EKA MA GRAPHIC DESIGN CONFABULATIONS #1: Cait McKinney, “Publishing as Queer Praxis: Lesbian Feminist Infrastructures” 30 September, 5:00pm EET

MA in Graphic Design at Estonian Academy of Arts invites:
GRAPHIC DESIGN CONFABULATIONS #1: Cait McKinney, “Publishing as Queer Praxis: Lesbian Feminist Infrastructures”30 September, 5:00pm EET (4:00pm CET / 10:00am EST / 7:00am PDT) twitch.tv/ekagdma

Cait McKinney, “Publishing as Queer Praxis: Lesbian Feminist Infrastructures”In this book talk drawn from Information Activism:  A Queer History of Lesbian Media Technologies (Duke, 2020), I outline how lesbian feminists in the U.S. and Canada approached publishing as an information practice key to establishing a foundation for their movements, and building more livable lives for lesbians. Focusing on newsletters, bibliographies and indexes, I show how activists created and circulating information as a world-making process when access to information was otherwise precarious. 
Cait McKinney is Assistant Professor of Communication at Simon Fraser University, the author of Information Activism: A Queer History of Lesbian Media Technologies (Duke, 2020), and coeditor of Inside Killjoy’s Kastle: Dykey Ghosts, Feminist Monsters, and other Lesbian Hauntings (UBC, 2019). McKinney is interested in how queer social movements use digital technologies to build alternative information infrastructures. Their current research is on activist responses to early online content regulations; the intertwined histories of AIDS Activism and digital technologies; and the ways sexuality has been used to explain data and databases since the mid 20th century.

ABOUT GRAPHIC DESIGN CONFABULATIONSA series of speakers taking an oblique look onto graphic design and its outlines in order to re-think, destabilize or decenter its normative structures and practices. By prioritising that which has taken place in the margins, ephemerally, despite oppression and in dissent, we will seek to widen the circumference of design practice. To see where else design has and can happen; how social and political movements have manifested in visual cultures; and ultimately to develop a sense of self-reflexivity toward our own privileges and positions.
Future lectures will include speakers Silas Munroe (14 Oct), and Ayasha Guerin (25 Nov), with more to be announced.
The lectures are free, open to the public, and closed caption supported.All lectures will be streamed live from twitch.tv/ekagdma
GRAPHIC DESIGN CONFABULATIONS is a new free online public lecture series presented by the MA in Graphic Design program at the Estonian Academy of Arts, curated by Rosen Eveleigh, and partly supported by the CIRRUS Nordic-Baltic Network of Art and Design Education and Nordplus