Ways of Drawing III – Walk the Line. CIRRUS/Nordplus Intensive Course

CIRRUS/Nordplus Higher Education Intensive course
Period: 12.-18.3. 2017 (arrival day 12.3. and departure day 18.3.)
Location: Aalto University, Otaniemi Campus (Espoo)
Level: BA3 & MA

Target group: students in all fields of design, architecture, media and art
Teachers: Marja Nurminen (Aalto ARTS), André Alves (University of Gothenburg, Valand Academy), Andreas Berg (Oslo National Academy of the Arts)
How to apply: Send a motivation letter and five drawings to lecturer Marja Nurminen
marja.nurminen@aalto.fi by 18th of January, 2017. The selection is made in two weeks’ time and all students will get a notification by 1.2.2017.
How many places: 3 students from CIRRUS member schools will be selected.

Accommodation: students will be accommodated free-of-charge in a hotel or hostel in Helsinki with easy public transport connections to the workshop site.
Mobility support: We will buy the flight tickets.
Description: Drawing is generic activity cross all disciplines in art, design, film, media, applied arts and architecture. Designers and artists, due to differences between the disciplines, often see it very differently and it often functions in very particular and individual ways.
Overall objects of the workshop: Supporting educational innovations in drawing (art) education, where teachers become co-learners instead of authorities, hierarchies in knowledge are not accepted. Furthermore, supporting networking and collaboration of students over all kinds of borders is important for us.
Goals: Students learn to use drawing as a versatile tool in their own work, and how they can assess and evaluate their own and their peers work and place themselves in the contemporary context of cultural practice.


SUNDAY 12.3. Arrival day
MONDAY 13.3. Marja Nurminen
(working hours 9 am to 5 pm every day).
Journey or trip is a classical theme in many art works. I personally have tried to picture a trip in many ways and my latest but surely not last painting about a journey is made in 2010 and is called Where Ever I Travel I Only Find Myself. Picture a trip or a journey or an everyday walk using simple medium like charcoal or pencil on paper. Choose large paper format and concentrate on drawing content.

TUESDAY 14.3. Andreas Berg ”Taking the stairs.” The “Life and Ages of (Wo)Man” (-”ålderstrappan” was a popular motive in Swedish folk art from 1600s until the 1800s. It presents life like a pyramid, traditional and conventional, the motif reflects hopes and expectations. For a hundred and fifty years ago, it was almost unthinkable to become a hundred years old, but today it is possible. How do we picture a long life today? During one day we reinterpret the motive, the stairs of ages, and present updated versions.

WEDNESDAY 15.3. André Alves
Walking, as movement in space, finds a parallel in the movement of the eye (through the trace left) on the page. In this workshop, we will go back and forth between the page and the space. The aim is to discover both the body and the relation of body with space of the drawer and how that can be used as a tool to gather material that can either be preparatory or the end-result of a drawing practice. Your drawings will explore how rhythms of moving your body translate into a landscape image. At a later stage, you will intervene in that image as if it was a topological space or architectonical stage for other drawing interventions.

THURSDAY 16.3. by Sari Dhima
Head of One Campus project at Aalto University leads a walk in Otaniemi 9–11. Draw this walk or something inspired by it or work with those drawings that are not ready.

FRIDAY 17.3. Exhibition, critic day

SATURDAY 18.3. Departure day

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