Design for NEED + FashionSEEDS, Sept 17, 2020

Prof Piret Puppart, head of EKA Fashion Design. Photo: Mark Raidpere

The Fashion Department of EKA would like to invite you to participate in the conference Design for NEED + FashionSEEDS on
September 17th as part of Tallinn Design Festival.

The program will explore issues related to design education, in particular,how we can make teaching more relevant and meaningful in terms of sustainability. The conference will present the results of the FashionSEEDS project to the general public for the first time!
NB! – Pre-registration required! The event itself is free!

XV Tallinn Design Festival International Conference
Design for NEED + FashionSEEDS

/ N, 17.09. 2020  09:30-15:00 / @ Põhjala tehas

Design for need in times of climate crisis should focus on objects and services able to play a positive part in solving the issue; which would make our environment safer and more enjoyable to live in. Special attention should be given for example to highly functional objects and health-protecting, time-saving services. Yet, much of the current design is reduced to plain aesthetics or even glamour.  Indeed, beauty and form should be integral to a well-functioning product, however, and above all, design should be based on people’s and societal primary needs.   

In the first part of this conference, we will hear talks from award-winning Finnish designer Ville Kokkonen and renowned Italian industrial designer and journalist Ubaldo SpinaDavid Kusuma, the president of World Design Organization (WDO), will lead the day, introducing the newly launched Mars project with NASA. Estonia will be represented by the engineering chief at Transferwise, Aivar Lumberg, and the Head of Product Design at EKA, Maarja Mõtus, who will explain about the changes taking place in design education and how much the crisis has affected students.

+ FashionSEEDS 
“Design-Led Education for Sustainability” /
The second part of the conference will focus more thoroughly on design education. It seeks to find an answer to the question as to what type of designer is needed as Europe moves towards a climate-neutral circular economy? Practitioners, researchers and lecturers from UAL (University of the Arts London, UK), Polimi (Politécnico di Milano, Italy), DSKD (Designskolen Kolding, Denmark), and EKA (the Estonian Academy of Arts) have come together through an Erasmus+ project called the FashionSEEDS to rethink and improve the design education in the light of the challenges posed by climate change. A keynote speech from Pirjo Kääriäinen, from Aalto University on collaboration and interdisciplinarity will open the afternoon section, followed by a series of short talks on Fashion Design Education for Sustainability. A panel discussion with international academic and industry representatives, led by Piret Puppart concludes the insights of the day on how to make design education sustainable.  

The event is free of charge
Pre-register HERE!

Design for NEED

▪️ 9:15 __ [Coffee, tea]

▪️ 09:30 __ Introduction – Ilona Gurjanova
(President of the Estonian Association of Designers)

▪️ 09:35 __ Video Greeting – David Kusuma, PhD
(President-Elect of the World Design Organization (WDO), Vice President of Tupperware)

▪️ 09:50 __ “Design for Emergencies” – Ubaldo Spina
(Researcher, industrial designer and journalist, Business Development Manager at CETMA)

▪️ 10:10___”Mission-Driven Product Building – a Story of Solving a real Need” – Alvar Lumberg
(Engineering Lead at Transferwise)

▪️ 10:30 __ “Time x Mass Weight Density” – Ville Kokkonen
(Widely recognised Finnish industrial designer)

▪️ 10:50 __ “Are the Students Prepared to Design for Need” – Maarja Mõtus
(Head of Product Design Departement at the Estonian Academy of Arts)

▪️ 11:10 __ [Lunch break]

“Design-Led Education for Sustainability”

The event, organised by the Estonian Academy of Arts, presents the first results of the FashionSEEDS project to the industry, design professionals and educators.

