Express: Excavations of Nida

CIRRUS EXPRESS „Excavations of Nida“

Title of course: „Excavations of Nida“
Place: VAA Nida Art Colony (E. A. Jonušo str. 3, LT-93127 Neringa, Lithuania)
Teaching period: 2018, June 11 –17
Teacher(s): Assoc. Prof. Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė (LT), Assoc. Prof. Lina Jonikė (LT) Assoc. Prof. Krista Leesi (EE)
ECTS: 1,5
Number of available place for Cirrus students: 4
Level: (BA)
Application deadline: 15th of May, 2018
How to apply: please send the portfolio to Assoc. Prof. Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė by e-mail:

Course description:
Cirrus express course is based on collaboration between Vilnius Academy of Arts, Kaunas Faculty Textile Department and Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Textile Design.
During the creative workshop we will develop functional textile/design ideas that are related to Nida’s stories/”fossils”, i.e. legends, local tales, emotions, humour, tourism, etc. Collecting, gathering, archiving, processing and creative interpretation of local experiences will take on new forms of textile design. During the workshop we will practice the techniques of collaboration work in groups, observation, experience sharing and application. During the express course we will combine and share cultural stereotypes, idea development, textile design, creative research, and practices of international reproduction. We will have an open discussions and presentations of designed objects. The presentation of designed objects/prototypes will take place in Nida and Nida Art Colony’s spaces.




BIWF 2018

31. May – 5 June 2018 Bergen, Norway

Bergen International Wood Festival: 3 CIRRUS student grants available for a team

Bergen International Wood Festival 2018
Competition in constructing spatial structures in wood.
Bergen International Wood Festival (BIWF) is a competition in constructing spatial structures in wood, hosted by the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen, 31 May – 5 June 2018.

Registration deadline 13 April
Sketches deadline: 4 May
More information here.
Students from CIRRUS schools are encouraged to apply in 3-persons teams. In the application the team should notify that they are competing in CIRRUS frame.
In case any of the CIRRUS students teams are selected, the best team will be applicable for CIRRUS travel grants (330 EUR/660 Iceland per person) for participation. The teams may consist of 3 students from either one or several schools.

CERAMIC SHELL… course in Lithuania, May 2018


The Faculty of Telšiai (Vilnius Academy of Arts) is hosting a Cirrus express course “Ceramic shell bronze casting – The Transformative Power of Fire and the Furnace”.
Teacher: David Snoo Wilson (Royal College of Art, UK)
Level: BA/MA
Teaching period: from the 14th of May to the 24th of May 2018 ECTS: 3 ECTS Number of available place for Cirrus students: 4
Muziejaus st. 29a, Telšiai (270 km away from Vilnius), Lithuania
CIRRUS/Nordplus grant available: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR weekly

The Jewelry and metal department of the Academy of Arts, will host a workshop on ceramic shell bronze casting. The course will be taught by David Snoo Wilson of the Royal College of Art foundry. Students from all Cirrus institutions are invited to attend the course.

Course Content 

The course is aiming to provide knowledge about methods and materials related to ceramic shell bronze casting. However, the materials will cost 15 Eur for each participant after arrival. The course will provide information on:

-How to use the material ceramic shell; -How to set up a small foundry; -Overview of the foundry process; -Mold making; -Wax working.

The course will take up ten days allowing time to experiment with materials and process. Over this period the students work will be transferred from wax to finished bronze sculpture. The size of the bronze sculptures should be manageable within the time. So a large hand size or smaller. Students are asked to direct their work towards, Alchemy and Foundry: The Transformative Power of Fire and the Furnace. During the course talks relating to the content will take place. 2

Applications should include your name, surname, home school, study year and level, a motivation statement (max 250 words), a link to your portfolio and CV and phone number. All applications should be sent to 

Deadline to apply: the 16th of March, 2018 Decisions on selection are announced by 26th of March, 2018 

About the teachers 

David Snoo Wilson is a founder and artist that has been teaching bronze casting for the last 10 years, most recently at the Royal College of Art, London, UK. Uniquely at the heart of his studio practice is the beautiful alchemy of melting metal. Specialising in bell casting and surrounding technology, he utilise a mobile foundry to cast bells in various location outside of the traditional industrial set up to create a spectacle and a show.

Tom Railton works in sculpture, establishing apophenic links between material, manufacture and site with a transtechnological approach to making and unmaking. He lives and works in London, combining an emerging and award-winning practice with a specialist technical appointment at the Royal College of Art.

CIRRUS network meeting and teachers seminar 2018

Welcome to 2018 CIRRUS Oslo MEETING for teachers, leadership and international coordinators at Oslo Met, Kunnskapsveien 55, Kjeller.


Network meeting HIOA Oslo Met 2018 (pdf full programme to download)


The meeting takes place in HIOA, Oslo, from March 7 – 9, 2018.
The fee is 150 EUR/1500 NOK.
This covers the participation at all events including coffee-breaks, dinners and lunches.
The payment can be made here until March 23, 2018. 

