Kolding will give info about their services
3) Student reports (Stina-Lena Hellgren)
How do we use them, do we require reports, where do we publish them?
4) Selection of incoming students (Stina-Lena Hellgren)
Is it just politics? Do we select the best student even if he/she comes from a university that is not that attractive to our students?

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch at the University of Lapland, Restaurant Petronella
13.00 – 14.45 Joint session Design in Context (Lone Dalsgaard André)
14.45 – 15.15 Coffee break
15.15 – 17.00 Separate workshops:
b. Coordinators workshop (Virpi, Maria, Anette)
17.00 – 17.30 Conclusions
17.30 Transfer from university to Cityhotel
18.30 Departure to Arctic Snow Hotel, Lehtojärvi, Rovaniemi
19.00 – … Arctic Design Week: Arctic Speed Design Pitching, networking and dinner
Warm clothing required!
21.30 / 22.30 Bus transfers back to city center

Friday, 26.02.2016
9.00 – 11.00 Board meeting in the hotel
10.30 Transfer from Cityhotel to university
11.00 -12.00 Joint session on quality / Prof. Jaana Erkkilä F2060
12.00 – 13.00 Farewell & lunch in the Restaurant Petronella
13.00 Transfer from university to Cityhotel
Optional program starts
14.00 – 16.00 Snowmobile safari 2 hours
Price: 99€ “The best way to get to the heart of nature – and back. During this fun safari, you’ll learn how to snowmobile along frozen rivers and through forests covered with snow. Enjoy the beautiful views of the river valley from the hilltops. A break with hot beverages will keep your motor running. Two persons on one snowmobile. “
18.00 – 20.30 Fine dine design dinner with chef Tero Mäntykangas in Korundi, Rovaniemi Art Museum in the STILL/LIFE Tapio Wirkkala exhibition (Wirkkala’s 100th anniversary). See and
Lapinkävijäntie 4
Dinner with wine program 124€
Dinner with juice(s) 104€

Saturday, 27.09
18.00 Arctic Design Week Fashion show at the University of Lapland, F-Wing Agora.
Cirrus participants are invited guests to the show.


The teachers’s program at CIRRUS Rovaniemi meeting provides an overview to different aspects of current trends of design education and Arctic Design. The program is a versatile mix of practicum, demonstration and seminar type content and introduces several design prototyping techniques in hands-on workshops.
Wednesday, 24.02.2016

Same program with rectors/deans and coordinators

Thursday, 25.02.2016
9.00 – 11.30 ADW session on User experience
11.30 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 17.00 Rapid prototyping workshop
Evening program same with rectors/deans and coordinators

Friday, 26.02.2016
9.00 – 11.00 Rapid prototyping continues
11.00 -12.00 Joint session on quality / Prof. Jaana Erkkilä
12.00 – 13.00 Farewell & lunch

Optional program
Snowmobile tour and dinner

Participation fee to meeting 150€
Optional program, snowmobile 99€
Fine Dine Arctic Design Dinner
Dinner with wine program 124€
Dinner with juice(s) 104€

Please pay the fee to the following account
Bank: Pohjolan Osuuspankki
Receiver: University of Lapland
ACCOUNT: FI90 5640 0220 2453 23

Please book your room directly from the hotel with code CIRRUS latest by 10th January, 2016. Hotels in Rovaniemi are fully booked for the next 3 months.

Cityhotel (***)
www.cityhotel.fi105 €/1 person Comfort room/night/netto
125 €/2 person Comfort room/night/netto
118 €/1 person Lux room/ night /netto
138 €/2 person Lux room/night/netto

Tel +358 (0)16 33 00 111
Fax: +385 (0)16 311 304
Reservations to Code: Cirrus
tel + (358) 40 1807 608

Arctic Light Hotel **** (5 rooms only)
179€ /night/ single room
202€/night/ double room

Valtakatu 18, 96200 Rovaniemi
Arctic Circle – Finland
Phone +358 20 1710 100

How to get here and what to do in Rovaniemi

Front page

CIRRUS BOARD: Jeff Kaller (HDK), University of Lapland: (Marjatta Heikkilä Rästas, Jonna Häkkila, Virpi Nurmela), CIRRUS secretariat