CERAMIC SHELL… course in Lithuania, May 2018


The Faculty of Telšiai (Vilnius Academy of Arts) is hosting a Cirrus express course “Ceramic shell bronze casting – The Transformative Power of Fire and the Furnace”.
Teacher: David Snoo Wilson (Royal College of Art, UK)
Level: BA/MA
Teaching period: from the 14th of May to the 24th of May 2018 ECTS: 3 ECTS Number of available place for Cirrus students: 4
Muziejaus st. 29a, Telšiai (270 km away from Vilnius), Lithuania
CIRRUS/Nordplus grant available: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR weekly

The Jewelry and metal department of the Academy of Arts, will host a workshop on ceramic shell bronze casting. The course will be taught by David Snoo Wilson of the Royal College of Art foundry. Students from all Cirrus institutions are invited to attend the course.

Course Content 

The course is aiming to provide knowledge about methods and materials related to ceramic shell bronze casting. However, the materials will cost 15 Eur for each participant after arrival. The course will provide information on:

-How to use the material ceramic shell; -How to set up a small foundry; -Overview of the foundry process; -Mold making; -Wax working.

The course will take up ten days allowing time to experiment with materials and process. Over this period the students work will be transferred from wax to finished bronze sculpture. The size of the bronze sculptures should be manageable within the time. So a large hand size or smaller. Students are asked to direct their work towards, Alchemy and Foundry: The Transformative Power of Fire and the Furnace. During the course talks relating to the content will take place. 2

Applications should include your name, surname, home school, study year and level, a motivation statement (max 250 words), a link to your portfolio and CV and phone number. All applications should be sent to r.vaitkute@gmail.com 

Deadline to apply: the 16th of March, 2018 Decisions on selection are announced by 26th of March, 2018 

About the teachers 

David Snoo Wilson is a founder and artist that has been teaching bronze casting for the last 10 years, most recently at the Royal College of Art, London, UK. Uniquely at the heart of his studio practice is the beautiful alchemy of melting metal. Specialising in bell casting and surrounding technology, he utilise a mobile foundry to cast bells in various location outside of the traditional industrial set up to create a spectacle and a show.

Tom Railton works in sculpture, establishing apophenic links between material, manufacture and site with a transtechnological approach to making and unmaking. He lives and works in London, combining an emerging and award-winning practice with a specialist technical appointment at the Royal College of Art.

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