Urban Gaming Workshop

4.2.-10.2.2018 in Vilnius
Urban Gaming Workshop

Urban Gaming workshop is a Cirrus Intensive Course organized in Vilnius by Aalto University, Vilnius Academy of Arts and the Icelandic Academy of Arts.

The workshop theme is public space communication and intervention by means of participatory games and act of playing – in other words, benign gamification of urban and social design. In the workshops, the participants will create concepts for different kinds of participatory games taking place in public space. By site-specific approach, the communication can be delivered to the specific part of the city concerned or the whole city.

The teachers in charge of the course are Tarja Nieminen, Ausra Lisauskiene, Sam Rees and Lode Coen

We are looking for five (5) participants from CIRRUS schools (other than the organizing ones, that is) to participate in the workshop. The course is targeted to visual communication, graphic design, media, design and architecture students, but also others are welcome to express their interest. Both BA and MA students can participate. Aalto University will arrange flight tickets and accommodation, and there will be a number of meals included.

The call for participants is open 27.11.-5.12.2017 and if you are interested send Tarja Nieminen (tarja.nieminen@aalto.fi) a motivation letter and either a pdf portfolio of about three relevant projects (please mind the size of the file) or link to your net  portfolio. The selection criteria are the motivation and building a multidisciplinary group with diverse skills and experience.

The results will be announced on 8.12.2017 and all students will be informed on them. Those selected to participate will receive information on what to do next.

If you have any questions on the application process, please be in touch with Hanna Karkku (hanna.karkku@aalto.fi).


Digital Weaving. Express course in Bergen, 2018

Digital weaving

The Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen, will host a workshop in digital weaving, and invites students from all Cirrus institutions to attend the course.

Title of course: Digital Weaving
Teaching period: 5 February – 2 March 2018
Teacher(s): Jon Pettersen
Number of available place for Cirrus students: 2
Level: BA/MA
CIRRUS grant available: 330 travel (660 Iceland) EUR + weekly allowance 70 EUR


The course is aiming to provide extended knowledge about methods related to digital weaving. The course will provide:
• Skills in independent use of software and looms (TC-1 / TC-2 / Digital Jacquard)
• Insight into how we can exploit opportunities for systematic experiments
• Background for adaptation to industrial methods and external production

Course Content
• Development of ideas and visual starting points for further processing into woven expressions.
• Theory on principles and testing of methods for creating motive / pattern / texture / volume.
• Introduction and use in bindings and composition in 2 or more thread systems.
• Testing opportunities for variation in yarn types, density, texture and colors.
• Introduction and specialized use of software: Weavepoint, Photoshop, Nedgraphics (Texelle / Product Creator).

Organization of the course
Participants should make a project description, plan the work and collaborate on the implementation of the project. The work must be documented and presented for the group.

The Department of Fine Art collaborates with one of the leading weaving companies in Norway, and if the timing fits into their program, the course participants will, at the end of the course, be given the opportunity to produce works prepared during the course at Innvik AS in Stryn.

External participants will be accepted based on application and motivation letter. Please send your application to tale.vik@uib.no no later than 24 November.
For more information about the course, contact the course teacher, associate professor Jon Pettersen: jon.pettersen@uib.no

Digital weaving 2017

Poster design workshop, 20.-24.11. Vilnius Academy of Arts

Poster design workshop with graphic designer Esa Ojala (Helsinki, Finland)


2017 November 20 – 24th (arrival on 19th of November and departure on 25th of November)
CIRRUS seats: 3
VAA Vilnius faculty, Graphic design department, Maironio str. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania
Level: BA students
CIRRUS grant: 330 EUR travel (660 Iceland) + 70 EUR weekly allowance

Please send a motivation letter to Asta Jackute by e-mail:  asta.jackute@vda.lt

Application deadline: 9th of November, 2017.
Decisions on selection are announced by November 10th, 2017.


Graphic Design department of Vilnius Academy of Arts is hosting Cirrus express course/workshop on poster design. The workshop consists of joint lectures. Students will create a contemporary posters using different materials and techniques.


3 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools.


About lecturer

Esa Ojala (https://goo.gl/p47SXv) is one of the founders of the Finnish design school creating the projects of visual communication design that meets the highest international standards.
The designer leads international workshops at Finnish design schools, including Aalto University, and awarded for the merits of Finnish design and culture throughout the world (State Design Award 1990; Best Graphic Designer of the Year 2000, etc.), which published important essays on contemporary graphic design (Essa Ojala’s POSTERS 2000; Esa Ojala IDENTITIES (2006).





