CIRRUS network meeting. March 17, 18, 2021. Hosted online by EKA & CIRRUS board

It was a great meeting and it was good to see such high attendance!

March 17–18. (ALL TIMES IN CET)

Wednesday, March 17

13:00–14.45 GENERAL ASSEMBLY NO. 1
13:00–13:05  Welcome! – Rector Mart Kalm, EKA
13:05–13:15   Agenda & Practical info, intro of the board 
13:15–13:20  Hello, everyone! Breakout-room testing
13:20–13:40  Presentation of EKA – Kristjan Mändmaa, EKA

13:40–13:55 Break

13:55–14.35  Keynote “Uncertainty/Complexity”  Johan Redström, UID
14.35–14:45 Q&A/Discussions

14:45–15:00 Break

15:00–16:20 WORKSHOPS
15:00–16:00 Leadership workshop 1
15:00–16:00 Coordinators’ workshop 1
15:00–16:00 Teachers’ workshops 1:
15:00–16:00 New cooperations and joint projects – Maarja Mõtus & Nesli Hazal Akbulut, EKA
15:00–16:00 Preparing our students for life after graduation – Stella Runnel, EKA & Triin Amur, EKA
16:00–16:20 Sum-up of workshops with everyone together

16:20–17:00 Spatial Chat
17:00–18:00 Break

18:00–19:00 Online-concert by Puuluup
19:20–… Spatial Chat continues

Thursday, March 18

09:00–09:30 Welcome back everyone!
09:00–09:30 Energy session by OMAklubi
09:30–10:30 Leadership workshop 2
09:30–10:30 Coordinator’ workshop 2

09:30–10:30 Artistic vs Design Research? – Ruth-Helene Melioranski, EKA & Oliver Laas, EKA
09:30–10:30 New pedagogical formats – Kristiina Krabi-Klanberg, EKA

10:45–11:45 PARALLEL SESSIONS (for everyone)
10: 45-11: 45 The 17 Sustainable Development Goals in practice – Mathilde Aggebo, Anna Bascuñan Skaarup, Royal Danish Academy
10:45-11:45 Future of design education – Garðar Eyjólfsson, Iceland University of the Arts

11:45–11:50 Break

11.50–12:10 Sum-up of workshops
12:10–13:15 Lunch

13:15–14:30 GENERAL ASSEMBLY NO. 2
Network activities since last meeting
The budget and the finance situation
Applications to Nordplus 2021

New CIRRUS website
Mapping CIRRUS schools

Changes in CIRRUS board
Next CIRRUS meeting Latvian Academy of the Arts, March 23-25, 2022
14:25–14:30  Thank you and goodbye!

14:30–… Spatial Chat. For those who can’t leave…

Contacts throughout the meeting:
Tech support:
+372 5330 0015
General info:
+372 521 9187
Organiser: Sandra Mell