CIRRUS network meeting and teachers seminar 2018

Welcome to 2018 CIRRUS Oslo MEETING for teachers, leadership and international coordinators at Oslo Met, Kunnskapsveien 55, Kjeller.


Network meeting HIOA Oslo Met 2018 (pdf full programme to download)


The meeting takes place in HIOA, Oslo, from March 7 – 9, 2018.
The fee is 150 EUR/1500 NOK.
This covers the participation at all events including coffee-breaks, dinners and lunches.
The payment can be made here until March 23, 2018. 

Our main theme at the Oslo HIOA meeting will be how we as design schools balance between “analogue” and “digital” teaching in our curricula.The overall theme also raises parallel perspectives like; “Physical” versus “Virtual”, “New” versus “Old” or “Crafts” versus “Automation”. The theme will be covered in the leaders meetings as well as in the teachers in workshops. We will have both practical workshops and discussion workshops. More specifically, we present subjects like:

  • 3D clay printing, how to teach students to learn – with 3D printing as a pedagogical tool.

  • We wish to discuss digital strategies for learning; additive and subtractive design processes (wood, metal, and textile)

  • Our department is active in the field of design for health – for instance covering subjects like; how art theory in haptics meets orthopedic technology and how design can improve everyday lives of the chronically ill.

    Cirrus workshop topics for Teachers Seminar:

    1: Futuristic Scenarios
    What is the future, tomorrow and after? How will User / User behavior be and what materials will be a part of the daily lives?

    Keywords: Playfulness / seriousity
    Creativity / mindfulness
    Collaboration / group work
    Facilitator: Nils Seiersten. Associated Professor / Industrial Designer

    2: 3d print as an analogue and a digital process
    If the process of designing is the process of learning , what do digital media bring to the table?
    The workshop is conceptualized as an experiment that sheds light on the design process directions and unconscious choices designers make according to the skills they have.
    The workshop includes physical prototyping and discussions.
    Facilitator: Nenad Pavel. PhD-student / Industrial Designer

    3: Workshop on Clay Printing
    Clay agency in additive manufacturing
    The workshop will focus on materials, processes and the aesthetic aspects of 3D / Clay printing. What is common knowledge? What will be the next step? Challenges and opportunities.
    For inspiration and info on what is going on in this area, please look up:
    Facilitator: Kristin Andreassen. Associated Professor / artist in clay

    4: Heath + Design = X(perience)
    The Oxford dictionary defines experience as the process of getting knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things. If it is a process of discovery that lies at the heart of an experience, how does a design process influence this process? In this workshop we invite you to think, explore, and share on how Design can add to a meaningful healthcare experience.
    Facilitators: Julia Jacoby and Laila Steen. PhD-students / Product and Industrial Designers.


52 rooms have been reserved in Smarthotel Oslo. The cost per night is NOK 795/€ 81.
The participants should order hotel room like this:

  • Call  +47 415 365 00 or send an e-mail to containing this information: Name and the booking code CIRRUS.
  • Please also give up the number of your credit card (16 digits) and the cards expiration date – to guarantee your booking.
  • Everybody will automatically get rooms from March 7-9, if you need to stay longer, please state so, when booking.
  • The reservations can stand until February 5.


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