Aalto seeking for Professor in History of Art and Culture

Aalto University is a new university with over a century of experience. Created from a high-profile merger between three leading universities in Finland – the Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki University of Technology and the University of Art and Design Helsinki – Aalto University opens up new possibilities for strong multidisciplinary education and research. The university has 20 000 students and a staff of 5 000 including 350 professors.

Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture is one of the most prestigious international universities of art, design and architecture in the world. The school has a strong role and influence within society. Key areas of research are design, digital media, audiovisual representation, art, visual culture, welfare architecture, and urban design and planning. The school’s history dates back to 1871.

Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture invites applications for Tenure Track or Tenured position for a

Professor in History of Art and Culture

Job description

The focus of the new professorship is on art and culture history with a possible emphasis on the contemporary era. Knowledge of Finnish and Nordic history of art and culture is required.

The new professor will serve the entire School of Arts, Design and Architecture. The position is located at the Department of Art in the Centre for General Studies (YoYo). The Centre is responsible for organising general studies at the School of Art, Design and Architecture, on all levels of studies (BA, MA, DA). http://taide.aalto.fi/en/yoyo/

The tasks of the Professor of History of Art and Culture include teaching and research in the field as well as development and administrative work within the department and the school.

Applicants are expected to possess appropriate scientific merits and professional competence. The evaluation of candidates is based on the level of accomplishment and merits gained within research, teaching, academic leadership and other relevant activity in academic and professional communities.

Applicants are expected to have doctoral degree in a relevant field. The candidate should have a proven track record of publications in international refereed journals. The candidate should have demonstrated ability to operate in international educational networks and to teach and supervise students. Additionally, we value multidisciplinary networks. We expect the candidate to have excellent language skills in English.

Throughout their careers, those in the academic tenure track system are expected to exercise and guide scientific research, to provide related higher academic education, to follow the advances of their field,  to participate in service to the Aalto University community, and to take part in societal interaction and international collaboration in their field.

Level and salary

On the basis of their experience and competence, applicants will be placed within one of the levels of the tenure track system: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Full Professor. The position is full-time and depending on the level, either temporary or permanent.

Aalto University follows the salary system of Finnish universities, but applicants may also provide salary requirements.

How to apply

The applications for the tenure track position are to be addressed to the President of Aalto University. Please submit your application with the attachments through the “Apply for this job” link below no later than on the 3rd of July 2014.

The application material for the position must include

  • An application letter addressed to the President of Aalto University
  • A Curriculum Vitae including also a summary of teaching experience
  • A complete list of publications and other past research activities and 3 most significant publications in pdf-form (the absolute maximum size of one PDF is 10 MB)
  • A Letter of Motivation, including the applicant’s vision for the development of research and teaching in the field of History of Art and Culture

All material must be submitted in English using the electronic recruitment system. The applicants may be asked to supplement their application materials at the second phase of the application process, including contextualizing work if written in other languages than English.

Please follow the guidelines on the application material and its delivery as described above.

Aalto University may perform a bibliometric data analysis of the applicants’ scientific publications based on the applicant’s CV and list of publications unless the applicant declines the analysis. This information is used to measure scientific activity and it will be collected and analyzed based on information available on public databases.

From amongst the applicants in the first phase, Aalto University will select those who will be asked to supplement their application materials. Supplemented applications are submitted for review by external experts (the second phase of the application process).

General instructions for applicants including language requirements and guidelines for compiling CVs and teaching portfolios (at the second phase of the application process) are given at http://www.aalto.fi/en/about/careers/tenure_track/for_applicant/


For more information

For more information, please contact Professor Kevin Tavin tel. +358 50 4342 961, firstname.lastname@aalto.fi and for recruitment process –related questions, HR coordinator Päivi Niemi, tel. +358 50 449 9349 firstname.j.lastname@aalto.fi.

Aalto University reserves the right for justified reasons to leave the position open, to extend the application period and to consider candidates who have not submitted applications during the application period.


Tenure track in Aalto University

The tenure track is open to talented individuals who have excellent potential for a scientific career. Individuals placed on the Aalto University professorial tenure track have the possibility to advance in their career through regular performance assessments, which take into account their merits in all areas of their scope of duty. Launched only in 2010, the tenure track has attracted a wide range of international applicants, giving Aalto University the possibility of recruiting top experts and young research talent to join the Aalto University community. Read more about the Aalto University tenure track system at www.aalto.fi/en/tenuretrack.

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