Monday 20th

09:00 – 12:00 Presentation lecture of the workshop.

12:00 – 13:00 A break.

13:00 – 17:00 Students are working


Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd


09:00 – 12:00 A brief discussions and work in creative process.

12:00 – 13:00 A break.

13:00 – 17:00 Students are working


Friday 24th

09:00 – 12:00 Workshop continues

12:00 – 13:00 A break

13:00 – 17:00 The continuation of the work; final talk and presentation on the final works. Closing of the workshop.


Visual Narrative: 20-24.11.2017, Vilnius Academy fo Arts

Practical Theory Workshop “Visual Narrative” with visual artist, graphic designer Gediminas Šiaulys (Vilnius, Lithuania)

2017 November 20 – 24th (arrival on 19th of November and departure on 25th of November)

CIRRUS seats: 3
VAA Vilnius faculty, Graphic design department, Maironio str. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania
Level: BA students
CIRRUS grant: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660) + 70 weekly allowance

Please send a motivation letter to Asta Jackute by e-mail:  asta.jackute@vda.lt

Application deadline: 9th of November, 2017.
Decisions on selection are announced by November 10th, 2017.


Graphic Design department of Vilnius Academy of Arts is hosting Cirrus express course/workshop on Practical theory workshop. Students will create visual scenarios and stories using different innovative visual methods.

3 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools.


About lecturer

Gediminas Šiaulys (www.gedsia.com ; behance.net/gedsia) is an animation director, visual artist and a co-founder of a studio PetPunk (Vilnius, Lithuania). The artist’s primary areas of interest lie in animation, tactile crafts and various experiments within these fields. This leads to authentic work that is visually and aesthetically challenging, yet peculiarly subtle. Gediminas’ works gained recognition by world’s leading art & design magazines and became “New Eastern European Design” synonym. In 2009 Canadian Boards magazine included PetPunk in top 6 of “New Wave of Designers”, while in 2010 UK’s leading design magazine Computer Arts featured PetPunk as “The New Wave of Animation”.
Gediminas Šiaulys together with Petpunk are the first Lithuanians to win the “Young Guns” prize by the Art Directors Club in New York and have been invited to numerous international festivals such as the European Design Conference (Stockholm), Visuelt (Oslo), PICTOPLASMA (Berlin), Onedotzero (London), Anima (Brussels), Arsenale (Florence), Holland Animation Film Festival (Utrecht), 5th Istanbul Animation Festival (Istanbul), Huesca Film Festival (Huesca), Off Motion Festival (Krakow), DesignFLUX 2007 (Paris).




Monday 20th

09:00 – 12:00 Presentation lecture of the workshop.

12:00 – 13:00 A break.

13:00 – 17:00 Students are working


Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd


09:00 – 12:00 A brief discussions and work in creative process.

12:00 – 13:00 A break.

13:00 – 17:00 Students are working


Friday 24th

09:00 – 12:00 Workshop continues

12:00 – 13:00 A break

13:00 – 17:00 The continuation of the work; final talk and presentation on the final works. Closing of the workshop.

“Extended drawing” express course by Vilnius Academy of Arts

The Faculty of Klaipeda (Vilnius Academy of Arts) are  hosting joint Cirrus workshop “Extended drawing” in-between architecture/printmaking/research in Klaipeda.


1,5 ECTS
CIRRUS seats: 6
CIRRUS/Nordplus grant available: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR weekly allowance

Klaipeda, Lithuania
November 27th – December 1st, 2017 (arrival 26th, departure 2nd)


The workshop aims to reveal possibilities and potentialities in between architectural research and graphical research from a craftman’s point of view – through drawing and making that is. By combing architectural design thinking, drawing and graphical reproduction we will look for a new kind – extended – craft or practice. The experiments which will lead to this result will reveal possibilities of “extending” as a valid way to find new ideas, techniques and practices.

During this workshop we will make and explore a basic spatial structure, look for ways of communicating its qualities and inquire possible ways of imagining those qualities on a two dimsnional carrier. By combining drawing and reproduction we will reinterpret the final outlook of the structure. The workshop involves collaborative reasoning, making, drawing and printing. The final product of the workshop will evolve during the sessions by collaboratively negotiating the final outlook of the presentation/exhibition.


