6 seats open to an intensive course in Lapland, 5.2 – 9.2.2018

CIRRUS IP “Nature, Design and Innovation”,
6 student seats open for the whole network
Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland
5.2. – 9.2. 2018 (arrival 4.2. and departure 10.2.)

The Faculty of Art and Design in the University of Lapland hosts joint Cirrus workshop on nature, design and innovation. Other organizing partners are Iceland Academy of the Arts and Estonian Academy of Arts.

Overall objects of the workshop:

  • To create awareness and hands-on experience for innovative design opportunities linked with nature context and materials
  • To learn concept and prototyping in the cross section of traditional and modern techniques
  • To familiarize students with themes on innovation and entrepreneurship, integrated into the workshop content through lectures and visits


The workshop focuses on nature as an important part of the design concept, and addresses developing innovative design concepts and prototypes on the theme. The workshop theme Arctic Design, emphasizing the special nature characters of the Lapland area and arctic environment as design context and inspiration. Interactive design concepts and prototypes are developed along with the guidelines of sustainability and nature respect, targeting to innovative designs. The workshop and laboratory premises at Faculty of Art and Design provide good and versatile facilities for design work, industrial design with both traditional and modern equipment, interactive prototypes (e.g. sensor kits, soldering), and service design laboratory SINCO, which supports co-design with embodied techniques. During the workshop, the students go through the design process from background information in the context, concept design, and prototyping. The workshop consists of joint lectures and visits to local companies and producers, as well as of group works with final presentations.


Awareness and skills for creating innovative designs in the cross-section of traditional and modern design techniques, with the focus on nature context and materials. Design concepts and prototypes developed during the course.

Six (6) students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools, in addition to organizing schools’ 18 students.

The accommodation is organized in a dormitory. Students will receive a grant to cover the travel and accommodation costs.

Level: BA and MA students

The teachers of the workshop are:

Prof. Jonna Häkkilä, University of Lapland
Prof. Lennart Mänd, Estonian Academy of Arts
Prof. Gardar Eyjolfsson, Iceland Academy of the Arts
Pertti Aula, university teacher, University of Lapland
Ashley Colley, university researcher, University of Lapland

Application process:  To apply for a CIRRUS network student place, write a max. one page letter describing your motivation and background, and email it to jonna.hakkila@ulapland.fi by 10.1.2018. Title your email with ‘Application for Nature, Design and Innovation’. Decisions on selection are announced by 14.1.2018.
Students from organizing institutes (University of Lapland, Iceland Academy of the Arts, and Estonian Academy of Arts), to apply, please contact your professor who is listed as a teacher for the course.




Visual Narrative: 20-24.11.2017, Vilnius Academy fo Arts

Practical Theory Workshop “Visual Narrative” with visual artist, graphic designer Gediminas Šiaulys (Vilnius, Lithuania)

2017 November 20 – 24th (arrival on 19th of November and departure on 25th of November)

CIRRUS seats: 3
VAA Vilnius faculty, Graphic design department, Maironio str. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania
Level: BA students
CIRRUS grant: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660) + 70 weekly allowance

Please send a motivation letter to Asta Jackute by e-mail:  asta.jackute@vda.lt

Application deadline: 9th of November, 2017.
Decisions on selection are announced by November 10th, 2017.


Graphic Design department of Vilnius Academy of Arts is hosting Cirrus express course/workshop on Practical theory workshop. Students will create visual scenarios and stories using different innovative visual methods.

3 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools.


About lecturer

Gediminas Šiaulys (www.gedsia.com ; behance.net/gedsia) is an animation director, visual artist and a co-founder of a studio PetPunk (Vilnius, Lithuania). The artist’s primary areas of interest lie in animation, tactile crafts and various experiments within these fields. This leads to authentic work that is visually and aesthetically challenging, yet peculiarly subtle. Gediminas’ works gained recognition by world’s leading art & design magazines and became “New Eastern European Design” synonym. In 2009 Canadian Boards magazine included PetPunk in top 6 of “New Wave of Designers”, while in 2010 UK’s leading design magazine Computer Arts featured PetPunk as “The New Wave of Animation”.
Gediminas Šiaulys together with Petpunk are the first Lithuanians to win the “Young Guns” prize by the Art Directors Club in New York and have been invited to numerous international festivals such as the European Design Conference (Stockholm), Visuelt (Oslo), PICTOPLASMA (Berlin), Onedotzero (London), Anima (Brussels), Arsenale (Florence), Holland Animation Film Festival (Utrecht), 5th Istanbul Animation Festival (Istanbul), Huesca Film Festival (Huesca), Off Motion Festival (Krakow), DesignFLUX 2007 (Paris).




