Design Camp CIRRUS express Masterclass in Kolding

We have an offer for your Master students!

From Monday 27 January to Friday 7 February, 2020 we run a Masterclass called DesignCamp 2020 – future scenarios focusing on Industry 4.0 companies to develop near-future scenarios of their technologies. Students will approach the challenges through the themes Design for Planet, Design for People and Design for Play.

4 companies will participate and they will be presented for 3 solutions to their challenges. The three solutions will be representing Planet, People and Play.

The 4 companies are:

–          Leap Technology

–          Nord Modules

–          Danish Wind Power Academy

–          Re-Circle

Your master students are more that welcome to participate! Since there is not that long time to it takes place then just ask your students to mail me if they are interested and then I will take it from there. The more the better! Deadline is 18 January.

Support: 330 EUR travel/660 EUR + 70 EUR weekly

Interested CIRRUS students to email Anette Flinck due Jan 18, 2020 about your interest.