OPEN WEEK – Gothenburg Design Festival: Powered by HDK. November 20–26, 2017

OPEN WEEK – Gothenburg Design Festival: Powered by HDK

HDK – Academy of Design and Crafts at University of Gothenburg November 20–26, 2017

We would hereby invite you all to our design festival in november. Hope that as many of you as possible can attend. More info and full program will be announced in the fall.

How do you make a university more open? During the new initiative OPEN WEEK – Gothenburg Design Festival, HDK – Academy of Design and Crafts will test new formats for displaying teaching, learning and knowledge production in design and crafts. Through exhibitions, events, symposia, talks and a public night school, OPEN WEEK will invite cultural organizations, industry, practitioners and the public to engage in activities and critical discussions concerning design and crafts, society and education in relation to the curatorial theme of “Open.”

Taking place at HDK, University of Gothenburg as well as venues and institutions across the city and surrounding areas the festival will ask questions and explore new ideas about teaching, learning, work and social equality in order to provide new insights that can further develop education, research and future directions for design and crafts practice. Addressing questions such as what does it mean to share knowledge? Why should design and crafts be open? How can universities promote education for lifelong learning, for the many and not for the few?

To display the diversity of practice and activity at HDK, OPEN WEEK will play a central role in creating new and alternative platforms to demonstrate the work produced in the many sub-fields of design, craft and arts education by students, tutors, technicians as well as local and international practitioners. OPEN WEEK will also make public the work of independent programmes and research centres connected to HDK and the University of Gothenburg.

The festival will include the annual degree show for Design, the Open House day and coincide with the exhibition of the Design award Torsten and Wanja Söderberg Prize. Furthermore, an online publishing platform will invite partners to share and archive a wide range of content generated through the planning, development and presentation of the week. As an axis for learning, the aim of the festival is to provide access, create opportunities for dialogue, exchange of knowledge, insights and opinions on the role of design and crafts and its wider intersection with society.

Festival sites and partners include:
Röhsska Museum, Gothenburg City library, Swedish National Archives, cultural center Blå Stället, Sites in Biskopsgården, Göteborg & Co, Svensk Form (the Swedish Society of Crafts and Design), ADA + others

Artistic Lead and Festival Curator: Onkar Kular, Professor of Design Interventions at HDK,

Head of design department: Johnny Friberg,  

HDK – Academy of Design and Crafts, University of Gothenburg
Box 131
SE-405 30 Gothenburg
T +46 31 786 00 00

CIRRUS received 79 620 EUR for 2 projects and mobility from Nordplus

For the academic year 2017/18 CIRRUS network applied for two intensive courses, initiated by Aalto and by University of Lapland. Both of them received funding! In addition we also received funding for mobility and will have a possibility to work further on our express mobility enhancement project. Good luck to all of us!


CIRRUS express in Vilnius, May 29 – June 3


Title of course: Lithuanian, Baltic, International: Studio work and lectures with Anthony Stellaccio
Teaching period: May 29 – June 3
Teacher: Anthony Stellaccio
ECTS: 1.5
Number of available place for CIRRUS students: 3
Level: BA and MA
CIRRUS/Nordplus grant: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR weekly allowance


Application deadline:

How to apply: Send your digital protfolio and a short motivation letter to Rasa Gecevičienė ( before the 15th of May.

Course description: Anthony Stellaccio is an American ceramic artist, scholar, and current Fulbright scholar now teaching at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. During a six-day workshop, Stellaccio will offer international students a local’s view of Lithuania and its ceramics while also providing perspective on international trends in contemporary ceramics. This early summer course will provide students with two days of studio time at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, lectures on Lithuanian and American ceramics, an informal tour of Vilnius, and two days featuring two traditional firing techniques.

More about the artist:

The course will take place in Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius faculty (Maironio st. 6).

Estonian Academy of Arts Summer Academy

CIRRUS students are welcome to apply to four Estonian Academy of Arts Summer Academy 2017 courses: 

Clay 3D Printing
Toys For Elephants
Numbers and Cognition

Deadline: June 5, 2017

Information about application requirements, dates and ECTS is written at the web pages of the courses. Instead of inserting “a letter from your university to prove that you are a student” you should write in the application box “CIRRUS student”, so in case you are accepted, your coordinator will sign the application form and we’ll have a confirmation this way.