Our main theme at the Oslo HIOA meeting will be how we as design schools balance between “analogue” and “digital” teaching in our curricula.The overall theme also raises parallel perspectives like; “Physical” versus “Virtual”, “New” versus “Old” or “Crafts” versus “Automation”. The theme will be covered in the leaders meetings as well as in the teachers in workshops. We will have both practical workshops and discussion workshops. More specifically, we present subjects like:

  • 3D clay printing, how to teach students to learn – with 3D printing as a pedagogical tool.

  • We wish to discuss digital strategies for learning; additive and subtractive design processes (wood, metal, and textile)

  • Our department is active in the field of design for health – for instance covering subjects like; how art theory in haptics meets orthopedic technology and how design can improve everyday lives of the chronically ill.

    Cirrus workshop topics for Teachers Seminar:

    1: Futuristic Scenarios
    What is the future, tomorrow and after? How will User / User behavior be and what materials will be a part of the daily lives?

    Keywords: Playfulness / seriousity
    Creativity / mindfulness
    Collaboration / group work
    Facilitator: Nils Seiersten. Associated Professor / Industrial Designer

    2: 3d print as an analogue and a digital process
    If the process of designing is the process of learning , what do digital media bring to the table?
    The workshop is conceptualized as an experiment that sheds light on the design process directions and unconscious choices designers make according to the skills they have.
    The workshop includes physical prototyping and discussions.
    Facilitator: Nenad Pavel. PhD-student / Industrial Designer

    3: Workshop on Clay Printing
    Clay agency in additive manufacturing
    The workshop will focus on materials, processes and the aesthetic aspects of 3D / Clay printing. What is common knowledge? What will be the next step? Challenges and opportunities.
    For inspiration and info on what is going on in this area, please look up:
    Facilitator: Kristin Andreassen. Associated Professor / artist in clay

    4: Heath + Design = X(perience)
    The Oxford dictionary defines experience as the process of getting knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things. If it is a process of discovery that lies at the heart of an experience, how does a design process influence this process? In this workshop we invite you to think, explore, and share on how Design can add to a meaningful healthcare experience.
    Facilitators: Julia Jacoby and Laila Steen. PhD-students / Product and Industrial Designers.


52 rooms have been reserved in Smarthotel Oslo. The cost per night is NOK 795/€ 81.
The participants should order hotel room like this:

  • Call  +47 415 365 00 or send an e-mail to containing this information: Name and the booking code CIRRUS.
  • Please also give up the number of your credit card (16 digits) and the cards expiration date – to guarantee your booking.
  • Everybody will automatically get rooms from March 7-9, if you need to stay longer, please state so, when booking.
  • The reservations can stand until February 5.


Express course: Printmaking on textile: process and methods

CIRRUS Express course
Printmaking on textile: process and methods
University of Bergen, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design 
Course period: 11.9-29.9.2017
Course leaders: Ingrid Aarset, Tone Saastad, Kari Dyrdal and Lise Finne
Course level: BA/MA
Number of places for Cirrus students: 2
ECTS: 4,5
Apply by sending a brief motivation letter and work examples (max 3) to no later than 1 August.
CIRRUS grant: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + weekly allowance 70 EUR

Course description

The aim is to show a lot of possibilities when processing textiles, using printrelated techniques in different manners and to show how this processing developes ideas and open up for new visual languages. There will be lectures on art projects related to the medium.

The course will provide a basic introduction to the use of fiber reactives dyes, specifically developed for textile materials, pigment dyes, resist printing, discharge printing, digital printing with fiberreactive dyes, devoré and monoprinting with silkscreens.

There will be theoretical introductions to each new theme followed by practical tutorials in the studios. The students will acquire individual experience and get to know the workshops very well.

KHIB new building
University of Bergen, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design  
new building

The Poster as an Art Form. Express course in Iceland

Title course
Course period: 25.09. – 29.09.2017
Number of places for CIRRUS students: 2
Responsible teacher: Prof. Gudmundur Oddur Magnússon /
Requirements: the course is suitable for visual communication students as well as fine art (printmaking). Minimum year 2 bachelor. Master students are welcome as well.
Application: Send your full name, name of your home school and study programmme + examples of work (max 3 images) to no later than August 10, 2017
Grant: 660 EUR travel + 70 EUR weekly allowance

One week intensive workshop in poster design/making, organised by Iceland Academy of the Arts, Reykjavik with the non-profit organization Stowarzyszenie Ogrody Sztuki and the Poster Gallery in Kraków. Exhibitions of the Polish Poster will be will be in Reykjavik at three locations opened at same time as the workshop.

