CIRRUS express course in Iceland. Together: Platform.

Title of course: 
Together: Platform
Hosting school: Iceland Academy of the Arts
Teaching period: 1st April – 9th May, 2019
Teacher(s): Ari Marteinsson, Marteinn Sindri Jónsson
Number of available places for CIRRUS students: 7
Level: BA
Grant available per student EUR: 660 travel + 70 weekly

Requirements:Student applicants should have finished at least 1 year at the bachelor level in design or architecture.


Application deadline: 10th December, 2018

How to apply:Send your full name, name of home schooland name of the programmeyou study in + a letter of motivation(1 page), outlining relevant skills and discussing how the student would like to benefit from the course to and


Course description:

The course Together: Platform is about social design and social change in a hyper-local context, departing from the notion that change starts at home.


In the course students develop platforms in the context of their own learning environments, aimed at social and cultural change. The course takes place in and around the building of the Department of Design and Architecture. Students learn to iterate questions about their own circumstances using methods aimed at shared ownership and collective action. Students work in small groups and develop contextualised projects engaged with social challenges within and without the immediate environment.
At the end of the course students, should

  • have developed a critical view on the role and responsibility of designers in society,
  • have the ability to effect change in society in relation to a research topic,
  • be able to participate in a critical discourse,
  • have the independence and communication skills to actively participate in a collaboration,



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