CIRRUS intensive course Traditions and Innovation II in Tallinn

CIRRUS intensive course
“Traditions and Innovations II”

#Sustainable use of rawhide
#Parchment making
#Looking for
possibilities to use it in design

CIRRUS seats: 6
Tallinn, Estonia
May 2 – 8, 2016 (arrival May 1, departure May 8)

The Faculty of Design of EAA, Product Design + Leather Art departments in Estonian Academy of Arts are  hosting joint Cirrus workshop on sustainable use of rawhide and working with parchment. The workshop introduces parchment, the material that was widely used in medieval times and has high potential to be re-discovered and re-evaluated in the context of modern design.

During this hands-on workshop we will create material from rawhide and work with it, in order to understand better its different qualities and possibilities to use today.

The workshop consists of joint lectures and visits as well as of group work with final presentations. All participants can also put hands on parchment making process.  The course participants will be devided into groups:

–      parchment and light
–      parchment and sound
–      parchment and innovation

6 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools in addition to organizing schools’ 12 students.

Joint accommodation for students is organized in a hostel (shared rooms).
Travel grant in Nordplus amount 330 EUR is provided.

Level: BA and MA students
The teachers of the workshop are:

Prof. Lennart Mänd, Estonian Academy of Arts
Prof. Aivar Habakukk, Estonian Academy of Arts
Ass. Prof. Gardar Eyjolfsson, Iceland Academy of the Arts
Lector Valgerdur Tinna Gunnarsdóttir, Iceland Academy of the Arts
University Teacher Pertti Aula, University of Lapland

Application process:  fill application due March 14, 2016 (NB! this call is not open to EAA’s, Lapland University and LHI’s students)
Decisions on selection are announced by April 1, 2016

Call for CIRRUS board members, due January 4, 2016

CIRRUS invites dedicated members to apply for CIRRUS board for the period of 2016 – 2019.
Application deadline: January 4, 2016
Motivations and/or nominations to be sent to CIRRUS coordinator

About CIRRUS board:

  • The board of the network comprises of four faculty members from the CIRRUS institutions and is elected every three years at the network meeting.
  • The board is responsible for running the network together with the secretariat (general network coordinator). The responsibilities of the board are: strategic planning and leadership, policy making of the network and beyond, planning of the network activities, cooperation and guidelines to the secretariat.
  • A board member must be prepared to meet vis a vis twice a year, at other times the board meetings are carried out in e-formats.



CAMPER workshop January 18 – 23, 2016


Camper Northern Workshop
Workshop by

Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
Time: January 18-23, 2016
Leaders of the workshop:
Adriana Rodriguez, design director at Camper
Jumpej Ushiama, senior designer at Camper
CIRRUS students: 6
Responsible professor: Lennart Mänd


CAMPER workshop focuses on footwear and bag design, offering a challenging opportunity for students to show their potential and develop designer skills. The workshop is conducted by Camper’s top designers and is part of the company’s talent seeking process.

During the one week intensive workshop students will develop new ideas and prototype them.

The workshop is organised in cooperation with Camper and Estonian Academy of Arts, department of Leather Art.


We are looking for participants who have interest in designing footwear and bags. Previous experience in the field is not compulsory.
The applicant should have passed at least one year of study, both BA and MA students are welcome.
Please fill in the application before November 27, 2015
(Please insert links to your CV and portfolio into the application form)

CIRRUS/Nordplus will cover student scholarship according to the Nordplus rules (70 EUR week + travel grant 330 EUR, Iceland 660 EUR).

In case of high volume of applications the decision will be made by workshop leaders.



Camper was established in Majorca more than 30 years ago. Today, it is one of the world’s leading companies in the footwear design industry, with more than 300 Camper stores and 4,000 authorized points of sale in 50+ different countries.

Camper Team is nowadays composed by more than 1,000 people committed to the company values that made the dream come true.




April 27, 2015

Emergence in Making – Rethinking Local Design Production

August 6 -14, 2015

‘Emerging in Making – rethinking local design production’ – is a one week intensive workshop to question and investigate the value and assets in the local manufacturing of furniture and related products. The course will be organised in the Sykkylven – region on the west coast of Norway. This particular area is historically important concentration of two-third of the Norwegian furniture manufacturing industry.

Students in CIRRUS schools, who have passed three years of study (either in degree programmes or at their MA level currently) are invited to submit applications due May 15.

CIRRUS/Nordplus will cover student scholarship according to the Nordplus rules (70 EUR week + travel grant 330 EUR, Iceland 660 EUR) for travel, local transport and food.
The students will be accommodated in shared cabins (4 persons per cabin).

In case of high volume of applications the decision will be made by KHIO organising committee with Toni Kauppila leading the process.



