Innovation in Healthcare – 2021

Innovation in Healthcare – 2021


A 5-Day Co-design workshop experience working with real life healthcare challenge(s). Each participant will join international teams via the CIRRUS network. The challenge(s) are provided by partners at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Västra Götaland Region, Gothenburg, Sweden. 

The project, as a whole, aims to improve the healthcare services and to co-design long-term strategic change with the partner hospitals and thus the national healthcare systems in the Nordic-Baltic region. The intensive is funded by Nordplus Higher Education programme and brings together Cirrus network students and faculty. 


The collaboration between the Embedded Design Master’s Program at HDK-Valand, Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg with partner universities Design at University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland and Design at the Estonian Academy of the Arts, Tallinn, Estonia. 

Plus! There will be a guest facilitator(s)/practitioner(s) invited specifically to share their experience with these types of challenges and beyond the university setting/educational modes of working. 


HDK-Valand, Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg, Contact person: Samantha Hookway,


Wednesday 8 September – Tuesday 14 September (with normal weekend break). Expect 5 full day schedules ca. 9 – 17.00 CET. 


Online using web platforms such as Zoom, Miro and etc. 


Fill in this online form ( August, 31 2021– midnight. 

With the support of Cirrus – Nordic-BalticNetwork of Art and Design Education – funded through the Nordic Council of Ministers´ Nordplus programme.

Open to beginners and seasoned design sprinters alike!

AHO: open posts

The Institute of Design, at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO), is growing and will expand the number of faculty extensively over the next few years. To meet the growing demand for designers in Norway, the Ministry of Education and Research granted AHO funding for 30 new student places in design in 2020. The size of the 5-year integrated Master programme in design will double, going from 30 to 60 students per year. This means that the Institute of Design is going through a unique and exciting transition – developing new curriculum, new research, and hiring new staff.

Institute of Design calls for 6 new positions:

  • Associate professor / Assistant professor in Interaction Design, (100% permanent position)
  • Associate professor / Assistant professor in Communication, Creativity and Interaction Design (100% permanent position)
  • 50% and 100% positions as Assistant Professor in Interaction Design (fixed term positions)
  • Associate Professor in Service Design, (100% permanent position)
  • Universitetslektor – Visuelle medier, kommunikasjon og tegning (fixed term positions and Scandinavian Language required).

I’m writing you to find out if it possible to advertise these positions at your webpage?

Kindly find the link to the above mentioned advertisement for positions here:

Lahti Green Design Week

The European Green Capital City of Lahti the Lahti Green Design Week event is being held. As a part of that all Cirrus friends are invited to join in on the Design Venture Day on May 4th!

You can find the whole week’s programme and info at
More info also available at and on Instragram

Design Venture Day May 4th, 2021
LAB University of Applied Sciences showcases benefits of design in business in a variety of industries. Special themes are innovation, circular economy and responsibility. The programme is free of charge. (All times EET.) No registration is needed to seminar/programme.

Log in:

  1. Programme (9.00 – 12.20)
    9.00 Avaus / Opening
    Veli-Pekka Räty, TKI-asiantuntija, TaT
    Marko Hanhisuanto, Toimitusjohtaja, KTM
    9.10 Kestävä ja vastuullinen vaatesuunnittelu, Annariina Ruokamo (in finnish/suomeksi)

9.50 Design and designer : Towards new industrial and marketing paradigms, Christian Guellerin (in English)
Christian Guellerin, Executive Director, L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique, France
“The new industrial and commercial balance of the world, the green and sustainable economy, the management of a new social intelligence around networks are the principal stakes on which “globalisation of the economy and trade” will be dictated.
Designers will be the major actors to study and respond to the profound changes in which products and services will be conceived, sold and consumed. It seems likely that they will play a strategic role in the companies that need to develop. Many of them will have to adapt, mutate, and change their line of business if they wish to continue to live through the evolution and the industrial reorganisation. The socio-economic importance of the approach to creation and innovation in the global context follows the era of total quality: it is no longer a matter of “doing even better what we already know how to do” but doing by creating “the unknown from the known” in order to create new situations on a greater and sustainable level. This is probably how we should reconsider the industrial paradigms of western economies faced with globalisation. It is up to GM, Ford, and Renault to reflect logically and strategically on what they could produce as long as it is not cars. Who would have thought 10 years ago that Apple would be the market leader in music broadcasting apart from its designers perhaps?”
10.30–10.40 Tauko / Pause
10.40 Palvelumuotoilulla ympäristövastuullisuutta yritysten kuluttajaratkaisuihin, Mirja Kälviäinen (in Finnish/suomeksi)

11.20 Innovation VIA Design, Alok b. Nandi (in English)
Alok b. Nandi, creative director, Architempo + Spread Design
“From contextual exploration to scenario envisioning, how can Design help frame approaches and decisions, with an entrepreneurial mindset? The VIA Framework will connect Design Thinking with Innovation Tooling for today’s shifting moments, aiming to align desirable, viable and feasible.”