Max 2 CIRRUS seats per course is granted (Nordplus scholarship amount is EUR 330 / EUR 660 Iceland travel + 70 EUR weekly allowance). However, if there are living costs announced, then these apply to CIRRUS students as well.


Poster design workshop “LIKE A RUSTY NAIL ON A SHINY BLACK MERCEDES” with graphic designer Lahav Halevy (Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Israel)
2017 April 24 – 28th (arrival on 23rd of April and departure on 29th of April)

CIRRUS seats: 2
VAA Vilnius faculty, Graphic design department, Maironio str. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania
Level: BA students
1,5 ECTS
Please send a motivation letter to Asta Jackute by e-mail:
Application deadline: 11th of April, 2017.
Decisions on selection are announced by April 13th, 2017.


Graphic Design department of Vilnius Academy of Arts is hosting Cirrus express course/workshop on poster design. The workshop consists of joint lectures. Students will create a contemporary posters using different materials and techniques.

2 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools.

About lecturer

Lahav Halevy is the owner of one of the leading Graphic Design and Branding firms in Israel “Blue Collar Group” ( He is a political activist who uses both his abilities as a designer and a citizen to fight for what he believes in.


Monday 24th

09:00 – 12:00 Presentation lecture of the workshop.
12:00 – 13:00 A break.
13:00 – 17:00 Students are working in the groups.

Tuesday 25th ; Wednesday 26th  Thursday 27th, 

09:00 – 12:00 A brief discussions and work in creative process.
12:00 – 13:00 A break.
13:00 – 17:00 Students are working in the groups.

Friday 28th

09:00 – 12:00 Workshop continues
12:00 – 13:00 A break
13:00 – 17:00 The continuation of the work; final talk

Lahav Halevy

Wood Firing. Anagama Summer course in HDK

HDK – Academy of Crafts and Design offers a summer course open for students from the Cirrus network.

Wood firing: 7,5 ECTS, basic level is a 7 week summer course divided in two periods:
June 12 – June 30 + August 7 – September 1
Most of the time you will be working in your own studio
Seats: 2-4
Grant: travel 2 x 330 EUR (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR weekly (total 7 weeks)


The course is addressed to students with experience of working with ceramics who want to try new expressions through wood firing. We start with an introduction to the wood firing field and Anagamafiring where we explain how you can work both practically and artistically with wood firing.
The introduction will take place on June 12. (It is desirable but not mandatory to be in Gothenburg for the introduction on June 12. If you cannot make it, we will arrange a Skype section).

After that, you have a period of own work where you deepen in an individual project. Your own artistic approach/artistic expression will be the starting point, let the theoretical information from the first meeting be help in the work. The project has to be done in your own studio, there isn´t any possibility to work at HDK. You will then bring your project to Gothenburg, so be aware of that the pieces are not too big and ungainly.

August 19 – August 27, we will do a common Anagamafiring at Nääs. Here you will have teacher led instructions and briefings where theory around the different wood firing techniques are followed by practical work. During this week, you will also present your artistic work and how you have worked with your own project.

In the end of the week, we will evaluate and analyse the result from the wood firing. Back home you will end the course by handling in a description of your project in both text and pictures where you tell about the working process, the result and what you think about the possibilities for you to use wood firing in the future in your artistic work.

The wood firing will take place at HDK´s wood firing “open air laboratory” about 30 km from Gothenburg, close to Nääs castle area in Floda. Here we have several wood-fired kilns. The work during the week will be very intense, with different on-going work shifts. You will stay at Nääs hostel and we will cook together. Expenses for food and accommodation are upon you.

