Bauhaus! Express in Klaipeda


The workshop which is intended to commemorate Centenary of the BAUHAUS!

CIRRUS intensive workshop Information Space VRat the Faculty of Klaipėda, Vilnius Academy of Arts

The Faculty of Klaipeda (Vilnius Academy of Arts)are hosting joint Cirrus workshop Information Space VR

1,5  ECTS
CIRRUS seats: 6
Grant: 330 EUR travel/Iceland 660 EUR + 70 EUR weekly grant.

Level: BA, MA studentsdifferent specialties of design.
Klaipeda, Lithuania
April 23rd– 26th, 2019 (arrival April 22nd, departure April 27th)

Language English

Workshop concept

“Information Space VR” will experiment with representaion of Data in Space.

The workshop will think and develop spatial options to create an information space with all the data collected in virutal reality (VR). Main focus will be on the aesthetical change of the collected data when everything is presented within a virtual environment (VE). The topic of remediation1 is a key element when thinking about VE’s because we always bring other media to present in VR. Also the topic of responiveness2 has a big impact while designing for VE’s because of ist interactive nature. At the time we enter the virtual world we have already a interactive sensation through the headtracking.

The Information Space created should tribute the 100th aniversary of Bauhaus architecture and reflect is modern and avantgarde origin.



Technically we will be use the gaming software Unity 3d to prototype our concepts and the HTC Vive head mounted display (HMD) for the full VR experience.

At the workspace we needVive ready Windows  PC  ( with

Steam  and  Steam  VR  installed  ( for  the  use  of  HTC  Vive) , Unit 2018.3.6  installed ( and Visualstudio Community Edition (normally comes with Unity3d installation depending on how u install it

Every  student PC (Windows  or Mac) should  have  the same Unity version and a texteditor (Visualstudio or Monodevelop) installed as  well  as  some  basic photo editing software and depending on their research material 3d modeling or sound software.

Make  sure  that  Unity  is  signed  in  with  your  own aaccount  if  you  have  none  just  make  one.




Tuesday  23th

10 – 11 Presentation  of the workshop
11 – 12 Introduction into Unity 3d
12 – 13 Lunch break
13 – 16 Development of virtual representation concepts
16 – 17 Discussion of the concepts

Wednesday 24 th

10 – 12 Decision on project(s) that get realized
12 – 13 Lunch break
13 – 14 Introduction on representation methods and narration in space
14 – 17 Supervised working on static scene

Thursday 25 th

10 – 12 Supervised working on static scene
12 – 13 Lunch break
13 – 14 Short internal presentation of what has been done and what comes next
14 – 17 Supervised working on narration and interaction inside static scene

Friday 26 th

10 – 12 Supervised working on narration and interaction inside static scene
12 – 13 Lunch break
13 – 15 Finish of the project and transfer to the Vive PC
15 – 16 Preparation of a short presentation
16 – 17 Short internal presentation


All participants should be familiar with the Bauhaus movement basics.

Registered participants will receive a very short text and iliustrations about the Bauhaus architecture of Klaipėda.

Applications should include your name, surname, home school, study year and level, a Motivation statement (max 200 words), a link to your portfolio and CV.
All applications should be sent to

Deadline to apply: the 10thof April, 2019 
Decisions on selection are announced by 12thof April, 2019



The lecturer of the workshop Jörg Frohnmayer  is  a  teacher, researcher  and  experimentalist  in  the  field  of  virtual  reality.

J.Frohnmayer works at the Merz Akademie which is a non-profit, nationally accredited University of Art, Design, and Media in Stuttgart, Germany.

More about lecturer:

More about Merz Akademie: