The 17 Sustainable Development Goals in Practice

Chaired by:
Mathilde Aggebo, Royal Danish Academy
Anna Bascuñan Skaarup, Royal Danish Academy

March 18, 10.45 – 11.45 CET

  • What is the role of design education, in archiving the 17-SDG?
  • Which competencies is needed for the future designers, to contribute at a high level and gain influence?  What new opportunities open up, when working on a global agenda within sustainability, that 193 countries have agreed on?
  • What difficulties have you faced in implementing sustainability and The Sustainable Development Goals, at your school and in your field of study?   

The agenda for the session is:

  • Short presentation of how we work strategically with SDG’s at The Royal Danish Academy 
  •  Break out session (in groups of 3) 
  • Overview of findings from breakouts
  • Rounding off the session

Mathilde Aggebo is a dean of design at The Royal Danish Academy. She graduated from The Danish Design School, holds a MBA and is a member of the Society of Artists at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. She is a member of several boards, including The Danish Art Foundation, The Danish Design Council and AHO in Oslo. She is an experienced leader of design education and focuses on the education in transformation; on the future designers’ skills and competences in a society in rapid change – technological, demographic and resource-related. The societal change calls for action of designers who can visualize and suggest new solutions for a sustainable future. Mathilde Aggebo has been designer at KVADRAT since 2006 and has realized many major projects in Denmark among them artistic decoration for New State Prison in Denmark.

Anna Bascuñan Skaarup is a PhD candidate at The Royal Danish Academy. She holds a MSc in Digital Design and Communication, a BA in Graphic Communication and has 10 years of practical experience in working as a designer. She is part of the Futuring Danish Design research cluster at the Royal Danish Academy. Her research examines which competencies designers of the next generation should encompass to become active co-creators of a sustainable future. The aim of her PhD project is to provide knowledge about how to strengthen designers ability to design for sustainability – by using a research through design approach in different educational cases and design experiments.

Mathilde Aggebo
Anna Bascuñan Skaarup

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