Qualification and registration

Entrance qualifications: Pre-knowledge in Ceramic, at least 60 ECTS.
Selection: the selection will be made upon work samples and motivation

Apply to the course: Send a complete application assembled in one pdf document (max 15 MB)
to  Anki Leissner at the latest April 18, 2017
Mark your email “Anagama summer course”

The application should include:

  1. Cover page: state your name, email, current studies, name of your home school and a short resume/CV of your previous studies in ceramics
  1. Certificate showing your pre-knowledge in Ceramics
  2. Motivation letter (max 2000 signs) motivate why you want to attend this course
  3. Portfolio: 5-7 pictures showing examples of former works

If you have any questions feel free to contact Anki Leissner, International Coordinator at HDK


Express course: The Text, the Body, the Book, March 20th –23 rd, 2017

CIRRUS lecture and workshop “The Text, the Body, the Book“ in Klaipeda faculty of Vilnius Academy of Arts with Roma Auškalnyte mixed media artist (University of Arts Helsinki)
1,5 ECTS
CIRRUS seats: 3 (BA)

Klaipeda, Lithuania
March 20th –23 rd, 2017 (arrive 19th of March and leave 24th of March)

Please send a motivation letter motivational letter a (200 words) and a link to your portoflio to the lecturer of the Graphic Design department, Klaipeda faculty, associate professor Lidija Kukliene (


Application deadline: 1st of March
Decisions on selection are announced by March 6 th, 2017

The workshop will be divided into the three groups: the Text, the Body and the Book. They will analyze the body and text in graphic art, as well as in contemporary art contexts: how the body influences the

object, which is created and how to use it to find new forms of expression.

Practical workshops will be organized during the performative tasks and we will try to look more into the line, the stain and the texture – the entire graphic arts trinity. Also discover the different and individual creative sources for each student.

The workshop aim will be to broaden the perception of what the graphics and text is, how they change and how to use digital media (video) by integrating it to graphics and performance art.

The final piece of the four day workshops will be – book, but its form, and the media will depend on each participant.

The workshops are focused on the history of Klaipeda, and Book smugglers day, which will be commemorated on 16 th of March in Lithuania.


About lecturer

Roma Auškalnytė has worked for several years in a direction that may be referred to as „auto-biography.“ Her works were usually derived from memory as well as from some mementos that she had in her possession since childhood.

From 2012 she started concentrating more on text based art in combination with printmaking or video, as well as various body/performance experiments. She is influenced by the printmaking processes, how it leads to new, ambiguous transformations of old ideas. Roma Auškalnytė is exploring body as material in printmaking, the importance of gesture and repetition which are always hidden behind the final print.

Roma Auškalnytė now lives and works in Helsinki, Finland.

 You can find additional information about artist Roma Auškalnyte here:


3 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools and are entitled to CIRRUS scholarship (330 EUR travel/660 Iceland) + weekly allowance 70 EUR.




Monday 20 th

9 – 12 pm Presentation lecture of the workshops – mixed media artist Roma Auškalnyte.
12-13 pm A break
13-17 pm An informal review of students works (students should bring USB, or have themselfs works on a web page), visit to studio, discussion (familiarity with the workshops participants-tea, bisquits, other suggestions?:)


Thursday 21st „THE TEXT“

09- 10 am A brief lecture and discussions showing artists works and samples; a talk on the tasks of the day.
10-12 pm Preparation of space and a small exercise.
12-13 pm A break.
13-17 pm Experimental Graphic Workshop.

Wednesday 22 nd „THE BODY“

9-10 ap A brief lecture and discussion are showing artists and works and samples; a talk on the tasks of the day.
10-12 pm A small warm-up exercise.
12-13 pm A break.
13-17 pm Experimental Graphic Workshop.

Thursday 23 rd „THE TEXT“

9-10.30 am Presentation of Klaipeda, and the history of writing and books. The lecture leads guide educator Agne Jonikaitytė (The History museum of Lithuania minor).
10-12 pm The ending of the session and discussion on the continuation of the works, a small warm-up exercise.
12-13 pm A break.
13-17 pm The continuation of the work; final talk and presentation on the final works. Closing of the workshop.

Garage 48 Hardware & Arts 2017

Garage 48 Hardware & Arts 2017


Organisers: Estonian Academy of Arts, University of Tartu, Garage48 (the course will take place in Tartu)
Seats: 2
Deadline: January 16, 2017
Apply here

There is a registration fee 25 EUR to every student taking part in this event (not only CIRRUS students) that must be covered by the CIRRUS students as well.

Two seats have been reserved for CIRRUS students exclusively, so you don’t need to register at the web site of the event now, but after you have been granted a scholarship through  CIRRUS.

