
In CIRRUS, students, teachers and administrative staff can benefit from mobility within the Nordic and Baltic region.
Funds for mobility are applied for by the coordinating institution (Estonian Academy of Arts) from Nordplus Higher Education Programme.

Student/staff groups do not usually get support in Nordplus due to lack of funding but because of the long break in student mobility, we are exceptionally funding group visits as well. Please get in touch with CIRRUS coordinator to plan one (and book funds). This is available until May 2022 or further notice.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak Nordplus is supporting digital mobility. In order to apply for a grant to keep the Nordplus activities active, please fill in

Digital AID Application Form  and send it to This option is exceptional and available only until 1 May 2022.
We will only pay the grants to CIRRUS institutions’ accounts (not personal accounts). You are entitled to keep all documentation regarding usage of this grant (receipts, etc).

Nordplus Higher Education

Support for digital mobility and digital cooperation – some principles and rules

1. Because of the COVID-19, many planned mobilities and cooperation projects have been postponed or even cancelled. In order to still maintain the cooperation activities within the Nordplus networks, funds originally granted for physical mobility or projects and network support can now be used for either digital “versions” of these physical activities or to new digital solutions/activities and to facilitate digital mobility.
2. These digital possibilities are applicable for the grants that were allocated in 2019 (contract period 2019-2020 with possibility to extend the period to 1.5.2021) as well as for the grants allocated in 2020 (contract period 15.5.2020-1.6.2022 which will remain normal).
3. The grants that were allocated to (individual physical) mobility and projects as well as network support can be freely used between different types of digital initiatives.
4. Hardware and software and/or licenses may be purchased but only for institutions, not for individuals.
5. Individual scholarships cannot be granted to individuals on “digital mobility” unless there are some costs for the individuals. The networks may decide themselves if the costs are acceptable. Transparency and equal treatment should be a guideline for these decisions.
6. Nordplus funding may be used to facilitate the digital mobility, but the support is only for institutions (with the exceptions mentioned above concerning individuals).
7. Networks should document these costs in the same manner as the original grants, in accordance with the rules of the original contract and the activities should be reported in the final report.