From Autumn 2020, CIRRUS launches a series of digital conversations, held once a month. The idea is to come together around a topic of interest for the members in the network, and share experiences and insights. We envision this as a 1- to 2-hour low-key session, over zoom or a similar platform, where the inviting school or person opens the conversation with an introduction, and sets the format for how they would like the joint conversation to happen.

The first 2 hour conversation:
hosted by Estonian Academy of Arts
Indrek Sirkel, professor, head of Graphic Design

Sean Yendrys, associate professor, head of MA Graphic Design
Tuesday, September 29, 2020, 14.00 EET:
(11.00 Iceland / 13 Scandinavian / 14 Finnish/Baltic time)

How do we retain some of the vital circumstances afforded by in-person teaching and learning? How to keep a sense of community, opportunities for spontaneous & intimate discussions, and an environment for making. In contrast, what new teaching practices, exchanging of resources, and forms of communication might emerge from these conditions that should integrate themselves into future curriculums?

Please sign up here due September 24.
Seats: 20

Further information: Sandra Mell
CIRRUS network coordinator

We are looking for your help in developing this series further. If you have a topic that you would like to share with us all by discussing it with other members of our network, please let us know, suggest a date, and we’ll collectively make it happen.