FashionSEEDS – Fashion Societal, Economic & Environmental Design-led Sustainability – is a project conducted by world-leading institutions in Fashion Education spanning over the course of three years. It seeks to develop a Design-led Framework for Fashion Design Education in Sustainability able to impact transformational changes in the Fashion System in response to the fashion industry’s severe damage to our environment. What skills does a designer need in a new, challenging time for Europe to move towards a climate-friendly circular economy? Partners from UALPolimiDSKD and EKA will expand the topic to rethink and improve design education in the light of the challenges posed by climate change, social wellbeing, cultural engagement and new economic models. The event will deliver the findings of the Benchmarking Report and the Framework Document for Design-led Sustainability Education, as well as give initial insights to possible sustainability teaching materials as part of the emerging learning resource repository enabling educators to adapt and apply the framework to a range of Higher Education Institutions.

University of the Arts London
Politécnico di Milano
Designskolen Kolding
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia

Funded by: EU Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership  

▪️ 11:45 __ Welcoming Words – Reet Aus
(Designer, Senior Researcher at EKA)

▪️ 11:50 __ Keynote Speech – Pirjo Kääriäinen
(Professor of Practice, Head of Education at Aalto University, founder of Chemarts project)

▪️ 12:10 __ Questions from the audience

▪️ 12:15 __ “Fashion Design for Sustainability – A New Foundation for Fashion Educators” – Dilys Williams
(Director of Centre for Sustainable Fashion, Professor of Academic Leadership at the London College of Fashion, UAL)

▪️ 12:35 __ “The Fashion SEEDS Benchmarking Report – A perspective on the Fashion Design for Sustainability Education in Europe” – Erminia D’Itria
(Doctoral Researcher at POLIMI)

▪️ 12:55 __” A Framework for Fashion Sustainability Education” – Julia Valle Noronha
(Associate Professor of Fashion, Co-head MA in Design & Crafts at EKA)

▪️ 13:15 __ “Tools and Activities for the Fashion SEEDS platform” – Louise Ravnløkke & Karen Marie Hasling
(Assistant Professors at DSKD)

▪️ 13:55 __ [Coffee break]

▪️ 14:10 __ Discussion Panel: Designer Skill-sets in a Climate Neutral Economy – Moderated by Piret Puppart (Professor of Fashion at EKA)

Panelists: Dilys Williams, Reet Aus, Oksana Skorbatjuk (Demand Generation Coordinator, Lindström), Kirsi Niinimäki (Associate Professor at the Department of Design, Aalto University) and Silke Lieser (sustainable marketing expert, founder of Gegenpol).

Innovation in Healthcare CIRRUS IC

Innovation in Healthcare 

Innovation in Healthcare is a real-time 5-day online intensive funded by Nordplus Higher Education proramme that aims to bring together Cirrus network students and faculty with a focus on co-design as a methodology of planning and implementing change to improve the delivery of public (health)care.

Dates: 14 – 16.9 (self-directed learning); 17.9 and 24 – 26.9 (collaborative workshops). For a more detailed day-to-day course schedule (GMT+3),  see below.


Applications deadline: 12.9.2020 (23:59 GMT+3)

Please fill out the Application Form. Admissions decisions will be made on a continuing bases and no later than 13.9.2020. The intensive has limited enrolment due to the very challenging public health conditions that continue to disrupt how we approach service design in healthcare.


Held in collaboration with one of the top healthcare providers in Estonia, North Estonia Medical Centre (PERH), the intensive is to respond to the current lack of patient-driven innovation from within the Cirrus network. Designed to share and develop ideas  for urgently needed solutions as well as to build resilience post-pandemic, Cirrus students from any field of study will have the opportunity to join a dedicated team of their choice for fast-paced ideation, brainstorming, and prototyping with the aim of contributing to (health)care that could give patients the service and choices that they need.


The intensive will be co-led by Josina Vink, an Associate Professor in the Institute of Design at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)Tanel Kärp, Head of at Estonian Academy of Arts, and Riina Raudne, Communications Designer, PhD, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School for Public Health

Digital Mobility:

Video conferencing (Zoom), messaging platforms (Slack), as well as virtual whiteboards (Miro) will be used throughout the intensive to apply service thinking remotely. 

Following Cirrus Digital Mobility guidelines, financial support will be available to cover direct costs such as IT-support service, hardware and/or software, as needed. Only Cirrus network universities are eligible to apply for Digital Mobility grants on behalf of their students.

