Urban Gaming Workshop

4.2.-10.2.2018 in Vilnius
Urban Gaming Workshop

Urban Gaming workshop is a Cirrus Intensive Course organized in Vilnius by Aalto University, Vilnius Academy of Arts and the Icelandic Academy of Arts.

The workshop theme is public space communication and intervention by means of participatory games and act of playing – in other words, benign gamification of urban and social design. In the workshops, the participants will create concepts for different kinds of participatory games taking place in public space. By site-specific approach, the communication can be delivered to the specific part of the city concerned or the whole city.

The teachers in charge of the course are Tarja Nieminen, Ausra Lisauskiene, Sam Rees and Lode Coen

We are looking for five (5) participants from CIRRUS schools (other than the organizing ones, that is) to participate in the workshop. The course is targeted to visual communication, graphic design, media, design and architecture students, but also others are welcome to express their interest. Both BA and MA students can participate. Aalto University will arrange flight tickets and accommodation, and there will be a number of meals included.

The call for participants is open 27.11.-5.12.2017 and if you are interested send Tarja Nieminen (tarja.nieminen@aalto.fi) a motivation letter and either a pdf portfolio of about three relevant projects (please mind the size of the file) or link to your net  portfolio. The selection criteria are the motivation and building a multidisciplinary group with diverse skills and experience.

The results will be announced on 8.12.2017 and all students will be informed on them. Those selected to participate will receive information on what to do next.

If you have any questions on the application process, please be in touch with Hanna Karkku (hanna.karkku@aalto.fi).