Monday 20th

09:00 – 12:00 Presentation lecture of the workshop.

12:00 – 13:00 A break.

13:00 – 17:00 Students are working


Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd


09:00 – 12:00 A brief discussions and work in creative process.

12:00 – 13:00 A break.

13:00 – 17:00 Students are working


Friday 24th

09:00 – 12:00 Workshop continues

12:00 – 13:00 A break

13:00 – 17:00 The continuation of the work; final talk and presentation on the final works. Closing of the workshop.

Express course: Printmaking on textile: process and methods

CIRRUS Express course
Printmaking on textile: process and methods
University of Bergen, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design 
Course period: 11.9-29.9.2017
Course leaders: Ingrid Aarset, Tone Saastad, Kari Dyrdal and Lise Finne
Course level: BA/MA
Number of places for Cirrus students: 2
ECTS: 4,5
Apply by sending a brief motivation letter and work examples (max 3) to Ingrid.Aarset@uib.no no later than 1 August.
CIRRUS grant: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + weekly allowance 70 EUR

Course description

The aim is to show a lot of possibilities when processing textiles, using printrelated techniques in different manners and to show how this processing developes ideas and open up for new visual languages. There will be lectures on art projects related to the medium.

The course will provide a basic introduction to the use of fiber reactives dyes, specifically developed for textile materials, pigment dyes, resist printing, discharge printing, digital printing with fiberreactive dyes, devoré and monoprinting with silkscreens.

There will be theoretical introductions to each new theme followed by practical tutorials in the studios. The students will acquire individual experience and get to know the workshops very well.

KHIB new building
University of Bergen, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design  
new building

CIRRUS express in Vilnius, May 29 – June 3


Title of course: Lithuanian, Baltic, International: Studio work and lectures with Anthony Stellaccio
Teaching period: May 29 – June 3
Teacher: Anthony Stellaccio
ECTS: 1.5
Number of available place for CIRRUS students: 3
Level: BA and MA
CIRRUS/Nordplus grant: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR weekly allowance


Application deadline:

How to apply: Send your digital protfolio and a short motivation letter to Rasa Gecevičienė (rasajust@gmail.com) before the 15th of May.

Course description: Anthony Stellaccio is an American ceramic artist, scholar, and current Fulbright scholar now teaching at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. During a six-day workshop, Stellaccio will offer international students a local’s view of Lithuania and its ceramics while also providing perspective on international trends in contemporary ceramics. This early summer course will provide students with two days of studio time at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, lectures on Lithuanian and American ceramics, an informal tour of Vilnius, and two days featuring two traditional firing techniques.

More about the artist: http://keramikazi.blogspot.lt/

The course will take place in Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius faculty (Maironio st. 6).

Estonian Academy of Arts Summer Academy

CIRRUS students are welcome to apply to four Estonian Academy of Arts Summer Academy 2017 courses: 

Clay 3D Printing
Toys For Elephants
Numbers and Cognition

Deadline: June 5, 2017

Information about application requirements, dates and ECTS is written at the web pages of the courses. Instead of inserting “a letter from your university to prove that you are a student” you should write in the application box “CIRRUS student”, so in case you are accepted, your coordinator will sign the application form and we’ll have a confirmation this way.

Max 2 CIRRUS seats per course is granted (Nordplus scholarship amount is EUR 330 / EUR 660 Iceland travel + 70 EUR weekly allowance). However, if there are living costs announced, then these apply to CIRRUS students as well.


Poster design workshop “LIKE A RUSTY NAIL ON A SHINY BLACK MERCEDES” with graphic designer Lahav Halevy (Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Israel)
2017 April 24 – 28th (arrival on 23rd of April and departure on 29th of April)

CIRRUS seats: 2
VAA Vilnius faculty, Graphic design department, Maironio str. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania
Level: BA students
1,5 ECTS
Please send a motivation letter to Asta Jackute by e-mail:  asta.jackute@vda.lt
Application deadline: 11th of April, 2017.
Decisions on selection are announced by April 13th, 2017.


