6 seats open to an intensive course in Lapland, 5.2 – 9.2.2018

CIRRUS IP “Nature, Design and Innovation”,
6 student seats open for the whole network
Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland
5.2. – 9.2. 2018 (arrival 4.2. and departure 10.2.)

The Faculty of Art and Design in the University of Lapland hosts joint Cirrus workshop on nature, design and innovation. Other organizing partners are Iceland Academy of the Arts and Estonian Academy of Arts.

Overall objects of the workshop:

  • To create awareness and hands-on experience for innovative design opportunities linked with nature context and materials
  • To learn concept and prototyping in the cross section of traditional and modern techniques
  • To familiarize students with themes on innovation and entrepreneurship, integrated into the workshop content through lectures and visits


The workshop focuses on nature as an important part of the design concept, and addresses developing innovative design concepts and prototypes on the theme. The workshop theme Arctic Design, emphasizing the special nature characters of the Lapland area and arctic environment as design context and inspiration. Interactive design concepts and prototypes are developed along with the guidelines of sustainability and nature respect, targeting to innovative designs. The workshop and laboratory premises at Faculty of Art and Design provide good and versatile facilities for design work, industrial design with both traditional and modern equipment, interactive prototypes (e.g. sensor kits, soldering), and service design laboratory SINCO, which supports co-design with embodied techniques. During the workshop, the students go through the design process from background information in the context, concept design, and prototyping. The workshop consists of joint lectures and visits to local companies and producers, as well as of group works with final presentations.


Awareness and skills for creating innovative designs in the cross-section of traditional and modern design techniques, with the focus on nature context and materials. Design concepts and prototypes developed during the course.

Six (6) students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools, in addition to organizing schools’ 18 students.

The accommodation is organized in a dormitory. Students will receive a grant to cover the travel and accommodation costs.

Level: BA and MA students

The teachers of the workshop are:

Prof. Jonna Häkkilä, University of Lapland
Prof. Lennart Mänd, Estonian Academy of Arts
Prof. Gardar Eyjolfsson, Iceland Academy of the Arts
Pertti Aula, university teacher, University of Lapland
Ashley Colley, university researcher, University of Lapland

Application process:  To apply for a CIRRUS network student place, write a max. one page letter describing your motivation and background, and email it to jonna.hakkila@ulapland.fi by 10.1.2018. Title your email with ‘Application for Nature, Design and Innovation’. Decisions on selection are announced by 14.1.2018.
Students from organizing institutes (University of Lapland, Iceland Academy of the Arts, and Estonian Academy of Arts), to apply, please contact your professor who is listed as a teacher for the course.




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