EKA Summer Academy 2019

Open seats available at EAA’s summer school, deadline May 26, 2019

CIRRUS students are welcome to apply to four EKA Summer Academy 2019 courses: 

Clay 3D Printing
Wood and Design
Sculptural Headwear – Couture Millinery
Speculative and Critical Design – Special Programs Think Tank

Deadline: May 26, 2019

Information about application requirements, dates and ECTS can be found at https://eka-summer-academy.dreamapply.com/Please mark Cirrus as your scholarship option when applying to the course. Scholarship option is located under the other category in the application form.

3 CIRRUS seats per course are granted (Nordplus scholarship amount is EUR 330 / EUR 660 Iceland travel + 70 EUR weekly allowance). However, if there are living costs or a course fee announced, then these apply to CIRRUS students as well.