Expectations to Education from the Outside and the Inside. Bridge and Bridging between the Digital and Physical

Thank you all for an excellent meeting!


Hosted by: Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design University of Bergen, Norway
Address: Mollendalsveien 61 
Dates: February 13 – 15, 2019
Theme: Expectations to the Education from the Outside and the Inside. Bridge and Bridging between the Digital and Physical.

C I R R U S   P R O G R A M M E   B E R G E N   2 0 1 9 

CIRRUS board has decided that we support 2 teachers per institution to take part in the seminar with Nordplus travel rates 330 EUR/660 EUR Iceland/150 EUR Oslo. In order to receive the grant, CIRRUS teacher application form needs to be filled in and sent by CIRRUS coordinator to the network coordinator. The grant will be payed on  institutions’ account as lump sum.

CIRRUS Bergen_2019
Timeframe of the seminar


Hotel Zander K
Villa Terminus

Snøhetta_Bergen University_Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design_©Hufton+Crow_039

Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design University of Bergen, Norway


CIRRUS board elections. Period: 2019-2022. Deadline to apply: January 13, 2019

Call for CIRRUS board members

CIRRUS invites dedicated members to apply for CIRRUS board for the period of 2019 – 2022.*

The board members may be nominated by home institutions or other member institutions. The person aiming to become a member of the board must submit a motivation statement along with the nomination to network coordinator  sandra.mell@artun.ee due application deadline: January 13, 2019


About the board (excerpt from CIRRUS network agreement)

  • The board of the network comprises of 3-5 faculty members from the CIRRUS institutions and is elected every three years at the network meeting.
  • The board is responsible for running the network together with the secretariat (general network coordinator). The responsibilities of the board are: strategic planning and leadership, policy making of the network and beyond, planning of the network activities, cooperation and guidelines to the secretariat.
  •  A board member must be prepared to meet vis a vis twice a year, at other times the board meetings are carried out in e-formats.
  • The decision making body is the annual network meeting. Meanwhile the board of the network is leading the network.
  • The board members may be nominated by home institutions or other member institutions. The person aiming to become a member of the board must submit a motivation statement along with the nomination to the secretariat by the time announced in the call for .
  • The board will constitute one of the board members as the Chair of the network.

    * The future possible board person should be present at new CIRRUS board meeting on: Friday, 15.02.2019 afternoon and also at the whole CIRRUS network meeting in Bergen.

Urban Space Gaming

workshop (Nordplus intensive course)
Iceland University of the Arts, Reykjavik, Iceland
4-8 February, 2019

Workshop to be arranged at the Icelandic University of the Arts, Reykjavik, Iceland, 4th – 8th February, 2019 as a collaboration of three art universities and countries: Aalto Arts – www.aalto.fi(main organizer), Iceland University of the Arts –www.lhi.isand Vilnius Academy of the Arts, Lithuania –www.vda.lt

Five students from other CIRRUS member schools can participate in the workshop. The travel and accommodation costs will be paid by organisers. Both BA and MA students can apply.

If you want to participate, please email tarja.nieminen@aalto.fi by 12th of November 2019 a brief statement of why you wish to participate and an overview of your skill set as it relates to the topic. We are particularly interested in participants with animation skills and/or experience working with pervasive gaming / augmented reality. Applicants will get information on the selection by 19thof November.

Students selected to participate in the workshop will get information on travel and accommodation arrangements with the acceptance message.


Travel dates will be:

Saturday 2nd February – Sunday 10th February, 2019


In terms of civilization history, games and gaming represent one of the oldest means of human communication and interaction, and at the same time, they are more contemporary and relevant than ever.

The key element in gaming is involvement: games are social, so players interact meaningfully with each other and games often help to bridge the communication/ conversation gap. Games are not only “games” but also go beyond their immediate

purpose: they embody living popular tradition due to their ability to renew and adapt to new times and new customs. The workshop is relevant, not only because of its adaptable topic, but also educationally when considering current notions of designer´s roles as a content developer, author, producer, activist, and collaborator, and agent of change.


The workshop theme is communication and intervention in public space by means of participatory games and act of playing – in other words, it looks at the gamification of urban and social design. In the workshops, the participants will create concepts for different kinds of participatory games taking place within public spaces.


The overall aim of the workshop is to generate interaction between students and the local people as well as between the people and their surroundings.

The aspects to be taken into consideration are:

  1. Public space intervention,
  2. Interaction among people and between people and spaces, 3. To encourage people to improve their physical environment, 4. Explore ways to communicate e.g. on cultural and historical awareness, as well as social issues, 5. Public space appearance improvement by means of art and design, and 6. Alternative ways of mapping, guiding or way finding.



The main output of the workshop will be a number of game concepts, game mock-ups or in some cases actual games played out in the urban environment. The final presentation should involve dynamic visualizations of the concept to showcase clearly the intent and possibility of the project.


