CIRRUS TALK vol 2. Online Admission

The second 2 hour conversation:
hosted by Design School Kolding  
Lone Dalsgaard André, Vice Rector and Head of Cirrus Board

Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 14.00 CET (15 EET / 13 GMT)
Check your local time here.

Many of us transformed our admission process for 2020 to include digital functions or to be conducted completely online.

During this Cirrus talk we will share our experiences with this new format and discuss questions such as:

  • How can we secure the well-being of the applicants during the online application process?
  • How can we support the applicants to do experiments on their own but with help?
  • How can we help the applicants to be the best version of them selves and do their best? 
  • How far can we take online admission process?

Lone Dalsgaard André will share the experiences from Kolding and we will have group discussions and work on some tasks.

Please sign up here due October 23.
Seats: 20
The talk will take place on Zoom.
Link will be sent to those who registered on October 26.

Further information: Sandra Mell
CIRRUS network coordinator