FULL! The seats have been taken. Thank you for your interest in using CIRRUS for EKA Design Hackathon

5 seats avaliable for CIRRUS students at EKA Design Hackathon.
First come, first served.
CIRRUS grant: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660) + 70 EUR for living costs. The grant will be delivered to your home institution’s account and they are responsible for paying it out to you.
(More students are welcome to join in without a grant).
Apply through the link and under question: “FACULTY / UNIVERSITY / ORGANISATION”, mention first CIRRUS and then your institution, e.g
CIRRUS – Estonian Academy of Arts

EKA Design Hackthon takes place in Estonian Academy of Arts 1.11 – 3.11 and is dedicated to students of The Faculty of Design but opened to everyone who is interested.

A hackathon is a 48 hours long intensive event where students from different faculties work together in order to find design solutions for real life problems.

Although this is a general design hackathon we encourage the participants to think about futuristic solutions and use their imagination to come up with solutions that would feel innovative also in 2035.

Your idea could be a new alternative in the world of materials and textile, an advanced view of the ways things are engineered, a program or part of code that makes designing more efficient or anything else you can possibly come up with.

The event is free of charge, food is provided and experienced mentors are available throughout the event.

When registering explain your idea, write down the possible materials you may want to use and bear in mind that all the workshops are opened for the whole weekend. Don’t hesitate if you don’t have an idea yet, your skills are as valuable!

Event link to the pre-event: facebook.com/events/463927657556345/

This event is funded by European Union Regional Development Fund.

Register here: forms.gle/RUNwuhsneW8tPDHv5