ERKI Fashion Show, deadline 23.03.2015


The Fashion Show that’s grown out of Estonian National Art Institute’s assembly hall is coming again, this year already 28th time. 33­years history existence shows that a lot of unique collections and fashion designers have found their way to our stage.

ERKI is stopover and ordeal on a road what designers use for climbing to the top. ERKI is a possibility to achieve more, chance to reach the goal and desires. A path, what every fashion designer use for development to become someone.

Traditionally we can see only the final touch of a fashion show, when all the collections are ready and designers and organisers are satisfied with their result. Actually it’s not that simple as it seems. A path through ERKI requires effort, discipline, sweat, blood and great willpower. Before accomplish the final goal designers have to overcome difficulties and then stop for a moment to move on, farther. This year ERKI shows a tiny fraction of the difficult journey, what team and fashion designer have to pass to make dreams come true.

Let’s reject stereotypes and focus on what You’re good at. Let’s appreciate who You are, not condemn you because you’re not somebody yet. There’s not only one ordeal, what makes sure if you are a real designer or not but there’s a change by walking along the path, you might figure it out.

ERKI Fashion Show is always evolving over time but we have reached the goal ­ we’re very important for young Estonian designers. You have the chance to be a part of ERKI Fashion Show on the 30th of May and begin your endless journey of possibilities in design world.

On the uncharted crazy terrain you have to be the leader of your own path and set your goals. Pass through the train and leave a mark behind.

Where are you? ERKI is here.

 Deadline to submit final drafts is on 23 of March at 16.00 CET*.

For more information, contest rules and regulations:


*CET – Short for Central European Time.

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