Graphic Design department of Vilnius Academy of Arts is hosting Cirrus express course/workshop on poster design. The workshop consists of joint lectures. Students will create a contemporary posters using different materials and techniques.

2 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools.

About lecturer

Lahav Halevy is the owner of one of the leading Graphic Design and Branding firms in Israel “Blue Collar Group” (www.bluecollar.today). He is a political activist who uses both his abilities as a designer and a citizen to fight for what he believes in.


Monday 24th

09:00 – 12:00 Presentation lecture of the workshop.
12:00 – 13:00 A break.
13:00 – 17:00 Students are working in the groups.

Tuesday 25th ; Wednesday 26th  Thursday 27th, 

09:00 – 12:00 A brief discussions and work in creative process.
12:00 – 13:00 A break.
13:00 – 17:00 Students are working in the groups.

Friday 28th

09:00 – 12:00 Workshop continues
12:00 – 13:00 A break
13:00 – 17:00 The continuation of the work; final talk

Lahav Halevy

Wood Firing. Anagama Summer course in HDK

HDK – Academy of Crafts and Design offers a summer course open for students from the Cirrus network.

Wood firing: 7,5 ECTS, basic level is a 7 week summer course divided in two periods:
June 12 – June 30 + August 7 – September 1
Most of the time you will be working in your own studio
Seats: 2-4
Grant: travel 2 x 330 EUR (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR weekly (total 7 weeks)


The course is addressed to students with experience of working with ceramics who want to try new expressions through wood firing. We start with an introduction to the wood firing field and Anagamafiring where we explain how you can work both practically and artistically with wood firing.
The introduction will take place on June 12. (It is desirable but not mandatory to be in Gothenburg for the introduction on June 12. If you cannot make it, we will arrange a Skype section).

After that, you have a period of own work where you deepen in an individual project. Your own artistic approach/artistic expression will be the starting point, let the theoretical information from the first meeting be help in the work. The project has to be done in your own studio, there isn´t any possibility to work at HDK. You will then bring your project to Gothenburg, so be aware of that the pieces are not too big and ungainly.

August 19 – August 27, we will do a common Anagamafiring at Nääs. Here you will have teacher led instructions and briefings where theory around the different wood firing techniques are followed by practical work. During this week, you will also present your artistic work and how you have worked with your own project.

In the end of the week, we will evaluate and analyse the result from the wood firing. Back home you will end the course by handling in a description of your project in both text and pictures where you tell about the working process, the result and what you think about the possibilities for you to use wood firing in the future in your artistic work.

The wood firing will take place at HDK´s wood firing “open air laboratory” about 30 km from Gothenburg, close to Nääs castle area in Floda. Here we have several wood-fired kilns. The work during the week will be very intense, with different on-going work shifts. You will stay at Nääs hostel and we will cook together. Expenses for food and accommodation are upon you.

Qualification and registration

Entrance qualifications: Pre-knowledge in Ceramic, at least 60 ECTS.
Selection: the selection will be made upon work samples and motivation

Apply to the course: Send a complete application assembled in one pdf document (max 15 MB)
to  Anki Leissner at the latest April 18, 2017
Mark your email “Anagama summer course”

The application should include:

  1. Cover page: state your name, email, current studies, name of your home school and a short resume/CV of your previous studies in ceramics
  1. Certificate showing your pre-knowledge in Ceramics
  2. Motivation letter (max 2000 signs) motivate why you want to attend this course
  3. Portfolio: 5-7 pictures showing examples of former works

If you have any questions feel free to contact Anki Leissner, International Coordinator at HDK anki.leissner@hdk.gu.se


Express course: The Text, the Body, the Book, March 20th –23 rd, 2017

CIRRUS lecture and workshop “The Text, the Body, the Book“ in Klaipeda faculty of Vilnius Academy of Arts with Roma Auškalnyte mixed media artist (University of Arts Helsinki)
1,5 ECTS
CIRRUS seats: 3 (BA)

Klaipeda, Lithuania
March 20th –23 rd, 2017 (arrive 19th of March and leave 24th of March)

Please send a motivation letter motivational letter a (200 words) and a link to your portoflio to the lecturer of the Graphic Design department, Klaipeda faculty, associate professor Lidija Kukliene (lidija.kukliene@vda.lt).


