CIRRUS board elections. Period: 2022-2025. Deadline to apply: February 15, 2022

CIRRUS welcomes applications for CIRRUS board membership for the period of 2022 – 2025.*

Do you want to work with us in the CIRRUS board in strengthening Nordic-Baltic collaborations in design education?

Submit your motivation statement along with a nomination from a member school and a letter of support from your home institution to network coordinator due application deadline: February 15, 2022.

About the board (excerpt from CIRRUS network agreement)

  • The board of the network comprises of 3-5 faculty members from the CIRRUS institutions and is elected every three years at the network meeting.
  • The board is responsible for running the network together with the secretariat (general network coordinator). The responsibilities of the board are: strategic planning and leadership, policy making of the network and beyond, planning of the network activities, cooperation and guidelines to the secretariat.
  •  A board member must have the possibility (time and resources) to actively work with Cirrus matters, and also  be prepared to meet in person twice a year, at other times the board meetings are carried out in e-formats.
  • The decision making body is the annual CIRRUS network meeting. Meanwhile the board of the network is leading the network.
  • The board members may be nominated by home institutions or other member institutions. The board member must have full support from the leadership of the home institution.
  • The person aiming to become a member of the board must submit a motivation statement along with the nomination to the secretariat by the time announced in the call for .
  • The board will constitute one of the board members as the Chair of the network.
    * The future possible board person should – if possible – be present in person at the whole network meeting in Riga Art Academy, Latvia, between March 23 – 25, 2022, and available to meet for the constituting CIRRUS board meeting in Riga on the afternoon of Friday, March 25, 2022.