Workshop leaders will be:
Monika Starowicz

Sebastian Kubica

Leszek Żebrowski

poster polish 2



Open Call: TEACHERS SEMINAR 2016/17

CIRRUS board invites network members to apply for hosting a CIRRUS Teachers seminar in academic year 2016/17.
Application deadline: June 26, 2016
Please send your short brief/motivation to:

The Teachers seminar usually gathers teachers of design fields preferably under one umbrella with a certain topic/discussion point of interest.
The seminar should ideally last for two days and offer the teachers in CIRRUS a possibility to share ideas and knowledge about pedagogical and didactic approaches of teaching design and crafts today, gain knowledge regarding subject field in partner academy and have a good time together with other Nordic and Baltic colleagues. Ideally Teachers seminar bonds can also lead to intensive courses and curriculum development (but this is not a must).
The Teachers seminar may take place in line with one of the CIRRUS intensive courses or the network meeting.
The CIRRUS network will support related costs of the host in lump sum of 3000 EUR. This is meant for covering coffee breaks and lunches and any material costs related to the seminar.
Information about previous teachers seminars: (hosted by AHO and KHIO in 2014/2015) (hosted by University of Lapland in 2015/2016)


5th SEASON. Wilderness. CIRRUS summer school vol 2

After success of CIRRUS 1st summer school in Norway, Sykkylven, Estonian Academy of Arts’, Department of Interior Architecture in collaboration with Estonian State Forest Management Centre and CIRRUS/Nordplus network announces a call for applications to: 

5th Season Wilderness Summer School
July 29th – August 7th, 2016
Soomaa, Estonia


Beautiful Soomaa (in English: swampland), situated in Estonia, consists of large raised bogs, flood-plain grasslands, paludified forests and meandering rivers. The territory of the Soomaa National Park is mostly covered with large mires, separated from each other by the rivers of the Pärnu River basin – Navesti, Halliste, Raudna and Lemmjõgi rivers. Life in Soomaa depends more on climate than anywhere else in Estonia. When vast amounts of water run down the uplands in springs, the rivers of Soomaa cannot contain it all. The water flows over flood-plain grasslands and forests and covers roads, disrupting connection with the rest of the world. In some years, the spring floods have risen by a meter a day for 3–4 days, quickly claiming roads, fields, and on occasion, homes. At the maximum flood level the water-covered area can be 7–8 km in diameter. Steep-sloped, raised bogs stand as islands in the water. The flood has been named the Fifth Season of Soomaa, and Karuskose, Soomaa will be the location of this unique Summer School.


The 5th Season Wilderness Summer School will be a deep and intensive examination into the minimum (spatial) necessities for humans in extreme conditions and also a testground for co-creation and construction inspired by wet conditions and locality. As the result of the Summer School, the bottomless bogs and overflowing rivers of Soomaa will be offered an island, a steady pause, a solid ground for the wanderer. The artistic floating object needs to create new values in very delicate surroundings. The object should continue to function during the highest water levels of the 5th Season, but can be tested out during the workshop on a river. The workshop will deal with movement motion – vertical and horizontal. The piece itself will be constructed during the workshop out of timber. The wooden installation will be a part of larger network of forest infrastructure organised by the State Forest Management Centre of Estonia.

Why you shouldn’t miss it

The summerschool will be tutored by an international team of architects, representing both practice and academia. The tutors will work alongside the participants guiding them through a complete architectural project — concept development, design, prototyping and construction of life–size installation in wilderness. The hands-on workshop will be unique opportunity to practice off-grid woodwork. The installation will most probably receive wide publicity like we have experienced before and will stay open for the public.

B210 Architects
Sami Rintala
Pavle Stamenovic

Preliminary Schedule

28th July, Thursday. Arrival day.
29th July, Friday
Introduction and lectures about Estonia, its forests – creating context
30th July, Saturday
Hike / trip in the area
Sketching first ideas under tutors guidance
31th July, Sunday
Abstract tasks for developing space
Research about the object and mapping
Designing an object
1st August, Monday
Final production of the proposals
Choosing 1-2 proposals for construction
Forming groups
1st-6th of August
Construction of the object
7th of August, Sunday
Object Opening Ceremony

EXTENDED DEADLINE! Apply here due June 20, 2016!
Seats: 15
Application is open for students of architecture, interior architecture and design.

All applicants will be contacted about acceptance/denial due June 22, 2016
Evaluation committee:

In case of high volume of applications the decision will be made by EAA’s organising committee with Prof Hannes Praks leading the process.

CIRRUS/Nordplus will cover student scholarship according to the Nordplus rules (70 EUR week + travel grant 330 EUR, Iceland 660 EUR) for travel, local transport and food.
Fee for cost of living: 200 EUR (expected to be payed for from the scholarship) includes:
– modest accommodation,
– meals,
– materials and tools for workshops,
– field trips


Contact person about the programme and content: Aet Ader
Contact person during the summer school (content, management, daily issues): Natalie Mets


Compulsory texts, films, music
“Estonian space. Thoughts on magical architecture”, Mikita, Valdur. Estonian Architectural Review. 05.08.2014
the list will be extended in June