12.00 Miten muotoilu löytää tiensä yrityksen tuotteisiin ja palveluihin, Marko Hanhisuanto (in finnish/suomeksi)
12.20 Closing

  1. Innovation VIA Design Workshop (14.30-17.30) – Registration to workshop is needed, see below
    “How to focus on operations while implementing innovations in order to sustain activities?”
    The context is changing, characterised by complexity, ambiguity, contradiction. Systems are under stress. Collective vs individual behaviours are challenging the position and development of activities for companies as well institutions. We invite you to explore the Next and the Near, shaping propositions for bettering our place, our planet. Stretch imagination and sketch ideas. Collect stories and connect strategies.

More information:
Info and registration to the workshop:

For additional information please contact:

Ulla Saarela
TKI-asiantuntija| RDI Specialist|Projektipäällikkö|Project Manager
LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu | LAB University of Applied Sciences
Muotoiluinstituutti | Institute of Design and Fine Arts
Mukkulankatu 19, 15101 Lahti, Finland
+358 44 708 0359

CIRRUS Talk 4: The SWITCH: Adapting design education to the virtual classroom

WHEN: Apr 16, 2021
09:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna / CET
10: 00 EET / 7: 00 Iceland
SIGN UP HERE (link will be sent to everyone who has signed up)

The SWITCH: Adapting design education to the virtual classroom 

In the past one year, we as teachers have been faced with many similar and unique challenges to adjust, modify or reorganise our conventional ways of working in the design education. While most of us tried to maintain the content and structure our courses, many new tools and platforms had to be learnt, which required reforming our own working styles for a careful and smooth transition of the courses needed to adapt rather rapidly, into this new online format. Several new features and online experiences were also discovered to communicate with the students, resulting us to be engaged with extended working hours and higher screen time. Not only that, many of the tried and tested methods, material and medium oriented tasks had to be replaced with new ones in order to prepare, operate and evaluate the outcomes aligned with the overall course objectives. This shift has definitely provided us with directions and insights to reflect on our own pedagogical approaches and their impact, while addressing several unanticipated issues to redefine, differentiate or demarcate the boundaries essential for physical, hybrid and virtual classrooms that would be useful to implement in future.

Jasjit Singh and Charlotte Sjödell from Lund University will host this upcoming Cirrus seminar. They will share some case studies from the past year and reflections on how it has worked to teach both project based courses as well as skill based courses in sketching and form development. After their presentation the participants will be able to share their hands-on experiences in regards of:

  • course content and structure 
  • tools, techniques and format
  • pedagogical strategies
  • results, outcomes and feedback
  • student/teacher psycho-social health
  • what worked: reflections and experiences
  • what may be useful to consider in future
Jasjit Singh and Charlotte Sjödell

Open lecture: Marie Absolonova (CAMPER). March 31, 11-12 AM/EET

Open lecture: Marie Absolonova’s designer journey, working for footwear company Camper. Lecture takes place on 31st of March 2021, at 11-12 AM (EET), followed with Q/A.

Marie Absolonova is a footwear designer from Czech republic.
She has entered the world of footwear fifteen years ago at high school, where she studied design and shoemaking. Since then, she has developed unique and recognizable design style that is deeply rooted in traditional classic shoes but always looks contemporary. She tends to make understated but strong statement shoes that tell a personal story.

Marie’s career has been mainly defined by working for spanish footwear brand Camper from Mallorca, where she lived for 6 years with her family. Currently, she lives in Prague, works freelance and focuses on Camper Kids and other personal and comissioned projects.

Register here to receive a ZOOM link for participation. Additional information:

Marie Absolonova

ERKI Fashion Show extended deadline

Due to the movement restrictions resulting from the Covid-19 crisis, the deadline for submitting designs for ERKI Moeshow 2021 has changed.

Submissions are expected on April 15th, at 6 PM (UTC/GMT+2/EET).

Contestants of ERKI Fashion Show 2021 will be announced no later than April 20, 2021.

