Behaviour and Transformation /CIRRUS

Behaviour and Transformation /CIRRUS
Teacher: Ari Marteinsson 
Host: Iceland University of the Arts
Number of available places: 2

Ects: 2
Level: BA (MA students are welcome to apply also)
Location: IUA campus in Þverholt
Teaching period: January 6 – 17, 2020


People aren’t dumb. The world is hard. 
Richard Thaler 

 We would like to believe that our decisions are logical and mainly determined by what we believe is good and worth pursuing. But in fact, we all make bad decisions every day. We eat unhealthy, we are late to our appointments, we exercise too little, we do not recycle, we spend too much time on our telephones, we gnaw our nails, we procrastinate rather than doing our school projects, we call our parents too seldom, and this list could go on – we do all of this while knowing better.

But how can we transform the behaviour of ourselves and others? How can we work with space, systems, graphics, technology, service to affect behaviour?

In this course, the basics of behaviour will be discussed as well as how people’s behaviour can be influenced. The aim of the course is that students research, map, analyse, design, make prototypes and tests for possible solutions. Our platform will be the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and its environment and the students in the course choose the challenges they want to work on themselves.

How to apply

Please submit your application and motivation statement no later than 24th November 2019.

Click here to enter the online application.
Students who have been successful with their application, can find information about grant practicalities here:

Appearance of Things

Teaching period: 06-17 January 2020

 Appearance of Things /CIRRUS

Teachers: Nicolas Giraud, Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir 
Number of available places: 2
Ects: 2
Level: BA (MA students are welcome to apply also)
Location: IUA campuses in Þverholt and Laugarnes 


The elective will be centered on image practice. We will question the production, use and circulation of images, mostly photographic images. 
The course will be project base, each student will develop a personal project in context, from the making or collecting of pictures to the final form. 
The course will have a theory side, including lectures and discussions on the project process.   A special attention will be paid to the territory, economy and ecology of each project. 

How to apply

Please submit your application and motivation statement no later than 24th November 2019.

Click here to enter the online application.
Students who have been successful with their application, can find information about grant practicalities here:

Urban Space Gaming workshop

School of Arts, Design and Architecture / Aalto University
Helsinki, Finland

3-7 February, 2020

CIRRUS Nordic-Baltic Network of Art and Design Education

Below, info on the workshop to be arranged at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture of the Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland as a collaboration of three art universities and countries: Aalto Arts – (main organizer), Iceland University of the Arts – and VDA Vilnius Academy of the Arts, Lithuania –

In addition to students from this year’s host (the Aalto University), five students from Iceland, five students from Lithuania and five students from other Nordic/Baltic countries are able to participate. The CIRRUS network will pay travel and accommodation costs.

If you want to participate, please email by DECEMBER 1, 2019 a brief statement of why you wish to participate and an overview of your skill set as it relates to the topic. We are particularly interested in participants with animation skills and/or experience working with pervasive gaming / augmented reality. The results of the selection will be communicated by 31st of November and for those selected also information on travelling arrangements.

Tentative travel dates:

Saturday 1st February or Sunday 2nd February –
Sunday 9th February, 2019

Workshop description:

Urban Space Gaming
Level: BA/MA
Duration: 5 days

2 ECTS credits

Tutors: Tarja Nieminen (Finland), Sam Rees (The UK, Iceland), Lode Coen (Belgium), Ausra Lisauskiene (Lithuania) and visiting lecturers


In terms of civilization history, games and gaming represent one of the oldest means of human communication and interaction, and at the same time, they are more contemporary and relevant than ever.

The key element in gaming is involvement: games are social, so players interact meaningfully with each other and games often help to bridge the communication/conversation gap. Games are not only “games” but also go beyond their immediate purpose: they embody living popular tradition

due to their ability to renew and adapt to new times and new customs. The workshop is relevant, not only because of its adaptable topic, but also educationally when considering current notions of designer´s roles as a content developer, author, producer, activist, and collaborator, and agent of change.

The workshop theme is communication and intervention in public space
by means of participatory games and act of playing – in other words, it looks at the gamification of urban and social design. In the workshops, the participants will create concepts for different kinds of participatory games taking place within public spaces.

The overall aim of the workshop is to generate interaction between students and
the local people as well as between the people and their surroundings.
The aspects to be taken into consideration are:
1. Public space intervention,
2. Interaction among people and between people and spaces,
3. To encourage people to improve their physical environment,
4. Explore ways to communicate e.g. on cultural and historical awareness, as well as social issues
5. Public space appearance improvement by means of art and design, and
6. Alternative ways of mapping, guiding or way finding.

The main output of the workshop will be a number of game concepts, game mock-ups or in some cases actual games played out in the urban environment. The final presentation should involve dynamic visualizations of the concept to showcase clearly the intent and possibility of the project.

Some of the final game concepts may be transferable, but some of them will probably be more site specific. Ultimately, there will not be any preconceived notions of the kind of the game participants should design – the concepts could include for example, games which involve growing things, games which expand in time, games which utilize augmented reality or games which use other pervasive gaming strategies. In addition to the presentation of the final game/game concepts, there will be a blog created,
showcasing the results of the workshop online.