Some of the final game concepts may be transferable, but some of them will probably be more site specific. Ultimately, there will not be any preconceived notions of the kind of the game participants should design – the concepts could include for example, games which involve growing things, games which expand in time, games which utilize augmented reality or games which use other pervasive gaming strategies. In addition to the presentation of the final game/game concepts, there will be a blog created, showcasing the results of the workshop online.

(More info will be provided to those who will participate).

Digital Weaving. University of Bergen


Course title: Construction & Context II DIGITAL WEAVING
Subject area: Textile

Construction & Context II – Digital Weaving course
Teaching period: Weeks 9-11, 26 February – 16 March 2019
Teacher(s):Kristina Aas and Kari Dyrdal
Number of available place for Cirrus students: 3
Requirements:Core course in weaving and basic knowledge in digital tools is required.
Application deadline: 20 November, 2018
How to apply:Please send a motivation letter and CV to tale.vik@uib.no
Grant for selected students: CIRRUS/Nordplus rate – 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR weekly allowance (per week)

• Give access to knowledge relevant for artistic development and production of artwork in different context
• Prepare towards exhibition entry


  • Theory on building motives in woven textiles by using two or more warp and weft systems.
  • Individual tutoring on artistic processes
  • Basic and complex theory on weaves
  • Construction of weaves and combinations in one or more layers /systems.
  • Introduction to different software: Weave Point
    Nedgraphics (Texelle / Product Creator)
  • Experiments / sampling in digital dobby looms, TC-1, TC-2 and digital Jacquard.
  • Preparation of files for handlooms and industrial    power looms
  • Study trip to a weaving factory


Type Design Days, Lahti, Finland. December 17 – 19, 2018

2 CIRRUS/Nordplus network teacher grants available i.e.
330 EUR travel/Iceland 660 EUR +
70 EUR daily allowance or 355 EUR weekly.
More about CIRRUS grant here
More information about the Type design intensive days: Marion Robinson and in the attachment above.


DESIGN WITH LIGHT, October 17 – 21

DESIGN WITH LIGHT with Prof. Kacper Dolatowski (USA) in Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts

Interior Design Department at Vilnius Art Academy will host a workshop for senior course students of interior design and architecture in Nida Art Colony and invites interested students from all Cirrus institutions to attend the course.

Title of course: Design with Light Workshop period: October 17 – 21

Teacher: Kacper Dolatowski, PhD Industrial and Product Design, Principal at Axon Design Inc., Adjunct Professor _ Fashion Institute of Technology of State University of New York, Visiting Professor Savannah Colledge of Art and Design,
former Senior Designer – Manager Tiffany & Co.

Number of available places for Cirrus students 4

Course Content

The course is aiming to extend theoretical knowledge on interior and architectural lighting, including overview of lighting design techniques, tools and methods and comprehensive application study for both residential and commercial applications – mixture of lectures on theories for light accompanied by hands-on training with floor plans and elevations. Some aspects of theatrical and stage light design process will also be reviewed.

Organization of the Course

  •   Lectures, presentations
  •   Practical tasks: idea sketching, lighting design exercises on ready-made plans, basics for

    constructing a lighting unit in architectural space

  •   Acquaintance with the impact of light quality on human wellbeing
  •   Participants are supposed to handle software for architectural design and bring their

    personal facilities for computer design and sketching (laptops, sketchbooks, drawing tools, etc.)

Preliminary Schedule

  •   Arrival October 17th till 6 PM, Introductory presentation

    Nida Art Colony of the Vilnius Academy of Arts http://nidacolony.lt _E. A. Jonušo str. 3, LT- 93127 Neringa, Lithuania, +370 469 20 370 _https://www.google.com/maps/place/Vilniaus+dail%C4%97s+akademijos+Nidos+meno+kolo nija/@55.2997748,20.9837252,17.01z/data=!4m10!1m2!2m1!1snida+Jonu%C5%A1o+3!3m6!1s0x 46e497ef3ca5c3c5:0x61603c6667970b2c!5m1!1s2018-10-21!8m2!3d55.2998068!4d20.9865669

  •   October 18th – 20th morning – theory, afternoon – practice, discussions
  •   October 21st – leaving back to Vilnius till 1PM

    External participants will be accepted based on application and motivation letter. Please send your application to Elena Černiauskaitė (elena.cerniauskaite@vda.lt) no later than the 11th of October, 2018. The selected applicants will be informed about further details on the 12th of October, 2018.

Call for CIRRUS/Nordplus projects: 2019


Logo+NordplusCALL for project applications to Nordplus Higher Education Programme through CIRRUS network
DEADLINE: January 16, 2019, to be sent to sandra.mell@artun.ee

The Nordplus programme has shifted its deadline and is now February 1 in 2018 (used to be March 1).
By January 16, we kindly ask your project descriptions along with the budget file in order to insert it in the application system of Nordplus. Please use Nordplus Handbook (pages 26 – 34) or turn to CIRRUS coordinator to find out more.

