Foil printing workshop “Overprint”

Foil printing workshop “Overprint”

Dates: 21 – 25 January 2019 in Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
Grant available: 330 EUR travel/660 EUR Iceland + weekly allowance 70 EUR

Short course description

The aim of workshop is to explore the possibilities of foil-print and foil-tooling technologies, as well re-using printed matter in creating an artist book. The students will be introduced to techniques such as hand tooling, cliché print, foil drawing, digital foil-print and other foil transferee possibilities.

Organization of the course

  • Presentation of techniques and materials
  • Practical tasks, experimenting, idea sketching
  • Making micro edition of artist-book in group work

Leaders: prof. Lennart Mänd (department of accessory design and bookbinding EKA), prof. Liina Siib (department of Graphic Art EKA)

Number of available places 2

Requirements: course is open to BA and MA students but applicants should have finished at least 1 year at the bachelor level in design or art.

Application deadline: 12th December, 2018

How to apply: Send your full name, name of home school and name of the program you study in and a motivation letter(max 1 page), digital portfolio or homepage or some samples of you previous work to





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