(More info will be provided to those who will participate).

FULL! The seats have been taken. Thank you for your interest in using CIRRUS for EKA Design Hackathon

5 seats avaliable for CIRRUS students at EKA Design Hackathon.
First come, first served.
CIRRUS grant: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660) + 70 EUR for living costs. The grant will be delivered to your home institution’s account and they are responsible for paying it out to you.
(More students are welcome to join in without a grant).
Apply through the link and under question: “FACULTY / UNIVERSITY / ORGANISATION”, mention first CIRRUS and then your institution, e.g
CIRRUS – Estonian Academy of Arts

EKA Design Hackthon takes place in Estonian Academy of Arts 1.11 – 3.11 and is dedicated to students of The Faculty of Design but opened to everyone who is interested.

A hackathon is a 48 hours long intensive event where students from different faculties work together in order to find design solutions for real life problems.

Although this is a general design hackathon we encourage the participants to think about futuristic solutions and use their imagination to come up with solutions that would feel innovative also in 2035.

Your idea could be a new alternative in the world of materials and textile, an advanced view of the ways things are engineered, a program or part of code that makes designing more efficient or anything else you can possibly come up with.

The event is free of charge, food is provided and experienced mentors are available throughout the event.

When registering explain your idea, write down the possible materials you may want to use and bear in mind that all the workshops are opened for the whole weekend. Don’t hesitate if you don’t have an idea yet, your skills are as valuable!

Event link to the pre-event:

This event is funded by European Union Regional Development Fund.

Register here:

Call for Secretariat, deadline December 1, 2019

Estonian Academy of Arts

After three years at the Estonian Academy of Arts, there is an open call for secretariat for 2020-2023 (period June 1, 2020 – June 1, 2023).

The network activities are coordinated by secretariat that is placed in one of the member organizations (currently in Estonian Academy of Arts) for 3 years with an opportunity to re-apply.
The secretariat is financed 50% from the membership fees, (currently 1000 EUR per year per institution as of 2019) and may receive additional funding from other available sources, such as Nordplus, (5% from each annual contract)  annual allocation or some other programme linked to the network activities. 

An overview of the tasks of the secretariat can be found in CIRRUS Collaboration Agreement. 


The guidelines for the CIRRUS secretariat state that:
· The secretariat is placed at one of the member institutions for three years with the  possibility to re-apply. 

· The secretariat is obliged to carry out tasks connected to the network functioning:
– Composing and submitting the annual applications and reports to the Nordic Council of Ministers.
– Administrating and managing the network’s funds: the grant received from Nordplus and network’s own finances. – Transferring mobility grants and project money to the member institutions in accordance with the programme’s rules and decisions made by the network. 

– General coordinating of the network projects and collaboration projects 

– Organising network’s annual meetings and teachers seminars in cooperation with the board of the network 


Interested CIRRUS institutions must submit a written application including statement of motivation (max 400 words). Motivations should be submitted to the chair of the board Lone Dalsgaard Andre  no later than  December 1, 2019. After this deadline all valid applications are accessible to all CIRRUS members and the decision will be taken at the election taking place at the network meeting in Tallinn 2020.

Statement of motivation – requirements
A statement of motivation for the secretariat should 

• Include a vision and ideas on how secretariat’s support of the network may be developed further.

• Reflect institutional commitment (written statement from the home institution)

Further information and application to be sent  to:

Lone Dalsgaard Andre
Chair of the CIRRUS board

Open post in University of Bergen

Department of Design are looking for our next Head of Department at the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design. University of Bergen, Norway 

The Department of Design offers studies in Furniture Design, Spatial Design/Interior Architecture and Visual Communication.

A major part of our resources are allocated to professional development, making the department one of the country’s most innovative environments for teaching and research. 

The University`s values are based on Knowledge that shapes Society; Ocean, Life, Society/Strategy.

The Department of Design`s values are based on this with Sustainibility and understanding of global relations as one of our core values.

We are looking for a leader with a holistic view and a solid professional knowledge, speaking Scandinavian language.

For more information about the position go to:

Call for Cooperation Projects

apply due Friday, November 15, 2019

  • CIRRUS board has looked into different opportunities that would enhance our cooperation with the mobility funding that CIRRUS has received from Nordplus. 
  • This is an opportunity for teachers and staff to apply for travel grants and accommodation for initiatives that aim to explore a shared interest or theme. 
  • There is a budget of max 5000 EUR per course/event/seminar
    Total budget allocated from CIRRUS/Nordplus funds from this round: 15 000 EUR 

What is it about?

If you have a colleague in another school, or a circle of partners with whom you would like to conduct a course / seminar / workshop you are welcome to apply for these CIRRUS mobility grants. 

What is required? 

You need to be working at a school that is part of the Cirrus network, and you need to include  members from other partner schools in your event, either staff, or students, or both. When you apply, you need to estimate the number of participants in your event, and in your budget, apply for the funding to cover that. The participants from other schools can then use the grants for travel and accommodation to the event.  For example: 2 schools would like to host a workshop and invite 4 students + a teacher from a CIRRUS partner., We encourage you to apply for grants for this particular occasion. The occasion, in case you include students, must give ECTS/credit points.


