Critical Image workshop. Express in Lahti


Critical Image Workshop
Host: Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Design
Number of available places for CIRRUS students: 5
Level: BA
Requirements: Open for all CIRRUS institution students in the fields of communication, design and fine arts who are interested in gender and equality issues.
Application deadline: 15.3.2019
Grant available per student: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660) + 70 weekly allowance
How to apply: Please send a short motivation letter titled “Critical Image Application”
(max 350 words) describing why you are interested in taking part in this workshop to

Utu-Tuuli Jussila and Pauliina Vuorinen
6.–7.4.2019 + critique day 4.5 (on skype)

Workshop description
In this workshop we look at images from a feminist perspective. We think about how gender, race, class, age, sexuality and ability are being represented in the media and the visual arts. In other words, we practice an intersectional gaze. Through case examples and assignments we learn how to identify and dismantle normative representation of gender for example. Images maintain norms but they can also decode them. Images are never mere representations but they also produce reality. The images we make and choose have real effects in the society and that is something one should be aware of. In this course, we consider what is the author’s responsibility. Are there influencing possibilities. We also discuss who ultimately benefits from the norms. In addition to portraits and images of people, we also discuss how, for example, typography or other design choices can get gendered meanings.

The workshop will take place as a weekend course with a focus on discussions. Before the workshop, the participants read a few articles to familiarize them on the topic. On the basis of the workshop, the students will complete a final assignment that will be shown at the Henkilökuva aikakausmediassa Seminar in May.

On the basis of the workshop, the students will complete a final assignment that will be shown at the Henkilökuva aikakausmediassa Seminar in May. Participation in the seminar is voluntary. Students get 5 ects from participating in the workshop weekend and critique day plus completing the assignments on schedule.