‘Emerging in Making – rethinking local design production’ – is a one week intensive workshop to question and investigate the value and assets in the local manufacturing of furniture and related products. The course will be organised in the Sykkylven – region on the west coast of Norway. This particular area is historically important concentration of two-third of the Norwegian furniture manufacturing industry. Many of the past success stories and Norwegian design classics would have their roots in the area. In the past years though, there has been increasing challenges for the industry to compete with the more saturated and international markets within the field. Also issues raised by the polarising of the global production costs dispute the positioning of the local manufacturing in countries like Norway with high labour expenses.
Part of this phenomenon several operators within the furniture sector have been moving their activities to other locations, including the Baltic region. This dualistic geographical set-up within the design- and craft disciplines also underlines the importance of the issue within the CIRRUS network. To foster this current situation, the operators within the Sykkylven region have established a collective cluster, titled the ‘MØBELKRAFT’ – the Inspiration and Competence centre for Norwegian Furniture Industry.
The ambition of this initiative is to bring together all the parties, including nearly 30 manufacturers and suppliers, to focus on re-establishing the cluster’s position in the field. The objective of the workshop is to familiarize the students with this challenge, get acquainted with the operators within the cluster and to make design experiments to explore the emerging potential within the industry.
Aims and objectives:
• Learning the basics of working with the product industry
• Collaborative working methods
• Elaborating design processes between analytical thinking and material-based crafting
• Using designerly methods to communicate …
• Thinking about critical issues related to local and global manufacturing
The overall responsibility for the organising the teaching lies within the Oslo National Academy of the Arts, who will provide two highly internationally acknowledged professors within the specialised field, both with an academic and practical background. The responsible leader for the workshop will be professor Toni Kauppila, who is the head of the interior architecture and furniture design program. The other teacher in charge will be professor (in furniture and product design) Sigurd Strøm.
The main pedagogical and didactical approaches are: contact learning, learning by doing, lectures and presentations. The pedagogical principle of this workshop is to provide the students with an inspiring way to gain knowledge and expertise and experience, the student being in an active role in this process. It will also give an opportunity to learn project working skills from the preparatory work till the end result, as the students will participate in the documentation. Preparatory work via email will familiarize the students with the historical, social and economical facts about the cluster. The students will share their knowledge about specific production practises. It also allows the students to exchange ideas, information and cultural standing points with the fellow students and participating teachers. Contact learning on site is emphasized and it forms the core of this workshop. Teacher presentations will give a look into different projects and methods used in the disciplines in question. After the students have delivered the report and documentation material the tutoring teacher will take care of the assessment of the students. The students will receive 3 ECTS credits in case of successful evaluation (pass/fail) in ECTS system. Each institution is responsible for recognition of results by adding it to the student’s diploma supplement.
In the first part of the course students are introduced to the area and the partnering parties by visits and lectures. The teachers of the course present the design challenges and issues linked to the theme by seminars and classes. The second part of the course students will get hands-on design assignments to address the theme. Teachers will provide tutorials to assist the students’ work. The final phase includes further experimental explorations to communicate and disseminate the students’ findings both by visual and material means.
The outcomes of the workshop will be publicly presented and discussed with the representatives of the Furniture Cluster in Sykkylven at the end of the course. The students will meet several members of the MØBELKRAFT cluster in the process, including different producers and key personnel of the manufacturers. Edited version of the course will also be exhibited publicly during the Designers’ Saturday in Oslo in September 2015. The organisers will also prepare a publication of the key results of the course.

Into the Woods, express course, May 24 – 29, 2015

CIRRUS students engaged in various forms of art, design and architecture are hereby invited to take part in the workshop “Into the Woods”, 24-29 May 2015. The venue for the workshop is the island Kvamsøy, located in Sognefjorden in Western Norway, surrounded by the deep fjord and high mountains. During the workshop participants will be introduced to different approaches for working with wood, and build experimental, spatial structures while at the same time live and work in the woods. The magnificent landscape, the lush nature, the bay, the sky and climate will hopefully be a great source of inspiration and could offer great experiences.
Details and program, see also Into The Woods Invitation

Number of available CIRRUS seats: 3
Course level: BA & MA
Fee: NOK 1000,-

CIRRUS/Nordplus will pay out the regular 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR a week grant. The price 1000 NOK for the workshop (appr. 120 EUR) includes accommodation and food. No extras will be paid out.

All applicants are kindly asked to send their motivation statement to within 17 April (please note that the application deadline for CIRRUS students differs from the deadline in the flyer). Your application should consist of an idea – a description of your purpose for joining the workshop. Your ideas will be part of the workshop as a joint venture.


AHO: PhD Fellowship – Designing for Additive Manufacturing

PhD Fellowship – Designing for Additive Manufacturing

Application deadline: 28.2.2014
Expected Start Date: September 2014
Rachel Troye
Steinar Killi
Telephone: +47 22997146
Mobile: +47 90108728

Designing for Additive Manufacturing is regarded of the more important contemporary topics to research within the community of product design. Additive Manufacturing has been a buzzword for several years now. Research has been performed around the technical aspects of this production technology, but very scarcely around actual design processes. Additive Manufacturing (AM) is predicted to have the potential to start the ‘next industrial revolution’, being disruptive is not enough though. What is needed is informed and situated design production, knowledge and critique in design research terms too.This design  PhD Fellowship position is centered in practice-oriented design inquiry that involves production with analysis. At the core is a need to develop design methodology and design processes that would be useful for designers and companies and to reflect on these in and as formal researches.