Course Schedule:

Monday, 14 September

Pre-recorded lectures and design toolbox distributed

Design Teams assigned

1st Assignment (independent) / Preliminary research

Thursday, 17 September

10:00 – 12:00 Online lectures and mentoring

14:15 – 21:00 2nd Assignment (independent) / Brainstorming and Ideation

Thursday, 24 September

10:00 – 12:00 Online lectures and mentoring

14:15 – 21:00 3rd Assignment (independent) / Rapid Prototyping

Friday, 25 September

10:00 – 12:00 Online lectures and mentoring

Saturday, 26 September

11:45: – 16:45 4th Assignment (independent) / Idea Refinement


From Autumn 2020, CIRRUS launches a series of digital conversations, held once a month. The idea is to come together around a topic of interest for the members in the network, and share experiences and insights. We envision this as a 1- to 2-hour low-key session, over zoom or a similar platform, where the inviting school or person opens the conversation with an introduction, and sets the format for how they would like the joint conversation to happen.

The first 2 hour conversation:
hosted by Estonian Academy of Arts
Indrek Sirkel, professor, head of Graphic Design

Sean Yendrys, associate professor, head of MA Graphic Design
Tuesday, September 29, 2020, 14.00 EET:
(11.00 Iceland / 13 Scandinavian / 14 Finnish/Baltic time)

How do we retain some of the vital circumstances afforded by in-person teaching and learning? How to keep a sense of community, opportunities for spontaneous & intimate discussions, and an environment for making. In contrast, what new teaching practices, exchanging of resources, and forms of communication might emerge from these conditions that should integrate themselves into future curriculums?

Please sign up here due September 24.
Seats: 20

Further information: Sandra Mell
CIRRUS network coordinator

We are looking for your help in developing this series further. If you have a topic that you would like to share with us all by discussing it with other members of our network, please let us know, suggest a date, and we’ll collectively make it happen.

CIRRUS express course at Art Academy of Latvia (LMA) / Dialogue 8-17 September, 2020

DIALOGUE (ceramics wood firing workshop)

Teaching period:  08.09 – 17.09.2020(8th Sept. – Arrival, 17th Sept. – Departure)
Teacher(s): LAA Prof. Dainis Lesins, Pundurs, Ainars Rimicans, Liga Skarina, Eugenia Loginova. 

ECTS:  1,5

Number of available places for CIRRUS students: 2
Grant available: 2×70 EUR weekly rate + travel grant 330 EUR (Iceland 660 EUR). When you have been confirmed of the seat, please fill in the application form found here: It needs to be signed by your home coordinator and yourself and sent to along with the confirmation e-mail from LMA

Level: BA / MA 

Requirements: to prepare two project drawings for your art objects upon the arrival. 

Your individual working tools and work clothes shall be taken along with you.

Application deadline: 20.08.2020. The results will be announced on 21.08.2020.

How to apply: 

Please send a short motivation letter (mention also your full name, home university, study level, contacts) and some photos of your art works (could be portfolio, electronic version or web link) to the e-mail address:

Course description: 

The course is envisaged as a part of an international ceramic symposium, during which an intensive programme will be carried out. The students will be given a unique possibility to be introduced to professional artists, their oeuvre.  Programme includes lectures, workshops, professional practice, wood kiln firing – high temperature soda wood firing, attendance of museums, galleries and the participation at the POP-UP exhibition on the end of the symposium. 

Assignment: This year’s theme of the symposium “Dialogue” invites artists to create small sculptural works (H about 30cm) using ceramic material, but find new, non-traditional shape, thus paying attention to the multifunctionality of the material as well as the artistic expressions. 

Envisaged results: students will obtain the knowledge in the field of ceramics materials and woodfiring technologies by practically developing the project in ceramics. The project works will be displayed at the exhibition.

Additional information:

Venues of the symposium – a splendid and picturesque resort by the seaside in Jurmala. 