The workshop, combines reflection (research) – practice and production and will be divided into the three parts:

part 1 (wrong) perspective(s);

part 2 graphical techniques and reproduction ;

part 3 (re)presentatiion concluded with a critical/reflective open exhibition.


6 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools.

The workshop are open to students from disciplines: Interior design, Graphic design, Architecture and sculpture/ 3D design.


Level: BA students
The teacher of the workshop is dr. arch. Robin Schaeverbeke, lecturer Mixed Media KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture.

Application process:  fill application due October 23rd, 2017
Decisions on selection will be announced by November 6th, 2017

Apply with a short motivational letter and a link to your portoflio to the lecturer Vaidotas Dapkevicius vaidotas.dapkevicius@vda.lt


About lecturer

Robin Schaeverbeke (Bruges, januari 1974) got fascinated by architecture through a training as a

draughtsman within Beaux-Arts methods of (architectural) drawing at the Academy Of Fine Arts, Bruges.

From there on he moved to Ghent and Brussels to take on the study of Master within Architecture graduating in 1998 at the Sint-Lucas School of Architecture. Left Belgium for Rotterdam in 1999 to

develop designing and graphical skills within several Dutch offices. From 2004 onwards he took the

opportunity to teach, redevelop and research directions for drawing courses at the Sint-Lucas School of

Architecture, Brussels, Belgium. In August 2016 Robin successfully defended his PhD dissertation

“Extended Drawing” wherein he explores the concept of extension as valuable way to progress in

transformative fields of practice.

His active and passive interest in musical improvisation led to a thesis which explores the concept of improvisation in design and drawing processes.


You can find additional information about lecturer here: www.mmblog.be





Monday 27 th

10.00 – 10.30 Presentation of the workshops

10.30 -12.00 Collective building of first structure

12.00- 13.00 Lunch break

13.00 –15.00 Plotting a first plan

15.00 –15.30 Break

15.30 -17.00 Photographic analysis of the structure + exploring possible perspectives

17.00 –17.30 Roundup day 1


Tuesday 28th

10.00 -10.30 Presentation (wrong perspectives)

10.30 -12.00 Drawing and exploring wrong perspectives

12.00 -13.00 Lunch break

13.00 -15.00 Tracing shadows and lines (01)

15.00 – 15.30 Break

15.30 -17.00 Refining the drawings (02)

17.00 -17.30 Roundup day 2


Wednesday 29 th

10.00 -10.30 Presentation of printing techniques

10.30 -12.30 Preparation of the files and plates

12.00 -13.00 Lunch break

13.00 -17.00 Open printing sessions

17.00 -17.30 Roundup day 3


Thursday 30 th

10.00 -12.00 Open drawing/printing sessions (planning the exhibition)

12.00 -13.00 Lunch break

13.00- 17.00 Finalisation drawings and prints

17.00 -17.30 Roundup day 4


Friday 01st

10.00- 12.30 Final presentations/exhibition open review

12.00-13.00 Lunch break and roundup workshop


CIRRUS express in Lithuania: Animation and Space. October 23 – 25, 2017

CIRRUS intensive workshop “Animation and Space – a blender’s guide to meshes in real-time video” in Klaipeda

The Faculty of Klaipeda (Vilnius Academy of Arts) are  hosting joint Cirrus workshop “Animation and Space – a blender’s guide to meshes in real-time video.”

1,5 ECTS
CIRRUS seats: 3
CIRRUS grant: 330/660 (Iceland) travel + 70 EUR weekly allowance

Klaipeda (Daržų st.18), Lithuania
October 23 – 25, 2017 (arrival October 22nd, departure October 26th)

During this workshop students will get an insight into using blender as a formidable open source alternative to programs that are either vastly expensive or that are only available through subscriptions that bind the user to a product and that create long term costs that are problematic for artists to deal with in their professional life. While blender offers a huge spectrum of possible areas to work in we would focus on the specifics of combining real world with animated elements, thus providing a tool for design and fine art students to work with on future projects that are either study related (ie film projects in the area of animation) or wider set (ie creating visuals for architectural or sculptural applications).

