Express course: The Text, the Body, the Book, March 20th –23 rd, 2017

CIRRUS lecture and workshop “The Text, the Body, the Book“ in Klaipeda faculty of Vilnius Academy of Arts with Roma Auškalnyte mixed media artist (University of Arts Helsinki)
1,5 ECTS
CIRRUS seats: 3 (BA)

Klaipeda, Lithuania
March 20th –23 rd, 2017 (arrive 19th of March and leave 24th of March)

Please send a motivation letter motivational letter a (200 words) and a link to your portoflio to the lecturer of the Graphic Design department, Klaipeda faculty, associate professor Lidija Kukliene (


Application deadline: 1st of March
Decisions on selection are announced by March 6 th, 2017

The workshop will be divided into the three groups: the Text, the Body and the Book. They will analyze the body and text in graphic art, as well as in contemporary art contexts: how the body influences the

object, which is created and how to use it to find new forms of expression.

Practical workshops will be organized during the performative tasks and we will try to look more into the line, the stain and the texture – the entire graphic arts trinity. Also discover the different and individual creative sources for each student.

The workshop aim will be to broaden the perception of what the graphics and text is, how they change and how to use digital media (video) by integrating it to graphics and performance art.

The final piece of the four day workshops will be – book, but its form, and the media will depend on each participant.

The workshops are focused on the history of Klaipeda, and Book smugglers day, which will be commemorated on 16 th of March in Lithuania.


About lecturer

Roma Auškalnytė has worked for several years in a direction that may be referred to as „auto-biography.“ Her works were usually derived from memory as well as from some mementos that she had in her possession since childhood.

From 2012 she started concentrating more on text based art in combination with printmaking or video, as well as various body/performance experiments. She is influenced by the printmaking processes, how it leads to new, ambiguous transformations of old ideas. Roma Auškalnytė is exploring body as material in printmaking, the importance of gesture and repetition which are always hidden behind the final print.

Roma Auškalnytė now lives and works in Helsinki, Finland.

 You can find additional information about artist Roma Auškalnyte here:


3 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools and are entitled to CIRRUS scholarship (330 EUR travel/660 Iceland) + weekly allowance 70 EUR.




Monday 20 th

9 – 12 pm Presentation lecture of the workshops – mixed media artist Roma Auškalnyte.
12-13 pm A break
13-17 pm An informal review of students works (students should bring USB, or have themselfs works on a web page), visit to studio, discussion (familiarity with the workshops participants-tea, bisquits, other suggestions?:)


Thursday 21st „THE TEXT“

09- 10 am A brief lecture and discussions showing artists works and samples; a talk on the tasks of the day.
10-12 pm Preparation of space and a small exercise.
12-13 pm A break.
13-17 pm Experimental Graphic Workshop.

Wednesday 22 nd „THE BODY“

9-10 ap A brief lecture and discussion are showing artists and works and samples; a talk on the tasks of the day.
10-12 pm A small warm-up exercise.
12-13 pm A break.
13-17 pm Experimental Graphic Workshop.

Thursday 23 rd „THE TEXT“

9-10.30 am Presentation of Klaipeda, and the history of writing and books. The lecture leads guide educator Agne Jonikaitytė (The History museum of Lithuania minor).
10-12 pm The ending of the session and discussion on the continuation of the works, a small warm-up exercise.
12-13 pm A break.
13-17 pm The continuation of the work; final talk and presentation on the final works. Closing of the workshop.

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