Application deadline: 1st of March
Decisions on selection are announced by March 6 th, 2017

The workshop will be divided into the three groups: the Text, the Body and the Book. They will analyze the body and text in graphic art, as well as in contemporary art contexts: how the body influences the

object, which is created and how to use it to find new forms of expression.

Practical workshops will be organized during the performative tasks and we will try to look more into the line, the stain and the texture – the entire graphic arts trinity. Also discover the different and individual creative sources for each student.

The workshop aim will be to broaden the perception of what the graphics and text is, how they change and how to use digital media (video) by integrating it to graphics and performance art.

The final piece of the four day workshops will be – book, but its form, and the media will depend on each participant.

The workshops are focused on the history of Klaipeda, and Book smugglers day, which will be commemorated on 16 th of March in Lithuania.


About lecturer

Roma Auškalnytė has worked for several years in a direction that may be referred to as „auto-biography.“ Her works were usually derived from memory as well as from some mementos that she had in her possession since childhood.

From 2012 she started concentrating more on text based art in combination with printmaking or video, as well as various body/performance experiments. She is influenced by the printmaking processes, how it leads to new, ambiguous transformations of old ideas. Roma Auškalnytė is exploring body as material in printmaking, the importance of gesture and repetition which are always hidden behind the final print.

Roma Auškalnytė now lives and works in Helsinki, Finland.

 You can find additional information about artist Roma Auškalnyte here:



3 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools and are entitled to CIRRUS scholarship (330 EUR travel/660 Iceland) + weekly allowance 70 EUR.




Monday 20 th

9 – 12 pm Presentation lecture of the workshops – mixed media artist Roma Auškalnyte.
12-13 pm A break
13-17 pm An informal review of students works (students should bring USB, or have themselfs works on a web page), visit to studio, discussion (familiarity with the workshops participants-tea, bisquits, other suggestions?:)


Thursday 21st „THE TEXT“

09- 10 am A brief lecture and discussions showing artists works and samples; a talk on the tasks of the day.
10-12 pm Preparation of space and a small exercise.
12-13 pm A break.
13-17 pm Experimental Graphic Workshop.

Wednesday 22 nd „THE BODY“

9-10 ap A brief lecture and discussion are showing artists and works and samples; a talk on the tasks of the day.
10-12 pm A small warm-up exercise.
12-13 pm A break.
13-17 pm Experimental Graphic Workshop.

Thursday 23 rd „THE TEXT“

9-10.30 am Presentation of Klaipeda, and the history of writing and books. The lecture leads guide educator Agne Jonikaitytė (The History museum of Lithuania minor).
10-12 pm The ending of the session and discussion on the continuation of the works, a small warm-up exercise.
12-13 pm A break.
13-17 pm The continuation of the work; final talk and presentation on the final works. Closing of the workshop.

Garage 48 Hardware & Arts 2017

Garage 48 Hardware & Arts 2017


Organisers: Estonian Academy of Arts, University of Tartu, Garage48 (the course will take place in Tartu)
Seats: 2
Deadline: January 16, 2017
Apply here

There is a registration fee 25 EUR to every student taking part in this event (not only CIRRUS students) that must be covered by the CIRRUS students as well.

Two seats have been reserved for CIRRUS students exclusively, so you don’t need to register at the web site of the event now, but after you have been granted a scholarship through  CIRRUS.

Everyone, who wants to join the event anyway (with or without grant) is welcome to register already now.
Grant available: 70 EUR for living costs + 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR)

The legendary Garage48 Hardware & Arts 2017 hackathon will be happening already on the 17-19th of February in Tartu, Estonia. The Garage48 Hardware & Arts hackathons are one of the most popular events in the Baltic region to build physical working prototypes! UI/UX and product designers, electronics, mechatronics and software engineers, marketers and science professionals are all welcome to build innovations in just 48 hours!

All the mentors, organisers and volunteers of the event are all active members of the ICT sector and hardware industries, giving the teams the best know-how and motivation to deliver their prototypes.



All available equipment and materials during the hackathon will be listed in our blog.


We will arrange buses leaving from Friday on route Tallinn-Tartu and back on Sunday evening straight after the event. The rest of the trip should be organized by the student him/herself.