Express course: Printmaking on textile: process and methods

CIRRUS Express course
Printmaking on textile: process and methods
University of Bergen, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design 
Course period: 11.9-29.9.2017
Course leaders: Ingrid Aarset, Tone Saastad, Kari Dyrdal and Lise Finne
Course level: BA/MA
Number of places for Cirrus students: 2
ECTS: 4,5
Apply by sending a brief motivation letter and work examples (max 3) to no later than 1 August.
CIRRUS grant: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR) + weekly allowance 70 EUR

Course description

The aim is to show a lot of possibilities when processing textiles, using printrelated techniques in different manners and to show how this processing developes ideas and open up for new visual languages. There will be lectures on art projects related to the medium.

The course will provide a basic introduction to the use of fiber reactives dyes, specifically developed for textile materials, pigment dyes, resist printing, discharge printing, digital printing with fiberreactive dyes, devoré and monoprinting with silkscreens.

There will be theoretical introductions to each new theme followed by practical tutorials in the studios. The students will acquire individual experience and get to know the workshops very well.

KHIB new building
University of Bergen, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design  
new building

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