Give a short description of your proposed event, and make a budget estimate based on the number of participants you wish to include. Please specify if specific member schools are included, and/or if the event will be open for all member schools. Note: the maximum budget per event is 5000 EUR.

Please submit an application with a budget HERE due November 15, 2019.
You will hear back from us by December 1, 2019


The applications will be evaluated by CIRRUS board. We are prioritizing applications:

  • From Schools which have not been very active in CIRRUS network before.
  • Applications that aim at supporting continuous collaboration. 
  • Applications bringing together a bigger number of schools and participants.

Important notice on distributing the grants: 

The grants will be paid out by CIRRUS coordinator (EKA) to the home institution that is organizing the event , based on the single mobility applications found on CIRRUS web site

Since we are basically distributing CIRRUS mobility grants, it must be clear that the applications can only be submitted for short-term mobility from CIRRUS member schools (students and teachers alike). The organisers have a right, basing on Nordplus handbook, to scale down the maximum Nordplus grant amounts (i.e for a trip between Gothenburg and Oslo you will allocate 150, between Helsinki and Gothenburg 330 EUR etc). 

To and from the Faroe Islands and Iceland 660 €Between Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia,
Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Åland 330 €
Domestic, in connection with exchange abroad Up to 150 €

ACCOMMODATION/BOARD RATES according to Nordplus (you may adjust if needed):

Students 20 € 70 € 200 €
Teachers 70 € 355 € 1.065 €

More information: Sandra Mell,

CIRRUS course in Lithuania

Electronic Publishing Workshop with Prof. Julia Ojapelto (Finland) in Graphic design department of Vilnius Academy of Arts

Graphic Design Department at Vilnius Art Academy will host a workshop for students of graphic design, interior design, fashion design and  others and invites interested students from all Cirrus institutions to attend the course.

Title of course: Electronic Publishing

Workshop period:  September 30 – October 4

Teacher: Julia Ojapelto, Senior lecturer, Programme coordinator, Graphic Design of Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Design

Number of available places for Cirrus students: 5

Course Content

The content of the Electronic Publishing Workshop:

What is an electronic publication? A lecture and discussion about the topic. The short history about publishing, the time before iPad and tablet computers. What designer should know about programs/software, interactive elements and publishing formats to publish on mobile devices. How to publish for free.

How to make E-books, design with iBooks Author and Adobe CC tools. Adobe InDesign Creative Cloud versions and publishing solutions. Folio publishing tools. Suitable file formats pdf, swf, epub, Reflowable and Fixed layout.

The outcome of the workshop is fully interactive electronic publication to share on mobile devices.
The participants have the basic understanding how to use InDesign software for making layouts.

Preliminary Schedule:

·  Workshop starts at 30th of September, 9:00 AM, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Maironio str. 3, Vilnius, 3rd floor, 312 room.
·  30th of September – theory, 9:00 – 16:00
·  October 1st-3rd – practice and discussions, 9:00 – 16:00
·  October 4th – workshop results presentation, ~ 14:00

How to apply

Please send you motivation letters to asta.jackute@gmail.comby the 25th of September 2019. The results will be available on the 26th of September.


STROIKA. Express course in Latvia.

Teaching period: 

17.09.2019. – 24.09.2019. (16 September – arrival, 25 September – departure)

Teacher(s):prof. Dainis Lesins, Dainis Pundurs, Liga Skarina, Eugenia Loginova

Level: BA / MA ECTS:  1.5

Number of available places for CIRRUS students: 4

Application deadline: 11.09.2019. The results will be announced on 0512.09.2019. Accepted participants will receive more detailed information.

Requirements: to prepare two project drawings for your art objects upon the arrival.

How to apply: 

Please send us information about you (school, study year, BA or MA), a short motivation letter and some photos of your art works (could be portfolio, electronical version or website, if you have) to the e-mail address:

Course description: 

The course is envisaged as an international student symposium, during which an intensive programme will be carried out. It includes lectures, workshops, professional practice, wood kiln firings (two different technologies: one black – smoked low temperature firing, other – high temperature soda wood firing), attendance of museums, galleries and the participation at the pop-up exhibition of the symposium works at the Art Academy of Latvia.

Envisaged results: students will obtain the knowledge in the field of ceramics design and woodfiring technologies by practically developing the project in ceramics. The project works will be displayed at the exhibition. 

Additional information:

Venues of the symposium – Art Academy of Latvia, Riga, city centre (Kalpaka bulvaris 13). Organizers do not offer accommodations; do not hesitate to book your stay in advance. 

Assignment: This year’s theme of the symposium “STROIKA” invites artists to create architectural works in ceramic material, thus paying attention to the multifunctionality of the material as well as the artistic expressions. STROIKA or the building site, is symbolically something of a new presentiment, it has a careful planning and perseverance in execution. STROIKA is a process that creates creative activity that culminates in architecture and design.