CIRRUS intensive course Traditions and Innovation II in Tallinn

CIRRUS intensive course
“Traditions and Innovations II”

#Sustainable use of rawhide
#Parchment making
#Looking for
possibilities to use it in design

CIRRUS seats: 6
Tallinn, Estonia
May 2 – 8, 2016 (arrival May 1, departure May 8)

The Faculty of Design of EAA, Product Design + Leather Art departments in Estonian Academy of Arts are  hosting joint Cirrus workshop on sustainable use of rawhide and working with parchment. The workshop introduces parchment, the material that was widely used in medieval times and has high potential to be re-discovered and re-evaluated in the context of modern design.

During this hands-on workshop we will create material from rawhide and work with it, in order to understand better its different qualities and possibilities to use today.

The workshop consists of joint lectures and visits as well as of group work with final presentations. All participants can also put hands on parchment making process.  The course participants will be devided into groups:

–      parchment and light
–      parchment and sound
–      parchment and innovation

6 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools in addition to organizing schools’ 12 students.

Joint accommodation for students is organized in a hostel (shared rooms).
Travel grant in Nordplus amount 330 EUR is provided.

Level: BA and MA students
The teachers of the workshop are:

Prof. Lennart Mänd, Estonian Academy of Arts
Prof. Aivar Habakukk, Estonian Academy of Arts
Ass. Prof. Gardar Eyjolfsson, Iceland Academy of the Arts
Lector Valgerdur Tinna Gunnarsdóttir, Iceland Academy of the Arts
University Teacher Pertti Aula, University of Lapland

Application process:  fill application due March 14, 2016 (NB! this call is not open to EAA’s, Lapland University and LHI’s students)
Decisions on selection are announced by April 1, 2016

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