AHO: PhD Fellowship – Designing for Additive Manufacturing

PhD Fellowship – Designing for Additive Manufacturing

Application deadline: 28.2.2014
Expected Start Date: September 2014
Rachel Troye
Steinar Killi
Telephone: +47 22997146
Mobile: +47 90108728

Designing for Additive Manufacturing is regarded of the more important contemporary topics to research within the community of product design. Additive Manufacturing has been a buzzword for several years now. Research has been performed around the technical aspects of this production technology, but very scarcely around actual design processes. Additive Manufacturing (AM) is predicted to have the potential to start the ‘next industrial revolution’, being disruptive is not enough though. What is needed is informed and situated design production, knowledge and critique in design research terms too.This design  PhD Fellowship position is centered in practice-oriented design inquiry that involves production with analysis. At the core is a need to develop design methodology and design processes that would be useful for designers and companies and to reflect on these in and as formal researches.

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