 For all the group the guest house will be rented. Participation fee is compulsory for all the participants, for students (with a discount) – 180 Euro. It covers costs of accommodation in double room, working materials and firing. Catering is not provided, but each room is equipped with fridge, teapot, microwave.

Job opportunity at HDK-Valand: Head of Design Unit

Head of the Design Unit

Diary id: PAR 2020/740
Employment level: Fixed term
Location: HDK-Valand
Apply by: 2020-08-06

On 1 January 2020, Valand Academy and HDK – School of Design and Crafts merged to form the HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design. We are now looking for a visionary head to lead the design unit at HDK-Valand.

Over the coming year, the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts is conducting a change project aimed at creating an attractive programme, research and work environment for future students, employees and partners. Read more about the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts and HDK-Valand here.

The Design Unit at HDK-Valand hosts an interdisciplinary Bachelor’s program and three research-oriented international Master’s programmes in Design (Design, Child Culture Design, Embedded Design) as well as a series of free-standing courses. Historically, the unit is rooted in the Gothenburg Slöyd Association’s School, which was established in 1848, and and the unit is located in Hedlund’s beautiful Art Nouveau building in Kristinelundsgatan in central Gothenburg with the Röhsska Museum as nearest neighbor.

HDK-Valand was among the first in the Nordic countries to embrace the modern concept of design and to establish a research environment and doctoral education. The Design Unit has proud traditions in collaboration with regional design industries as well as international design schools. Design research and design teaching at HDK-Valand have a strong focus on sustainable development and social responsibility. Empathy, experimentation, and the encounter with audiences and the design public are central in research methodology as well as in pedagogical practice.

Job description

The position primarily is to lead and develop the unit after the merger and towards fulling the Arts2025 vision. Major focus is on working with staff to develop the subject and the range of programme and course offerings within the unit, developing an inspiring and productive research environment, creating a good work environment and developing the organisation and its practices. The position’s responsibilities require clear communication and experience in working with development and change at group and individual levels.

The leadership assignment includes driving change and development work at unit, department, and faculty levels, participating in the management group, leading and supporting teaching staff, and coordinating work within the unit with the rest of the university and external partners.

The head of the unit has delegated staff and budget responsibility for about 40 employees (teachers, researchers and doctoral students) at the unit. The management assignment is planned to total 80% of full-time. Remaining time can be used for teaching, research or development projects, in consultation and in agreement with the head of department.

Work assignments include outreach and development of networks and collaborations both within and outside the university.


The position requires experience and demonstrated ability to lead staff and operations and to successfully drive change processes, experience working with the design field and experience from teaching.

Assessment criteria

Particular emphasis is placed on leadership experience, documented ability to lead staff and organisations and the ability to successfully drive change processes.

Educational expertise and artistic expertise are of equal importance, and the following criteria will be given particular emphasis:

  • ability to lead and facilitate collaboration and artistic and artist-led group processes
  • documented ability to lead and develop external partnerships
  • active participation in international and/or national networks within the field
  • documented experience of teaching at university level and experience in developing programmes, course content and examination forms
  • documented research competence and/or competence within artistic development as well as research management experience from a university or art school context or from research and development within another relevant sector
  • experience in developing education in interdisciplinary contexts
  • participation in relevant national and international networks within design practice and research

The assessment of applicants will examine personal suitability for the position and administrative abilities.

The university environment is primarily Swedish speaking, but the Design unit is in part international, which means you need to be able to lead and communicate in both Swedish/Scandinavian and English, both in written and spoken forms. If you do not have a command of Swedish, language courses will be offered.

If you lack training related to teaching and learning in higher education, you will be expected to attend such training or validate the equivalent existing skills.

After an overall assessment, the applicant deemed to have the best potential to carry out the position’s assignments will be chosen. Particular emphasis is placed on personal suitability.


You will be employed as a lecturer in Design and have an assignment as Head of Unit. At the University it is possible to apply for promotion to Senior lecturer.

The position is time limited to five years accordingly to Högskoleförordningen 4kap §10 Lärare inom konstnärlig verksamhet. The position is a full time position located at HDK-Valand. Start date is on a date agreed upon by both parties.

