CIRRUS express: Garage48 Hardware & Arts 2016, apply due January 7, 2016

CIRRUS express Garage 48 Hardware & Arts 2016
Organiser: Estonian Academy of Arts (the course will take place in Tartu)
Seats: 2
Deadline: January 7, 2016
Apply here
There is a registration fee 25 EUR to every student taking part in this event (not only CIRRUS students) that must be covered by the CIRRUS students as well.
Two seats have been reserved for CIRRUS students exclusively, so you don’t need to register at the web site of the event now, but after you have been granted a scholarship through CIRRUS.
Everyone, who wants to join the event anyway (with or without grant) is welcome to register already now here.
Grant available: 70 EUR for living costs + 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR)

Garage48 Hardware & Arts is a one of a kind hackathon bringing together the creative communities of electronics, mechatronics, software engineers, artists, product designers and marketeers at University of Tartu, Institute of Physics on February 5-7, 2016. This will be a truly amazing hackathon, where we expect people to work on crazy ideas with the aim to have fun while developing something cool and REAL – something you can hold in your hands. No matter what skills you possess – everybody who wants to build something is welcome! We want to engage people from different levels of experience: from students to experienced electronics engineers and start-up entrepreneurs.

Hardware products require more than just a laptop; this time we are putting together a massive stuff of tech to do hardware prototyping. When you register please describe your idea as specific as possible so we can get most of materials/technologies on the venue.

All available equipment and materials during the hackathon are listed in our blog


We will arrange buses leaving from Friday en route Tallinn-Tartu and back on Sunday evening straight after the event. The rest of the trip should be organised by the student him/herself.

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