VDA express: Sculptural Research

Vilnius Academy of Art is hosting a Cirrus express workshop “SCULPTURAL RESEARCH”
on draping, sculpting, pattern-making in Nida Art Colony.
Tutors: Dainius Bendikas (IAA),
Jurgita Jankutė-Mirinavičienė (VAA).
Level: BA/MA
Teaching period: 24th May – 04th June, 2018.
Address: E. A. Jonušo str. 3, LT-93127 Neringa, Lithuania
Number of available place for Cirrus students: 6
Students from all Cirrus institutions are invited to attend the course.
CIRRUS/Nordplus grant available: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR weekly.

– To introduce and transmit the knowledge, values, techniques and an extensive creative process to
a new generation of young designers through direct methodology.
– To showcase new opportunities and constructive experimentation as a source of new creativity.
– To improve and support the professional development of design students as emerging designers.
– Improve their contextual and creative relevance while acquiring new development tools and
orientationon research, documentation, draping, pattern-making and most importantly design based
constructive thinking.

Course Content:
The workshop is an intense two-week
hands-on program for fashion and costume designers dedicated to break out of the traditional silhouette.

The course is aiming to provide knowledge about methods and techniques related to silhouette
development – draping, sculpting, creative pattern-making.
The course will provide information on:
– How to create a concept for further design development.
– How to use sculpting material;
– How to combine concept and form.
– How to advance and breakdown the object.
– How to pattern-make the V1 object.
The course will take up twelve days allowing time to experiment with the process. Over this period
students work will be transformed from the Idea to a dimensional object, to finished constructed object
consisting of patterns.
The complexity of the sculptures should be manageable within the time. Students are asked to direct
their work towards their own concept for the main theme. During the course talks relating to the content
will take place.

About the teacher:

Dainius Bendikas is a designer and holds a degree in fashion design. An Adjunct in the Fashion Design Department of Iceland University of Arts. His teaching emphasis are on conceptual, technical and functional aspects of fashion, object and product development. Creative and constructive innovation and experimental approach towards objects while synchronizing overall creative direction.
Dainius has been creating, instructing and organizing various programs and activities for students by way of courses, collaborations and workshops. Dainius has 7 years of professional experience working with various brands as head designer, product developer, creative direction consultant and has experience in various manufacturing processes.

Jurgita Jankutė-Mirinavičienė is a theater set and costume designer. She created scenography and costumes for different plays and contemporary dance performances at the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre, National Drama Theatre, State Small Theatre of Vilnius, others. She teaches History of Costume and Costume Construction at Vilnius Academy of Arts.

Applications should include:
Full Name;
Home school;
Study year and level;
A motivation statement (max 250 words);
Pattern-making experience (description);
A link to your portfolio and CV and phone number.
All applications should be sent to db@dainiusbendikas.com
Deadline to apply: the 27th of Apr, 2018
Decisions on selection are announced by 1st of May, 2018

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