Open Call: TEACHERS SEMINAR 2016/17

CIRRUS board invites network members to apply for hosting a CIRRUS Teachers seminar in academic year 2016/17.
Application deadline: June 26, 2016
Please send your short brief/motivation to:

The Teachers seminar usually gathers teachers of design fields preferably under one umbrella with a certain topic/discussion point of interest.
The seminar should ideally last for two days and offer the teachers in CIRRUS a possibility to share ideas and knowledge about pedagogical and didactic approaches of teaching design and crafts today, gain knowledge regarding subject field in partner academy and have a good time together with other Nordic and Baltic colleagues. Ideally Teachers seminar bonds can also lead to intensive courses and curriculum development (but this is not a must).
The Teachers seminar may take place in line with one of the CIRRUS intensive courses or the network meeting.
The CIRRUS network will support related costs of the host in lump sum of 3000 EUR. This is meant for covering coffee breaks and lunches and any material costs related to the seminar.
Information about previous teachers seminars: (hosted by AHO and KHIO in 2014/2015) (hosted by University of Lapland in 2015/2016)


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