DESIGN WITH LIGHT, October 17 – 21

DESIGN WITH LIGHT with Prof. Kacper Dolatowski (USA) in Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts

Interior Design Department at Vilnius Art Academy will host a workshop for senior course students of interior design and architecture in Nida Art Colony and invites interested students from all Cirrus institutions to attend the course.

Title of course: Design with Light Workshop period: October 17 – 21

Teacher: Kacper Dolatowski, PhD Industrial and Product Design, Principal at Axon Design Inc., Adjunct Professor _ Fashion Institute of Technology of State University of New York, Visiting Professor Savannah Colledge of Art and Design,
former Senior Designer – Manager Tiffany & Co.

Number of available places for Cirrus students 4

Course Content

The course is aiming to extend theoretical knowledge on interior and architectural lighting, including overview of lighting design techniques, tools and methods and comprehensive application study for both residential and commercial applications – mixture of lectures on theories for light accompanied by hands-on training with floor plans and elevations. Some aspects of theatrical and stage light design process will also be reviewed.

Organization of the Course

  •   Lectures, presentations
  •   Practical tasks: idea sketching, lighting design exercises on ready-made plans, basics for

    constructing a lighting unit in architectural space

  •   Acquaintance with the impact of light quality on human wellbeing
  •   Participants are supposed to handle software for architectural design and bring their

    personal facilities for computer design and sketching (laptops, sketchbooks, drawing tools, etc.)

Preliminary Schedule

  •   Arrival October 17th till 6 PM, Introductory presentation

    Nida Art Colony of the Vilnius Academy of Arts _E. A. Jonušo str. 3, LT- 93127 Neringa, Lithuania, +370 469 20 370 _ nija/@55.2997748,20.9837252,17.01z/data=!4m10!1m2!2m1!1snida+Jonu%C5%A1o+3!3m6!1s0x 46e497ef3ca5c3c5:0x61603c6667970b2c!5m1!1s2018-10-21!8m2!3d55.2998068!4d20.9865669

  •   October 18th – 20th morning – theory, afternoon – practice, discussions
  •   October 21st – leaving back to Vilnius till 1PM

    External participants will be accepted based on application and motivation letter. Please send your application to Elena Černiauskaitė ( no later than the 11th of October, 2018. The selected applicants will be informed about further details on the 12th of October, 2018.

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