The rules of the competition can be found HERE

ERKI Fashion Show 2021 will take place on August 28, 2021.

Karin Kiigemägi
ERKI Moeshow Program Director
Faculty of Design

ERKI Moeshow web
ERKI Moeshow on Facebook

CIRRUS network meeting. March 17, 18, 2021. Hosted online by EKA & CIRRUS board

It was a great meeting and it was good to see such high attendance!

March 17–18. (ALL TIMES IN CET)

Wednesday, March 17

13:00–14.45 GENERAL ASSEMBLY NO. 1
13:00–13:05  Welcome! – Rector Mart Kalm, EKA
13:05–13:15   Agenda & Practical info, intro of the board 
13:15–13:20  Hello, everyone! Breakout-room testing
13:20–13:40  Presentation of EKA – Kristjan Mändmaa, EKA

13:40–13:55 Break

13:55–14.35  Keynote “Uncertainty/Complexity”  Johan Redström, UID
14.35–14:45 Q&A/Discussions

14:45–15:00 Break

15:00–16:20 WORKSHOPS
15:00–16:00 Leadership workshop 1
15:00–16:00 Coordinators’ workshop 1
15:00–16:00 Teachers’ workshops 1:
15:00–16:00 New cooperations and joint projects – Maarja Mõtus & Nesli Hazal Akbulut, EKA
15:00–16:00 Preparing our students for life after graduation – Stella Runnel, EKA & Triin Amur, EKA
16:00–16:20 Sum-up of workshops with everyone together

16:20–17:00 Spatial Chat
17:00–18:00 Break

18:00–19:00 Online-concert by Puuluup
19:20–… Spatial Chat continues

Thursday, March 18

09:00–09:30 Welcome back everyone!
09:00–09:30 Energy session by OMAklubi
09:30–10:30 Leadership workshop 2
09:30–10:30 Coordinator’ workshop 2

09:30–10:30 Artistic vs Design Research? – Ruth-Helene Melioranski, EKA & Oliver Laas, EKA
09:30–10:30 New pedagogical formats – Kristiina Krabi-Klanberg, EKA

10:45–11:45 PARALLEL SESSIONS (for everyone)
10: 45-11: 45 The 17 Sustainable Development Goals in practice – Mathilde Aggebo, Anna Bascuñan Skaarup, Royal Danish Academy
10:45-11:45 Future of design education – Garðar Eyjólfsson, Iceland University of the Arts

11:45–11:50 Break

11.50–12:10 Sum-up of workshops
12:10–13:15 Lunch

13:15–14:30 GENERAL ASSEMBLY NO. 2
Network activities since last meeting
The budget and the finance situation
Applications to Nordplus 2021

New CIRRUS website
Mapping CIRRUS schools

Changes in CIRRUS board
Next CIRRUS meeting Latvian Academy of the Arts, March 23-25, 2022
14:25–14:30  Thank you and goodbye!

14:30–… Spatial Chat. For those who can’t leave…

Contacts throughout the meeting:
Tech support:
+372 5330 0015
General info:
+372 521 9187
Organiser: Sandra Mell

Call: ERKI Fashion Show

ERKI Fashion Show 2021 design competition
Fashion event from the past century – ERKI Fashion Show, which is directed to young fashion designers, students and all sorts of fashionistas. The participants have the chance to stun the audience with their craziest designs, creative fantasies and unique textile solutions.

Today on January 18th, we finally announce the collection design draft competition of ERKI Fashion Show 2021 open!

Design drafts for the competition can be sent until March 8th, 18:00(EET). The rules and regulations for the competition can be found under the attachments or on the Estonian Academy of Arts website:

All creative talents, who have graduated from secondary school and are currently studying in universities, vocational schools or institutions of higher education, and those who have completed their studies up to 3 years ago, are welcome to take part in the competition.

The chosen designers who will get to present their collections at ERKI are planned to disclose on March 15th 2021 on the ERKI website ( and also on ERKI Fashion Show social media.

At the end of May, the major event shaking the Estonian fashion design landscape will take place for the thirty-fourth time, which has been regularly organized by the students of the Estonian Academy of Arts. Many people are expected to attend the event, who will take part in an unprecedented show. ERKI Fashion Show also extends beyond the borders of Estonia – every year an international jury and participants from many parts of the world are involved.

ERKI Fashion Show on social media:
Cristopher Siniväli
ERKI Fashion Show main organizer
+372 5307 6016

Põhja pst 7
10412 Tallinn, Estonia