TRANSFORMATION. Express course in Latvia

TRANSFORMATION (ceramics wood firing workshop)

Teaching period:  15.05. – 22.05.2018 (14th May – arrival, 23rd May – departure)
Teacher(s):  Prof. Dainis Lesins, Dainis Pundurs, Ainars Rimicans, Liga Skarina, Eugenia Loginova / Art Academy of Latvia
Number of available places for CIRRUS students: 5
Level: BA / MA
Requirements: to prepare two project drawings for your design objects upon the arrival. One month prior to the symposium, the participants will receive detailed information about the assignment.

Application deadline: 30.03.2018. The results will be announced on 03.04.2018.

How to apply:
Application should include your name, surname, home school, study year and level, phone number and e-mail, a short motivation letter and some photos of your art works (portfolio, link or website) to the e-mail address with subject CIRRUS express:

CIRRUS/Nordplus grant available: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR weekly


Course description:

The course is envisaged as a international student symposium, during which an intensive programme will be carried out. It includes lectures, workshops, professional practice, wood kiln firings (two different technologies: one black – smoked low temperature firing, other – high temperature soda wood firing), attendance of museums, galleries and the participation at the Pop-Up exhibition of the symposium works at the Art Academy of Latvia.

Assignment: inspired by the sample of the given pitcher from the historical Latvian folk pottery, the participant has to create self-made design object – a pitcher, the design pearl of the 21st century. One month prior to the symposium, the participants will receive detailed information about the assignment and the photo of the given Pitcher.

Envisaged results: students will obtain the knowledge in the field of ceramics design and wood firing technologies by practically developing the project in ceramics. The project works will be displayed at the exhibition.

Additional information:

Venues of the symposium – Art Academy of Latvia, Riga, City centre. Organizers do not offer accommodations.

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