CIRRUS meeting to be held in Kolding, September 25-27, 2013.

CIRRUS meeting of rectors/heads and coordinators

Kolding School of Design, Denmark 
Main organizers: Lone Dalsgaard André, Anette Flinck
September 25-27, 2013


If you wish to have something on the agenda, please send your request to <>

Wednesday the 25th:

17.00: We meet at the school entrance, Ågade 10 and walk to Koldinghus Castle
17.30: Welcome to the Castle by Museum Director Poul Dedenroth-Schou at Koldinghus Castle
19.00: Dinner at Koldinghus Castle

 Thursday the 26th:

09.00 – 17.00 Program begins at the school with joint meetings.
After lunch the seminar is split up in coordinator meetings and teacher/rector meetings
18.00: Dinner at the school

PLEASE NOTE: The teacher/rector meeting will include mapping of our institutions educations. In the meeting you will put focus on HOW you teach at your institution. WHICH structure and paedagogic are the foundation of your education.

That will create a good foundation of the educational mapping that was discussed in Gothenburg. We will provide a facilitator for this process. So please bring along a person who wants to participate in this process!!

Friday the 27th:

09.00: Program begins at the school
11.30: Bus to Art Museum Trapholt

Guided tour and lunch at Art Museum Trapholt.

14.00/14.30: Bus will leave the museum so you can return home in the afternoon.


You can fly to Billund Airport which is the closest airport:
Or fly to Copenhagen Airport and take the train to/from Copenhagen: