Appearance of Things

Teaching period: 06-17 January 2020

 Appearance of Things /CIRRUS

Teachers: Nicolas Giraud, Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir 
Number of available places: 2
Ects: 2
Level: BA (MA students are welcome to apply also)
Location: IUA campuses in Þverholt and Laugarnes 


The elective will be centered on image practice. We will question the production, use and circulation of images, mostly photographic images. 
The course will be project base, each student will develop a personal project in context, from the making or collecting of pictures to the final form. 
The course will have a theory side, including lectures and discussions on the project process.   A special attention will be paid to the territory, economy and ecology of each project. 

How to apply

Please submit your application and motivation statement no later than 24th November 2019.

Click here to enter the online application.
Students who have been successful with their application, can find information about grant practicalities here: