“Extended drawing” express course by Vilnius Academy of Arts

The Faculty of Klaipeda (Vilnius Academy of Arts) are  hosting joint Cirrus workshop “Extended drawing” in-between architecture/printmaking/research in Klaipeda.


1,5 ECTS
CIRRUS seats: 6
CIRRUS/Nordplus grant available: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + 70 EUR weekly allowance

Klaipeda, Lithuania
November 27th – December 1st, 2017 (arrival 26th, departure 2nd)


The workshop aims to reveal possibilities and potentialities in between architectural research and graphical research from a craftman’s point of view – through drawing and making that is. By combing architectural design thinking, drawing and graphical reproduction we will look for a new kind – extended – craft or practice. The experiments which will lead to this result will reveal possibilities of “extending” as a valid way to find new ideas, techniques and practices.

During this workshop we will make and explore a basic spatial structure, look for ways of communicating its qualities and inquire possible ways of imagining those qualities on a two dimsnional carrier. By combining drawing and reproduction we will reinterpret the final outlook of the structure. The workshop involves collaborative reasoning, making, drawing and printing. The final product of the workshop will evolve during the sessions by collaboratively negotiating the final outlook of the presentation/exhibition.


The workshop, combines reflection (research) – practice and production and will be divided into the three parts:

part 1 (wrong) perspective(s);

part 2 graphical techniques and reproduction ;

part 3 (re)presentatiion concluded with a critical/reflective open exhibition.


6 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools.

The workshop are open to students from disciplines: Interior design, Graphic design, Architecture and sculpture/ 3D design.


Level: BA students
The teacher of the workshop is dr. arch. Robin Schaeverbeke, lecturer Mixed Media KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture.

Application process:  fill application due October 23rd, 2017
Decisions on selection will be announced by November 6th, 2017

Apply with a short motivational letter and a link to your portoflio to the lecturer Vaidotas Dapkevicius vaidotas.dapkevicius@vda.lt


About lecturer

Robin Schaeverbeke (Bruges, januari 1974) got fascinated by architecture through a training as a

draughtsman within Beaux-Arts methods of (architectural) drawing at the Academy Of Fine Arts, Bruges.

From there on he moved to Ghent and Brussels to take on the study of Master within Architecture graduating in 1998 at the Sint-Lucas School of Architecture. Left Belgium for Rotterdam in 1999 to

develop designing and graphical skills within several Dutch offices. From 2004 onwards he took the

opportunity to teach, redevelop and research directions for drawing courses at the Sint-Lucas School of

Architecture, Brussels, Belgium. In August 2016 Robin successfully defended his PhD dissertation

“Extended Drawing” wherein he explores the concept of extension as valuable way to progress in

transformative fields of practice.

His active and passive interest in musical improvisation led to a thesis which explores the concept of improvisation in design and drawing processes.


You can find additional information about lecturer here: www.mmblog.be





Monday 27 th

10.00 – 10.30 Presentation of the workshops

10.30 -12.00 Collective building of first structure

12.00- 13.00 Lunch break

13.00 –15.00 Plotting a first plan

15.00 –15.30 Break

15.30 -17.00 Photographic analysis of the structure + exploring possible perspectives

17.00 –17.30 Roundup day 1


Tuesday 28th

10.00 -10.30 Presentation (wrong perspectives)

10.30 -12.00 Drawing and exploring wrong perspectives

12.00 -13.00 Lunch break

13.00 -15.00 Tracing shadows and lines (01)

15.00 – 15.30 Break

15.30 -17.00 Refining the drawings (02)

17.00 -17.30 Roundup day 2


Wednesday 29 th

10.00 -10.30 Presentation of printing techniques

10.30 -12.30 Preparation of the files and plates

12.00 -13.00 Lunch break

13.00 -17.00 Open printing sessions

17.00 -17.30 Roundup day 3


Thursday 30 th

10.00 -12.00 Open drawing/printing sessions (planning the exhibition)

12.00 -13.00 Lunch break

13.00- 17.00 Finalisation drawings and prints

17.00 -17.30 Roundup day 4


Friday 01st

10.00- 12.30 Final presentations/exhibition open review

12.00-13.00 Lunch break and roundup workshop


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