“Next step – the Sky” workshop in Finse

CIRRUS students engaged in various forms of art, design and architecture are hereby invited to take part in the 2014 Finse workshop “Next Step – the Sky”, 23-28 February. With this chosen theme in mind combined with a distinctive landscape, light and climate, the stage is set for exploring the winter-mountains. We wish to experiment, to seek out and develop concepts, objects and spatial conditions at Finse where the landscape melts with the sky. The framework for this year’s collective project «Next step – the sky» raises questions on how the character of, and the changes in nature provide relevance to projects based on materials of snow and ice.

Finse, on the divide between Norway’s east and west, offers a unique light on the mountain plateau and glacier, and is surrounded by the Hardangervidda nature reserve. Finse and its buildings are devoted chiefly to business, but strictly regulated to protect the environment. No road leads to Finse – only tracks. Your application should consist of an idea – a description of your purpose for joining, and any special interest needs.

Details and program

Number of available CIRRUS places: 2

Course level: BA & MA

Fee: NOK 1500,-(appr 200 EUR)

CIRRUS/Nordplus will still pay out the regular 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR a week grant. The price 1500 NOK for the workshop (appr. 200 EUR) includes accommodation and food. No extras will be paid out.

All applicants are kindly asked to send their motivation statement to tale.vik@khib.no by 26 January (please note that the application deadline for CIRRUS students differs from the deadline in the flyer). Your application should consist of an idea – a description of your purpose for joining the workshop. Your ideas will be part of the workshop as a joint venture.

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