Express in Riga: Re///Action. Apply due Jan 25


Title of course: Re///Action
Teaching period: February 18-23, 2019
Teacher(s): Martin Foessleitner
ECTS: 1.5
Number of available place for CIRRUS students: 4
Level: BA and MA
Requirements:User Testing Support Course for Graduating Students (for those who are planning to graduate this year)

Application deadline:  January 25, 2019

How to apply:
Send ashort motivation and CV to with subject title:
“CIRRUS expressReAction”

Course description:Based on the individual topic of each students thesis,

we will have a close look on tools for capturing and understanding people´s behaviour and reaction but even before: how to design a participative design process, what is the impact of mock-ups, why does an iterative approach is so helpful, how to organize, do and present all documentation.
At the end each participant should have a customized toolbox for working.

Additional information:Teacher Martin Foessleitner (MBA Vienna University of Economics and Business) – founder and managing director of High-Performance Vienna GmBH; board member of International Institute for Information Design; board member of designaustria; jurymember of the European Design Award. Experience sharing and teaching at Sigmund Freud University Vienna, Danube University Krems and University of Applied Sciences St.Pölten in Austria.




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