Appointment procedure

The selection process might involve interviews, tests and asking for references.

For questions about the position, contact

Troels Degn Johansson, Head of Department

Therese Vestlund, Human Resources Officer 

Union organisations

Union representatives at University of Gothenburg can be found here:


You apply for the position through the University of Gothenburg’s recruitment portal by clicking on the “Apply” button. As an applicant, you are responsible for ensuring that your application is complete in accordance with the advertisement for the position and that it is submitted to the university by the closing date. Any documents that cannot be submitted in electronic form are to be sent in triplicate with registration number to:

University of Gothenburg
ATT. Therese Vestlund 
Box 131
405 30 Gothenburg

We wish your application to be written in English.

Applications are to be received no later than: 6 August 2020

The University of Gothenburg works actively to promote an equal work environment and values highly the qualities diversity brings with it.

The university sets salaries on an individual basis.

In accordance with the directions of Sweden’s National Archive Office, the university is obliged to store application documents for two years after the appointment decision. If an applicant for a position specifically requests the return of the documents, the documents will be sent back after these two years; otherwise they will be disposed of.

About Us

Together with the Academy of Music and Drama, HDK-Valand forms Scandinavia’s largest faculty of fine, applied and performing arts, with unique breadth to its artistic education and research. The departments are located in central Gothenburg and work closely with local and regional cultural organisations, a wide-ranging international network and many international collaborators. Read more about HDK-Valand on the Academy’s website.

CIRRUS Leadership meeting May 27, 2020

CIRRUS meeting in UIB, Norway, 2019

We invite you to participate at the CIRRUS Leadership meeting online 

May 27, 2020

12 Icelandic
14 Danish/Swedish/Norwegian
15 Lithuanian/Latvian/Estonian/Finnish time.


– ”Tour de school”: A brief round of the 18 member schools – 3 minutes each

Small group discussions: 
– Academic study year 2020/21 and how to restart
– Situation with the foreign students

General re-cap: 
– What we want to take with us from the current experience as institutions and as a network

register due May 20, 2020. 
We will send a Zoom link to everyone who has signed up. 

(Registration form link

Organising team:

CIRRUS board:
Lone Dalsgaard Andre,,
Kolding School of Design

Maria Göransdotter,
Umea University, Umea Institute of Design
Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir,
Iceland University of the Arts
Martin Sønderlev Christensen,
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design, and Conservation
Kristjan Mändmaa,

CIRRUS promotes:

Researchers within the field of artistic research are welcome to submit proposals for presentations at this year’s symposium on artistic research. The symposium is arranged on 25–26 November at HDK Valand, University of Gothenburg. We can receive proposals for presentations up until 15 June.

This year’s symposium on artistic research is about the opportunities and challenges involved in collaboration, and will take place 25–26 November at HDK Valand, University of Gothenburg. Researchers within the field of artistic research can now submit proposals for presentations. The symposium will be held in both Swedish and English.

Please send your application – in Swedish or English – to Niclas Österlind. The deadline is 15 June.

In order to deepen the discussion about the theme of the symposium Working Together we welcome all persons interested to propose presentations within two different formats: Actualisations and Conversations.


Actualisation is a presentation format intended to place (aspects of) the work itself at the centre, and make the character of practice-based research more present at the symposium. The format is based on an actualisation of the work, accompanied by a brief talk or discussion. We welcome different modes of actualisations, including exhibitions (for instance posters, prints and objects), staging, workshops, talks, presentations or other modes.

Each session will include 2 or 3 projects (30–45 minutes for each).

Submissions shall be formatted as extended (1000 word) abstracts that outline the research project and the work to be actualised. The extended abstract should also include a short description of the practical requirements for the actualisation of the work.


The aim of the conversation format is to create opportunities for open exchange, new perspectives and insights in artistic research. The format is meant to be experimental, and sessions may therefore range from more traditional panel discussions to workshops conducted in an actual workshop or studio.