The type of projects that we are waiting for are:

  1.  INTENSIVE COURSES (please use the forms below)
    1.1 download CIRRUS_IC_CALL_2019 FORM  +
    2.1 download CIRRUS_JSP_CALL_2019 form
    2.1 Nordplus_CIRRUS  Model Budget_JSP_DP_2019
    3.2 Nordplus_CIRRUS  Model Budget_JSP_DP_2019

MORE IN DETAIL: (copied from NP handbook)

Intensive courses
Nordplus Higher Education awards grants for intensive courses lasting between one week (five working days) and one month. Courses may take place during term time or in the summer by way of short courses, symposiums, master classes or workshops. Intensive courses must include students and academic staff from at least three different countries. The courses must yield ECTS points and must be recognised as part of the students’ degree. The number of ECTS points should be stated in the application.
PhD students may act as teachers on intensive courses. They are not eligible for a grant if they are students in the programme. The same intensive course can be granted Nordplus funding for three consecutive years but annual applications must be submitted. It is recommended that the hosting institution is rotated.

Joint study programmes
Nordplus Higher Education awards grants for development of joint study
Nordplus joint study programmes are defined as follows:
– Programmes are full-degree study programmes established according
to national legislation.
– Programmes lead to a degree recognised by national authorities.
– Degree certificates with a Diploma Supplement are issued according to
national legislation.
– Mobility is integrated into the programme setup.
– Programmes are developed jointly, and all courses and study units
should be approved by all participating parties.
– The collaborative venture is governed by a signed agreement defining
its aims as well as the roles of the participating parties.
The same joint study programme can be granted Nordplus funding for three consecutive years but annual applications must be submitted. Joint study programmes are complex processes. HEIs can combine Nordplus and Nordic Master grants in various ways. More information on Nordic Master is available on www.nordicmaster.org. The website consists
also of many useful handbooks and guides on joint programmes.

Development projects
Nordplus Higher Education offers grants for innovative development projects within the field of Higher Education.
Apart from joint curriculum planning and joint
modules, projects may focus on issues such as:
– Collaboration with the labour market
– Quality assurance
– The dissemination and use of results achieved by networks and projects
– The development of collaborations with other institutions in the public
or private sectors as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
within Higher Education
– The development of new teaching methods.
The same project can be granted Nordplus funding for three consecutive years but annual applications must be submitted.

CIRRUS EXPRESS Ceramics + Print

CIRRUS EXPRESS Ceramics + Print

Title of course: Printed view on Ceramics “Discovieries from Nida“


Place: VAA Nida Art Colony (E. A. Jonušo str. 3, LT-93127 Neringa, Lithuania)

Teacher(s): Assoc. Prof. Dalia Laučkaitė-Jakimavičienė(LT), Prof. Rytas Jakimavičius (LT); visiting teachers: Assoc. Prof. Dainis Pundurs (LV), Prof.in Dr. Kerstin Abraham(DE)

Teaching period: 2018, September 18-28

ECTS: 1,5

Application deadline:  June 22nd, 2018

Number of available place for Cirrus students: 3

Level: (BA)

How to apply: please send the portfolio to Assoc. Prof. Dalia Laučkaitė-Jakimavičienėby e-mail: dalia.lauckaite@gmail.com      

The results regarding the applications will be sent to the applicants by email, on the 2ndof July, 2018.


CIRRUS grant available: 330 travel (660 Iceland) EUR + weekly allowance 70 EUR


The course focuses on transferring printed imageon ceramic surfaces as well as on theoretical and practical knowledge of overglaze materials, traditional and innovative third firing techniques of ceramic surface treatment; various ways to experiment and search for new possibilities of application of the aforesaid methods; to develop perception of formal and conceptual link between a form and surface.

During the practice students work withoverglaze materialsand acquire knowledge of traditional and innovative methods (painting, drawing, decals, transfer of digital image on ceramics). Emphasis is laid on computer rendered laser print decals and ways of their production.

Students take photos of objects found in Nida, surrounding landscapes (main theme – Discovieries from Nida, that is – from various things found on the beach – stones, plants, objects discarded from ships,  „treasures“ or garbage, to „discoveries“ in the wider meaning – found landscapes or found ideas).Using Adobe Photoshop (or other software) students prepare and print their own ceramic decals. Students adopt principles of overglaze collage combining various techniques. The aim is to show a lot of possibilities using print on ceramics in different manners and how these methods develop ideas and open up new visual languages.





CIRRUS received 80 990 EUR for collaboration in 2018/19

CIRRUS received 80 990 EUR from Nordplus Higher Education Programme for collaboration in 2018/19 with an opportunity to apply for more mobility funding in autumn.

The funding distribution:
Intensive course – Nature Design and Innovation II 19 910 EUR
Intensive course – Urban Gaming II 19 080 EUR
Mobility – 42 000 EUR