Innovation in Healthcare CIRRUS IC

Innovation in Healthcare 

Innovation in Healthcare is a real-time 5-day online intensive funded by Nordplus Higher Education proramme that aims to bring together Cirrus network students and faculty with a focus on co-design as a methodology of planning and implementing change to improve the delivery of public (health)care.

Dates: 14 – 16.9 (self-directed learning); 17.9 and 24 – 26.9 (collaborative workshops). For a more detailed day-to-day course schedule (GMT+3),  see below.


Applications deadline: 12.9.2020 (23:59 GMT+3)

Please fill out the Application Form. Admissions decisions will be made on a continuing bases and no later than 13.9.2020. The intensive has limited enrolment due to the very challenging public health conditions that continue to disrupt how we approach service design in healthcare.


Held in collaboration with one of the top healthcare providers in Estonia, North Estonia Medical Centre (PERH), the intensive is to respond to the current lack of patient-driven innovation from within the Cirrus network. Designed to share and develop ideas  for urgently needed solutions as well as to build resilience post-pandemic, Cirrus students from any field of study will have the opportunity to join a dedicated team of their choice for fast-paced ideation, brainstorming, and prototyping with the aim of contributing to (health)care that could give patients the service and choices that they need.


The intensive will be co-led by Josina Vink, an Associate Professor in the Institute of Design at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)Tanel Kärp, Head of at Estonian Academy of Arts, and Riina Raudne, Communications Designer, PhD, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School for Public Health

Digital Mobility:

Video conferencing (Zoom), messaging platforms (Slack), as well as virtual whiteboards (Miro) will be used throughout the intensive to apply service thinking remotely. 

Following Cirrus Digital Mobility guidelines, financial support will be available to cover direct costs such as IT-support service, hardware and/or software, as needed. Only Cirrus network universities are eligible to apply for Digital Mobility grants on behalf of their students.

Course Schedule:

Monday, 14 September

Pre-recorded lectures and design toolbox distributed

Design Teams assigned

1st Assignment (independent) / Preliminary research

Thursday, 17 September

10:00 – 12:00 Online lectures and mentoring

14:15 – 21:00 2nd Assignment (independent) / Brainstorming and Ideation

Thursday, 24 September

10:00 – 12:00 Online lectures and mentoring

14:15 – 21:00 3rd Assignment (independent) / Rapid Prototyping

Friday, 25 September

10:00 – 12:00 Online lectures and mentoring

Saturday, 26 September

11:45: – 16:45 4th Assignment (independent) / Idea Refinement