A conversation is hosted by 3–5 catalysts, who frame and facilitate a 1–2 hours session.

Submissions will be in the form of extended (1000 word) abstracts including:

  • a list of 3–5 confirmed catalysts, including their job titles and their roles for this session
  • the title and description of the topic that you will address
  • the research issues in focus during the session
  • a description of the set-up of your session
  • a description of the type of space and equipment required

After the session, catalysts will be asked to submit a short reflective documentation of the session, focusing on the contributions of the participants to be added to the proceedings.

Application and review process

Please send your application The deadline is 15 June.

All submissions will be assessed through a peer review process, and the abstracts will be added to the proceedings. Feedback will be given on 1 September.

All information here.

KUNO+CIRRUS+NBAA online get-together

On behalf of KUNO, CIRRUS and NBAA, we are inviting you to an online and relaxed get-together of Nordplus coordinators. (No stress if you can’t make it).

Let’s meet on April 28,2 2020:
12.00 Scandinavian / 13.00 Baltic/Finnish / 10.00 Icelandic time on Zoom

We propose a short tour de table of:

– state of affairs during the virus outbreak
– future internationalisation (exchanges, incoming and outgoing students and staff)
– follow-up on Nordplus digital mobility opportunities

For us to know who’s coming, please register here
by April 23. 

We’ll then send an invitation link to the meeting to everyone who has signed up on April 27. 
Zoom doesn’t need to be downloaded for being able to participate. 

Best of health to you all,

Alma Ragnarsdottir,
Sandra Mell,

CIRRUS mobility updates during turbulent times

  • CIRRUS/Nordplus mobility 2019 agreement has been prolonged until May 31, 2021 (instead of September 30, 2020). All activities – projects and teacher/student mobilities alike – may take place also in 2020/2021 (in parallel with the new agreement due to arrive in May)
  • Digital mobility announced by Nordplus – possibility to buy soft-and hardware if needed, to make N+ mobility happen in digital formats.
  • CIRRUS online network meeting will happen in May/June 2020.

    More information from:

Nordplus New Digital Mobility option and more on Covid 19

Author: Eva Einarsdóttir 

The spread of the COVID-19 virus has naturally raised questions among project managers and individuals who have received funding from Nordplus. For this reason, the Nordplus National Agencies wish to convey the following message regarding participants’ trips that are currently underway or ahead.

It is clear that Nordplus mobilities and other Nordplus project activities will be affected in the coming weeks and months. Nordplus beneficiaries are encouraged to keep a close eye on information on their respective national authorities’ websites and follow the recommendations given there.

Promoters evaluate to the best of their ability whether trips will be delayed due to the virus. Irreversible costs for travel that occur due to the virus and fall on Nordplus projects will normally be accepted as project costs in the final report even if the trips have not been completed.

We ask all the Nordplus project coordinators who are forced to change their plans to send a written explanation to their respective Nordplus National Agency or the sub-programme ‘s administrator informing about the change to their projects.

The National Agency handles such requests individually but draws attention to the fact that the approved grant cannot exceed the total amount allocated to the project.

It is important that all data (proof of cost) is kept available in order to document the reasons why the project has changed its plans.

Digital activities

Nordplus would also like to draw the attention to the following extraordinary changes to the Nordplus regulation:

– In mobility projects: “Digital mobility” will exceptionally by accepted as “regular mobility” from now and until the end of June 2020

– In collaboration projects: Costs linked to on-line meetings replacing planned physical meetings will exceptionally be accepted from now and until the end of June 2020. 

-Beneficiaries with open grant agreements will also have the option of extending the project period to be able to carry out postponed activities.

Approved funding for “digital activities” can be used for direct costs such as IT-support service or to purchase needed hardware and/or software or indirect cost such as training for participants. Approval of these costs will be a temporary exception from the general Nordplus funding rules set out in the handbook due to the exceptional situation created by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Approved funding for “digital implementation” cannot exceed the grant that has been allocated to the “original implementation” of a given activity.    