In the three days of our visit we’ll provide the basic set of skills for using blender on any computer system students bring to the class, showing step by step the different stages of creating a scene, integrating video layers, working with tracking systems and so on.

Emphasis is put on working phases that offer ample time for students to transfer the shown steps to their own project.

3 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools.

The workshop are open to students from disciplines: all artistic disciplines

Every participating student should bring his/her own computer. The most recent version of blender should already be installed (www. blender.org)

Level: BA students
The teachers of the workshop are: Oliver Wetterauer (Teacher, Digital Media, Fine Art) and Volker Menke (Teacher, Digital Media, Architecture) State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart.

Applications should include your name, surname, home school, study year and level, a motivation statement (max 250 words), a link to your portfolio and CV and phone number.
All applications should be sent to

Deadline to apply: October 2, 2017
Decisions on selection are announced by October 9, 2017

About lecturers

Oliver Wetterauer. Since Oliver Wetterauer got a  degree of Arts in Fine and Performing Arts in 1995 he had a teacher position Media lab of the fine arts at the department Stuttgart Art Academy (Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart). O.Wetterauer participates at the Art exhibitions constantly. He also gives lectures around the world: the University of Southampton Winchester School of Art, the Iceland Academy of the Arts, Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw, the Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Tallinn and many more. 

Volker Menke. Since Volker Menke got a degree at University of Applied Sciences, Civil Engineering in 1999 he had a position scientific Assistant: Labor für Bauinformatik (laboratory computer science for civil Engineering), Detmold 1999-2000. Since 2000 V.Menke has a teacher position at the Architecture department Stuttgart Art Academy (CAD Labor für Architektur at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart).

You can find additional information about lecturers here:


 Workshop “Animation and Space – a blender’s guide to meshes in real-time video” timetable


Monday 23 rd

10 am – 12 pm Presentation of the workshop / modelling
12 pm – 13 pm break
13 pm – 17 pm modelling 2 / materials

Tuesday 24th

10 am – 12 pm modelling 3 / materials and textures
12 pm – 13 pm break
13 pm – 17 pm textures 2 / rigging / animation 

Wednesday 25 th
10 am – 12 pm camera tracking – guided
12 pm – 13 pm break
14 pm – 17 pm individual small project with camera tracking


Express course: Printmaking on textile: process and methods

CIRRUS Express course
Printmaking on textile: process and methods
University of Bergen, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design 
Course period: 11.9-29.9.2017
Course leaders: Ingrid Aarset, Tone Saastad, Kari Dyrdal and Lise Finne
Course level: BA/MA
Number of places for Cirrus students: 2
ECTS: 4,5
Apply by sending a brief motivation letter and work examples (max 3) to Ingrid.Aarset@uib.no no later than 1 August.
CIRRUS grant: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + weekly allowance 70 EUR

Course description

The aim is to show a lot of possibilities when processing textiles, using printrelated techniques in different manners and to show how this processing developes ideas and open up for new visual languages. There will be lectures on art projects related to the medium.

The course will provide a basic introduction to the use of fiber reactives dyes, specifically developed for textile materials, pigment dyes, resist printing, discharge printing, digital printing with fiberreactive dyes, devoré and monoprinting with silkscreens.

There will be theoretical introductions to each new theme followed by practical tutorials in the studios. The students will acquire individual experience and get to know the workshops very well.

KHIB new building
University of Bergen, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design  
new building

The Poster as an Art Form. Express course in Iceland

Title course
Course period: 25.09. – 29.09.2017
Number of places for CIRRUS students: 2
Responsible teacher: Prof. Gudmundur Oddur Magnússon / goddur@lhi.is
Requirements: the course is suitable for visual communication students as well as fine art (printmaking). Minimum year 2 bachelor. Master students are welcome as well.
Application: Send your full name, name of your home school and study programmme + examples of work (max 3 images) to goddur@lhi.is no later than August 10, 2017
Grant: 660 EUR travel + 70 EUR weekly allowance

One week intensive workshop in poster design/making, organised by Iceland Academy of the Arts, Reykjavik with the non-profit organization Stowarzyszenie Ogrody Sztuki and the Poster Gallery in Kraków. Exhibitions of the Polish Poster will be will be in Reykjavik at three locations opened at same time as the workshop.

Workshop leaders will be:
Monika Starowicz

Sebastian Kubica

Leszek Żebrowski

poster polish 2