Innovation in Healthcare – 2021

Innovation in Healthcare – 2021


A 5-Day Co-design workshop experience working with real life healthcare challenge(s). Each participant will join international teams via the CIRRUS network. The challenge(s) are provided by partners at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Västra Götaland Region, Gothenburg, Sweden. 

The project, as a whole, aims to improve the healthcare services and to co-design long-term strategic change with the partner hospitals and thus the national healthcare systems in the Nordic-Baltic region. The intensive is funded by Nordplus Higher Education programme and brings together Cirrus network students and faculty. 


The collaboration between the Embedded Design Master’s Program at HDK-Valand, Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg with partner universities Design at University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland and Design at the Estonian Academy of the Arts, Tallinn, Estonia. 

Plus! There will be a guest facilitator(s)/practitioner(s) invited specifically to share their experience with these types of challenges and beyond the university setting/educational modes of working. 


HDK-Valand, Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg, Contact person: Samantha Hookway,


Wednesday 8 September – Tuesday 14 September (with normal weekend break). Expect 5 full day schedules ca. 9 – 17.00 CET. 


Online using web platforms such as Zoom, Miro and etc. 


Fill in this online form ( August, 31 2021– midnight. 

With the support of Cirrus – Nordic-BalticNetwork of Art and Design Education – funded through the Nordic Council of Ministers´ Nordplus programme.

Open to beginners and seasoned design sprinters alike!