This will apply for active projects/networks (2017, 2018 and mostly 2019 allocation – not for future 2020 agreements).

Do not hesitate to contact the Nordplus office closest to you for further information or clarification.

POSTPONED: CIRRUS annual network meeting and Teachers seminar. March 18 – 20, 2020

CIRRUS annual Teachers seminar and network meeting.
Tallinn, March 18–20, 2020
Estonian Academy of Arts
Põhja pst 7, Tallinn 10412

NEW SKILLS. Preparing for Uncertainty


Programmes of Individual Working Groups
1. Leadership meeting (Thu, March 19, 14.00 – 18.00)


Preparing for Uncertainty

Design education is constantly evolving. From local craft schools of early 20th century to current international and trans-disciplinary academies, the speed of change has picked up pace. What constitutes a design curriculum in these uncertain times? What skills do our students really need in the future?

Next to traditional studies on form and aesthetics, new topics emerge from collaborations with other fields such as natural and social sciences, business, law, etc. Joint projects bind together very different kind of knowledge. Cultural variety of our schools has dramatically increased. Changes in environment and politics bring new responsibilities. Designers’ skill-set are endlessly expanding. We are expected to be makers, artists, scientists, managers, facilitators, advisers, engineers, marketers, builders, visionaries, psychologists, leaders, custodians, technologists, philosophers… in a word, experts in everything. Brand new programs and schools are emerging, new avenues of research opening up everywhere. 

In Tallinn, we invite everyone to celebrate and to exchange experiences about new pedagogical formats and discourses, about skills taught in your schools.

We also encourage a discussion: what’s the relationship of traditional and new design skills in current design education? Is the identity of a designer dissolving or emerging?

Who’s welcome to join the discussion? Everyone who values skills and values combining them; teachers of exciting multi-. cross-, inter- and transdisciplinary courses; everyone involved in curriculum development and pushing boundaries of design; heads of programs and study modules.

Keywords: preparing students for uncertainty, life after graduation, teaching and assessment in the future, what’s important for teachers/students, new identities, communication of cultures, cooperation, engagement with society, social responsibility, sustainable development.

General timeframe:

REGISTRATION FORM (the registration has been completed)
Please register due February 13, 2020.
Participation fee to cover coffee-breaks, lunches and dinners is 100 EUR per person. Excursion fee for extra fee 50 EUR.

Hotel information:
We have prebooked Swissotel Tallinn at a discount rate. When booking, please refer to “CIRRUS”.
Reservations should be made by e-mailing to or by calling: +372 624 0000.
Discount rates:
March 17 – 19 = 105 EUR a night
March 20 = 110 EUR a night
Hotel reservations will be held until February 13, 2020.

Getting around:
Tram No 4 connects the airport (direction Tondi) to the hotel, station “Paberi”. Ticket purchased from the driver costs 2 EUR, green SMART card may be purchased from the R-Kiosk at the airport or port for 2 EUR, which enables you to buy e.g a 5-EUR three-day ticket for public transport in Tallinn. The green card may be returned to the R-Kiosk at departure in the port or airport.
Taxi between 7-10 EUR.
Commuting to EKA, Põhja pst 1 from Swissotel:
Walking route, 30 minutes
Tram no 2 (direction Kopli) from “Paberi” to “Põhja puiestee” stop, 15 minutes. Tram departs in every 7 minutes.
Taxi (5-7 EUR), 10 minutes

Support to participation:
CIRRUS will support from mobility funds the participation of two teachers per institution at the seminar, covering the travel / hotel up to the following rates: Iceland 600 EUR per person, the other members 300 EUR per person. These sums can be applied for by filling in and sending the teacher mobility form to the CIRRUS coordinator by the sending institutions’ CIRRUS coordinator. The sums will be paid to the sending institutions’ account.

Optional tour on Friday night:
Rright after General Assembly 2, the ones who have signed up to Friday night excusion, will depart from the academy to Arvo Pärt Centre guided tour and dinner at Laulasmaa Spa. (appr 15.30 – 21.00)
Note: excursion for extra cost of 50 EUR.