Call for Cooperation Projects

apply due Friday, November 15, 2019

  • CIRRUS board has looked into different opportunities that would enhance our cooperation with the mobility funding that CIRRUS has received from Nordplus. 
  • This is an opportunity for teachers and staff to apply for travel grants and accommodation for initiatives that aim to explore a shared interest or theme. 
  • There is a budget of max 5000 EUR per course/event/seminar
    Total budget allocated from CIRRUS/Nordplus funds from this round: 15 000 EUR 

What is it about?

If you have a colleague in another school, or a circle of partners with whom you would like to conduct a course / seminar / workshop you are welcome to apply for these CIRRUS mobility grants. 

What is required? 

You need to be working at a school that is part of the Cirrus network, and you need to include  members from other partner schools in your event, either staff, or students, or both. When you apply, you need to estimate the number of participants in your event, and in your budget, apply for the funding to cover that. The participants from other schools can then use the grants for travel and accommodation to the event.  For example: 2 schools would like to host a workshop and invite 4 students + a teacher from a CIRRUS partner., We encourage you to apply for grants for this particular occasion. The occasion, in case you include students, must give ECTS/credit points.


Give a short description of your proposed event, and make a budget estimate based on the number of participants you wish to include. Please specify if specific member schools are included, and/or if the event will be open for all member schools. Note: the maximum budget per event is 5000 EUR.

Please submit an application with a budget HERE due November 15, 2019.
You will hear back from us by December 1, 2019


The applications will be evaluated by CIRRUS board. We are prioritizing applications:

  • From Schools which have not been very active in CIRRUS network before.
  • Applications that aim at supporting continuous collaboration. 
  • Applications bringing together a bigger number of schools and participants.

Important notice on distributing the grants: 

The grants will be paid out by CIRRUS coordinator (EKA) to the home institution that is organizing the event , based on the single mobility applications found on CIRRUS web site

Since we are basically distributing CIRRUS mobility grants, it must be clear that the applications can only be submitted for short-term mobility from CIRRUS member schools (students and teachers alike). The organisers have a right, basing on Nordplus handbook, to scale down the maximum Nordplus grant amounts (i.e for a trip between Gothenburg and Oslo you will allocate 150, between Helsinki and Gothenburg 330 EUR etc). 

To and from the Faroe Islands and Iceland 660 €Between Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia,
Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Åland 330 €
Domestic, in connection with exchange abroad Up to 150 €

ACCOMMODATION/BOARD RATES according to Nordplus (you may adjust if needed):

Students 20 € 70 € 200 €
Teachers 70 € 355 € 1.065 €

More information: Sandra Mell,