Everyone, who wants to join the event anyway (with or without grant) is welcome to register already now.
Grant available: 70 EUR for living costs + 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR)

The legendary Garage48 Hardware & Arts 2017 hackathon will be happening already on the 17-19th of February in Tartu, Estonia. The Garage48 Hardware & Arts hackathons are one of the most popular events in the Baltic region to build physical working prototypes! UI/UX and product designers, electronics, mechatronics and software engineers, marketers and science professionals are all welcome to build innovations in just 48 hours!

All the mentors, organisers and volunteers of the event are all active members of the ICT sector and hardware industries, giving the teams the best know-how and motivation to deliver their prototypes.


All available equipment and materials during the hackathon will be listed in our blog.


We will arrange buses leaving from Friday on route Tallinn-Tartu and back on Sunday evening straight after the event. The rest of the trip should be organized by the student him/herself.

Ways of Drawing III – Walk the Line. CIRRUS/Nordplus Intensive Course

CIRRUS/Nordplus Higher Education Intensive course
Period: 12.-18.3. 2017 (arrival day 12.3. and departure day 18.3.)
Location: Aalto University, Otaniemi Campus (Espoo)
Level: BA3 & MA

Target group: students in all fields of design, architecture, media and art
Teachers: Marja Nurminen (Aalto ARTS), André Alves (University of Gothenburg, Valand Academy), Andreas Berg (Oslo National Academy of the Arts)
How to apply: Send a motivation letter and five drawings to lecturer Marja Nurminen by 18th of January, 2017. The selection is made in two weeks’ time and all students will get a notification by 1.2.2017.
How many places: 3 students from CIRRUS member schools will be selected.

Accommodation: students will be accommodated free-of-charge in a hotel or hostel in Helsinki with easy public transport connections to the workshop site.
Mobility support: We will buy the flight tickets.
Description: Drawing is generic activity cross all disciplines in art, design, film, media, applied arts and architecture. Designers and artists, due to differences between the disciplines, often see it very differently and it often functions in very particular and individual ways.
Overall objects of the workshop: Supporting educational innovations in drawing (art) education, where teachers become co-learners instead of authorities, hierarchies in knowledge are not accepted. Furthermore, supporting networking and collaboration of students over all kinds of borders is important for us.
Goals: Students learn to use drawing as a versatile tool in their own work, and how they can assess and evaluate their own and their peers work and place themselves in the contemporary context of cultural practice.


SUNDAY 12.3. Arrival day
MONDAY 13.3. Marja Nurminen
(working hours 9 am to 5 pm every day).
Journey or trip is a classical theme in many art works. I personally have tried to picture a trip in many ways and my latest but surely not last painting about a journey is made in 2010 and is called Where Ever I Travel I Only Find Myself. Picture a trip or a journey or an everyday walk using simple medium like charcoal or pencil on paper. Choose large paper format and concentrate on drawing content.

TUESDAY 14.3. Andreas Berg ”Taking the stairs.” The “Life and Ages of (Wo)Man” (-”ålderstrappan” was a popular motive in Swedish folk art from 1600s until the 1800s. It presents life like a pyramid, traditional and conventional, the motif reflects hopes and expectations. For a hundred and fifty years ago, it was almost unthinkable to become a hundred years old, but today it is possible. How do we picture a long life today? During one day we reinterpret the motive, the stairs of ages, and present updated versions.

WEDNESDAY 15.3. André Alves
Walking, as movement in space, finds a parallel in the movement of the eye (through the trace left) on the page. In this workshop, we will go back and forth between the page and the space. The aim is to discover both the body and the relation of body with space of the drawer and how that can be used as a tool to gather material that can either be preparatory or the end-result of a drawing practice. Your drawings will explore how rhythms of moving your body translate into a landscape image. At a later stage, you will intervene in that image as if it was a topological space or architectonical stage for other drawing interventions.

THURSDAY 16.3. by Sari Dhima
Head of One Campus project at Aalto University leads a walk in Otaniemi 9–11. Draw this walk or something inspired by it or work with those drawings that are not ready.

FRIDAY 17.3. Exhibition, critic day

SATURDAY 18.3. Departure day