CIRRUS IP “Traditions and Innovations” –the sustainable use of reindeer.
6 student seats open for the whole network

Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland

13.4. – 24.4. (arrival 12.4. and departure 24.4.2015)

The Faculty of Art and Design in the University of Lapland hosts joint Cirrus- workshop on sustainable use of reindeer. Other organizing partners are Iceland Academy of the Arts and Estonian Academy of Arts.

The workshop introduces the meaning of the reindeer in the Lappish culture as well as traditions and current ways of utilizing reindeer in Lapland by lectures, visits to reindeer farm, local companies and producers as well as excursions in unique surroundings. Traditionally all the parts of the reindeer were used, whereas nowadays several parts are wasted. Sustainability is an overarching topic of the workshop.

The workshop consists of joint lectures and visits as well as of group works with final presentations.

Group 1: Clothing. This group focuses on using reindeer leather in clothing.
Group 2: Product Innovation. The product innovation group gets more widely acquainted with the reindeer culture to develop innovations of other parts such as horn or leather.

6 students will be selected from Cirrus- network partner schools in addition to organizing schools’ 12 students.
The accommodation is organized in a dormitory. Travel and accommodation costs are covered.

Level: BA and MA students
The teachers of the workshop are:

Prof. Marjatta Heikkilä-Rastas, University of Lapland
Prof. Lennart Mänd, Estonian Academy of Arts
Ass. Prof. Gardar Eyjolfsson, Iceland Academy of the Arts
Anu Kylmänen, university teacher, University of Lapland

Application process:  max one page motivation letter to by 13.2.2015 Please mention whether you are interested in taking part to clothing design group or product design innovation group.

Decisions on selection are announced by 20.2.2015

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